MIDI Sync two PC's Together?

Discussion in 'Software' started by fleschdnb, Jan 16, 2015.

  1. fleschdnb

    fleschdnb Kapellmeister

    Jan 31, 2014
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    I work on tracks with a buddy. I bring my mobile setup to his house, and we work on one tune, but with two DAW's. We both use Studio One v2. But while I am writing drums he will be writing synth/lead, etc. Its crazy frustrating turning our metronomes on and matching tempo between the two computers. lol. (Yes, ghetto I know)

    So we want to try to somehow sync the midi clock, or use master/slave midi so when he or I (or either and not both) press "play" it starts them both, with timelines matched up, and transport buttons, etc.

    I figured "This must be simple to do like, MIDI sync over WIFI" or something.. but come to find out, 6 hours later researching, and I got nothing.

    ANyone have any solutions?

  3. Resonance

    Resonance Newbie

    Apr 15, 2014
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    midioverLAN CP will operate over a network cable


    there's older version's without the CP in the name floating about somewhere out there if price puts you off but syncing is not a problem, can't remember if it used to be called midioverLan or just midiLan
  4. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Usually you would attach a MIDI interface to both computers and connect IN (1) to OUT (2).

    Sorry I cannot help. I guess that Presonus, even after many years of S1 development, still haven't gotten to fix one of the most simple and basic features: Midi master and slave sync.
    S1 seems to be especially weak at slave-syncing to MIDI.

    Maybe S1 is a bad choice if you want to use MIDI at all? Probably :dunno:

    S1 as a master and Ableton or Logic or Cubase as a slave shouldn't be a problem.


    BTW, a MIDI over LAN solution will only be usable if you can adjust the latency offset time.
    Midi over WiFi will always introduce the problem of jitter:
    The latency is not constant, so even if you can adjust a timing offset value, both DAWs won't always play tightly together.
  5. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    That's pretty hilarious, that they haven't implemented/fixed that. I guess MIDI sync/MTC went out of style.
    Forever alone bedroom producer.
  6. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Studio One is not there yet, that's for sure. I always say: get the basics down first, then worry about the flashy stuff.
  7. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    No no no, you're not alone.
    There are quite a few forums where people are complaining about this issue *yes*

    I don't think MIDI sync is out of style. Various hardware (Synths, h/w sequencers, drum machines, Midi Sync boxes) and software manufacturers still add it to their products today.
    When it's available, people actually do use it, and when its implementation is flawed, people start complaining, me included :bleh:

    Syncing hardware gear with software can be a lot of fun, and I woundn't want to miss it.

    If you're writing drum tracks, you have a fair amount of alternatives that can slave-sync to MIDI.
  8. fleschdnb

    fleschdnb Kapellmeister

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Thanks alot for your replies everyone. This is pretty much the conclusion I came to. Fiction, U are spot on. I installed rtpMIDI driver for windows, but then found that no clock syncing in Studio 1. This is exactly the reason for "try before you buy" I think. You might not know you need a feature until a month down the road. I have been trying to stay away from Live, but I think its time to go there.

    Here is to learning another DAW, brothers!
  9. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Studio One can't act as slave because is the king. Joking aside i found people always want something more than ordinary daw. I guess i'm a lucky user since Studio One has got all the features i need plus cool extras. I believe that with 2 major daws we can cover the 120% of what we really need. Like a combo FL+ableton S1+logic should work.
    I'm just curious once synced the 2 computer how things will work?
  10. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    In short, when one DAW is the master and the other one is the slave, you'll essentially be able to control the transport of both DAWs from the master. If you want to work (i.e. control the transport and start rec/playback) on the slave independently, you'll usually have to switch back to internal sync on the slave. Some DAWs can optionally recognize when you hit PLAY on the slave and switch back to internal sync automatically.

    Note that a Midi-clock-slaved DAW project will not necessarily always be in perfect sync by design because especially when you have tempo changes during a song in your master project and want the audio tracks to follow too, you have to be aware of how you actually want them to behave: Either they just continue playing at the same speed (which is not a problem for short snippets but *is* for longer takes) or they are getting re-pitched or they get time-stretched to the master's bpm. This is kind of a regulatory circuit principle is called "Chase Sync" because the slave must try to hunt the master bpm as closely as possible without adjusting its bpm too quickly (and overshoot for a short period with a bpm value too high) or too slow (running out of sync for a short period).
    The fact that the slave has to measure the master's clock pulses, average them to make the bpm guessing more stable and calculate the bpm out of the results, can give one the impression that this is completely flawed bs, lacking a more sophisticated MIDI protocol for tight master-slave-syncing.

    In reality, a properly implemented master-slave scenario will work quite well however, with the only value to be adjusted by the user is the "Timing Offset" value in milliseconds.
    As long as you only use MIDI/VSTi tracks on the slave, you should be fine even with bpm changes.

    And not every genre has songs with tempo changes all the time, right? :dancing:
  11. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Studio one can't be synced as slave due to his PDC/latency system handler wich is the best i've ever heard. It stays always in sync no matter what happens. What music gente are you working in?
  12. fleschdnb

    fleschdnb Kapellmeister

    Jan 31, 2014
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    we typically make dnb, no need for tempo shifts. I tried LIVE and its too far from the DAW's im comfortable with. I know, I am lazy, but.. so much time goes into getting everything working properly that I just dont have the downtime to learn a new DAW, and for both of us to learn a new DAW.. blah. So, we will just stick to doing it manually from now on inside Studio one.

    Im actually thinking of a new way, we have a MIDI interface, and we both have M-Audio Axiom Air 25's with midi outs and in's. Im thinking of runnin my midi cable out to his Midi interface, and just settings my transport buttons on my the Axiom to control his studio one transport start/stop/record. In this case, he wouldnt be able to control my transpoort, but I would be able to control his. Good enough for what were doing.

    Thanks everyone for helping me brainstorm that though! Some valuble info I got from this thread. many thanks!