Active Members Only: Kontakt Problems with Windows? Please Post Here!!!

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Introninja, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    People really aren't getting the Active Members only part of this thread or simply ignoring it because it's more convenient for them. If you need approval to post here then you're not an active member. In that case I would just open a topic in the Kontakt forum.
  2. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Some just don't get the message...

    Guys & gals i would love to help you, but that doesn't mean you should take advantage and beg for help and then disappear from the forum to reappear when something else goes wrong?
    How's is that fair to me? Contribute and i will take care of you and that's a guarantee, i don't make promises (promises are too a fool)

    Please honor my request , all those who ignore will never be helped, even after gaining a member status here.

    Thank You & happy New Year
  3. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    I see the last two posts are admonitions about people coming here just to ask for help. I'm new to this site in particular but if you can check my (admittedly limited) post history you'll see I'm not just mooching here. If it offends you just delete it I guess.

    Anyway, I just did some stripping down of my Windows 7 to try and improve DAW/ASIO performance. Basically everything's better than it was before except Kontakt.

    Basically I did the standard stuff of stripping the interface down as much as I could tolerate (the basic, not the classic that looks like 1 step above DOS), setting my OS to prioritize background functions to reduce glitches and dropouts, disabling services that don't do anything useful, disabling the firewall since my music computer isn't connected to the net, disabling unnecessary crap from loading on start up.

    Anyway, next time I loaded up Samplitude my Kontakt interface was very glitchy. At first every BMP in the interface's multiple pages was visible on top of one another. I closed Samp and opened Kontakt up in standalone and it was fine. Opened it back up in Samp. Now I couldn't click away from the particular page of the loaded patch's interface. Closed Kontakt and opened it in Live, worked fine. Tried it in Samp again and discovered that I could browse through the patch's interface, but only while my song was playing.

    The instrument/patch in question was a bass from StudioLinkedVst, called West Coast Classic (or WC Rider, can't remember which it was. I'll fill this in when I get back to my music pc)

    Anyway, it was working perfectly fine until I did the 'optimization' stuff. So if anyone has any suggestions as to what I might've disabled to cause this, I'd appreciate it. Frankly it's not a huge concern now that I've figured out a workaround, but I figure some of you might have some ideas of what to check right off the top of your head.

    Edit: It was West Coast Rider Classic Edition. So neither was wrong.
  4. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    I think disabling Aero is your root cause?
  5. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Well I put it back on Aero and rechecked the "optimize for best appearance" box under computer>properties>advanced (I think that's the path. could be missing a step, but I'm sure you know which menu I mean), opened the same project in Samplitude, no problems as of yet. Jury's out till I try it a couple more times, but it certainly looks like you're right. I guess I need to decide what's more important. I've noticed when my CPU is being heavily taxed, not having to load all those cutesy little graphical whooshes makes a big difference. Plus I really don't exercise good plugin/CPU management unless the size of a project forces me to. I'm that moron that'll load three different instances of a convolution reverb for each of the three verses on a song instead of sending them all through a bus. So right now I'm thinking maybe I can live with hitting play to work around the buggy Kontakt UI.

    I very much appreciate your input. It might have taken me a day or two of dicking around before I figured it out on my own.
  6. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    No problem, Glad i can help :wink:
  7. DanteUruzu

    DanteUruzu Kapellmeister

    Mar 3, 2013
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    I've been having a problem with Kontakt 5.4.x and it's been getting to me more and more as of late. Granted, it's not a major problem but it's quite annoying. Especially if I just want to launch the Standalone Kontakt (SAK from this point forward). Let me go in depth a bit more.

    It all started when I first updated to 5.4.0. Before that I was on the latest 5.3.x release. When I installed the first 5.4.x update and tried to run the SAK, I got a crash that said "Kontakt 5 has encountered a major problem and has been terminated. A crashlog file has been generated in the following location: [location of crash logs] Please provide this crashlog to the Native Instruments technical support. Thank you for your cooperation!" I posted about it in the release page back when 5.4.0 was released here and Catalyst suggest I try to update from 5.2.x, so I did that. I uninstalled Kontakt and reinstalled 5.2.x and then tried to update to 5.4.0. Once the installation finished I tried to run the 5.4.0 standalone again... and the same crash and error message appeared.
    What's funny is that the VST versions of Kontakt worked (and still do) almost perfectly fine (there's two issues where it wouldn't show network drives and wouldn't open instruments over the network as well as not remembering where I last was navigating in the Files pane or library pane).
    So, I waited a bit and 5.4.1 was released. I completely uninstalled Kontakt and this time i removed everything that I could find related to it (registry, folders, files, etc.) and then restarted the computer. I installed the update and... same problem! Of course, the VST version still worked fine. Some more time passes and 5.4.2. I uninstalled Kontakt, uninstalled Service Center, removed everything related to those in the registry and folders, installed 5.2.1 (standalone and VST opened up in every version EXCEPT 5.4.x), updated to 5.4.2... and the same thing happens. Again, the VST versions still continued to somewhat work.

    Just the other day I tried something. I uninstalled Reaktor and got the feeling shortly after that I should run SAK... so I did... and it worked! I was excited! I couldn't understand why Reaktor was causing the problem, but I didn't care as long as things were fine. I didn't really use Reaktor anyway, so it wasn't a loss. At the time I had Sibelius 7.5.1 running. That's important. Why? Because a few hours later, I closed Sibelius and decided to try to open SAK again to see if things were still going smoothly. I was met with extreme disappointment and sorrow. I was getting the same crash and error message as before. I was confused. Why was SAK working when Sibelius open but not when it wasn't running?
    I tried uninstalling Sibelius to see if that would fix things, but it had no effect, so I reinstalled it. I then got the idea to see if SAK would open when I had Notion open (another scoring app) and then I tried it with Studio One. SAK opened when I had either of those apps open. I was even more lost. Why does it open with one of those apps open but not when they are not?
    I thought for a moment and then asked myself... what do those three apps have in common? They all allow the use of VST and VSTi's... how is that significant, I wondered. How does that affect the SAK and not the VST versions of Kontakt? Why is it only 5.4.x that that happens and not previous versions. And why is it only my pc that does that (Windows 8.1 x64, 8GB RAM, Dual Core Processor)? I'm still clueless about that all of that.

    I am REALLY hoping someone can help me solve this problem. Phew, sorry about all of the text!

    TL;DR The standalone version of Kontakt 5.4.x crashes and produces an error message but the VST versions work perfectly fine. The standalone version opens up when I have Sibelius, Notion, or Studio One open. Everything worked perfectly with with previous versions of Kontakt. Help me, please!

    I should also mention that I'd downgrade if I didn't have patches re-saved with a 5.4.x version of Kontakt.

    Sorry for the lengthy post!
  8. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Sir Dante, have you tried installing for example 5.2.1 and then NOT installing the 5.4.2 update, only copy dlls and exe from it where they belong?
  9. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Sir Dante, check your pm....sorry for that.

    But regarding this issue I believe your Asio drivers are the issue, which version do you have installed? 2.11 gave me these same issues but 2.9 worked excellent.

    I could be wrong, but the symptoms are convincing lol
  10. DanteUruzu

    DanteUruzu Kapellmeister

    Mar 3, 2013
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    First off, thank you Andrew and Introninja for getting back to me :)

    Checked and responded. :)

    I tried both solutions, but, sadly, neither of them worked :(.
  11. bobdule

    bobdule Audiosexual

    Dec 28, 2014
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    hello, crossing 2 pc by network... can cause trouble on the add library mode.

    i made a fake library with all the old mode nki's in.

    kontakt on win7 need to make childrens subfolder on the XP server to see/take the files such as .nicnt

    from win7 it dont read .nicnt files from a root folder

    xp drive/shared folder/file.nicnt is not good
    xp drive/shared folder/children folder/file.nicnt works

    by this way i added all the old libraries, showing and charging by the library menu.

    i hacked regedit, xml service center, but it was not enough .... kontakt on win7 was stupid on the network management.
    from the other side on XP all is ok.

    maybe it can help network users for the not registering libraries.

    tested on Kontakt 5.3.1 on both machines for more compatibility.
  12. räuber_hotzenplotz

    räuber_hotzenplotz Newbie

    Oct 22, 2013
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    Hi guys!

    I'm having some troubles with my Kontakt 5.4.2 (Win7/64bit) concerning loading times of some libraries.
    I recently upgraded my computer and switched from 32bit to 64bit. I also have 16GB of RAM and a new SSD hard drive on which i installed my OS and all the programs (including Kontakt).

    Everything is fine except the problem that some libraries load very very slow. A medium-sized 5GB library (in my case Samplephonics Dirty modular) needed about 5 minutes to be loaded!
    And on my old system this library was loaded in about 1 minute. Kontakt and all the libraries i have were together on 1 physical hard drive which is not the case right now - can this be the reason for the slow loading time??

    Hope you guys can help me out :)

    thanks in advance!

    edit: i did some tests now.. and it seems that only some few libraries load so slowly. but i have the impression that the loading times in general have become longer and thats pretty fucked up.... :P
  13. räuber_hotzenplotz

    räuber_hotzenplotz Newbie

    Oct 22, 2013
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    ...... and i got one more ;-)

    i just added one library via the "add library" tab but the library isn't shown on the left column ...? i tried to add again but Kontakt says that the library is already added - but i can't see it ?!

    So, please guys help me out if you can ;-)
  14. yuka

    yuka Newbie

    Dec 30, 2014
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    Hey there Kontakt friends :) This is an awesome topic and very good support. I love audiosex forums, and learned already a lot of things here. I posted in another thread my way of how I use cracked Kontakt 5. I actually had Kontakt 5 player installed from KOMPLETE selection library that came with my Maschine 2 legit. I then extracted the cracked exe and dll from 5.4.2 R2R release.. and deleted the legit Kontakt 5 player .dll , caus otherwise my Maschine 2.2.3 legit would always load the the player dll.. no matter what. So I deleted the player .dll and now Maschine loads the cracked one :) When clicking on NI logo it shows its "full" however I still have the Kontakt 5 player picture (GUI) , all libraries work so its just cosmetics. Is there a way to fix this GUI to a full one, without reinstalling all things? Also I got another question, if I installed the cracked version and uninstalled the player, will the cracked Kontakt 5 add stuff to my registry, and pop up in Service Center?

    Thanks mates and keep up the good work.
  15. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    This thread was very helpfull to me, expecially the registry "hacks" and the lettering limitation (never go past the letter F in the nicnt file) ... that little detail was driving me crazy :rofl:

    a big thanks to the "GURU" :wink:
  16. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Man people just completely ignore the Active Members part of this don't they. You have to be a member for a while to get in-depth Kontakt help. This isn't a drive through. *no*
  17. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    ??? have I said something wrong ?

    ...I am not asking for help; just wanted to thank the "Guru" for everything He wrote in this thread ?!? :dunno:
  18. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    No Rhodes, there always unapproved posts of 1-one post newbies who are trying to get in & get out without contributing, Cat sent that out to all of them, he really appreciate comments like yours :bow:

    Thank You
  19. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Ah, I see...
    I thought it was addressed to me, since it was right after my post... my lapsus.

    To say Thanks is the minimum I can do... wish I could do more :mates:
  20. yuka

    yuka Newbie

    Dec 30, 2014
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    Hey just one silly question, is it normal that even cracked version which I tried now shows Kontakt Player picture instead of just Kontakt. It's Full however when I click the NI logo, do all of you got that "Player gui"?


    Never mind the latest updated changed the gui to Kontakt only.

    Best, yuka
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