Looking for a job (abroad in EU)

Discussion in 'Job Listings: Finding, Hiring.' started by Andrew, Jan 12, 2015.

  1. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Between worlds
    Hello friends,
    turned out the France I talked about in AudioZ isn't happening :( :( .
    The person I was in contact with used someone else's name, so they're likely fraud. And thus this left me desperate.

    So I am looking for a job or a project collab (which concerns moving to another country, I am well prepared for that) on film/scenic music, classics and jazz. Even with minimum musical education, I'm entirely self-taught and would happily cooperate on large projects.
    But I'd actually accept any kind of musically oriented job, at least moderately paid.

    Thank you for your support
    With best regards and with great hopes.

    Andrew/EtherealVoice :bow:
  3. Kobayashi Maru

    Kobayashi Maru Member

    Jan 14, 2014
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    Hope you get something sorted bud.

    Here is a link to Indeed jobs UK for possible music orientated jobs. Music jobs

    I'll keep an ear open for anything from any friends.

  4. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Get a Job you bum :rofl:

    But keep the Faith it will come to ya :wink:
  5. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    where i live they want people to work here for 1 euro a hr,
    some parts of the eu can be a cruel place when your ( un eag a k ted )no google help on that spelling,
    i guess this applies to every where.
    like you music is my best hope for escaping this and as they say where dreams are born.

    you should even think about trying to start up your own thing where you are.
    determination is the key to success and with time comes wisdom and experience.

    all the best :wink:


    I see Albert Einstein in there *yes*
  6. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Between worlds
    Hi there,
    after 1 1/2 month still no luck. :(
    Any news would be greatly appreciated. :mates:
    For those interested - You can contact me through PM if you wish to stay private.

    Thank you indefinitely in advance. *yes*
  7. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    My feeling is that people have become redundant due to the increadible performance in managing human resources. The vision of a human resource parallels any vision of how to exploit a given niche.Under the business perspective the entire plot is about revenues and/or sustainability in the worse case.There is no a real ethical commitment, out of the scope of the company 's logic.Acting under the self-interest is the definition of business proceedings; this can perfectly integrate enourmous ammounts of unfairness, opportunism, depredation, domination, even sadism.The so called forces of the market are precisely driven by this principle,to me stock markets,finance in general are the articulation of it.The problem is that the self interest is a core principle for individuals too.It should be asked how much of this agenda is in daily mundane interactions. How much the self, a cultural perspective by which the individual self identifies as a genuine unit,is no more than a deceptive experience.
    So my question Andrew,why has to be the U.S? Media industry is highly competitive. I guess that in the States must be a large number of perfectly skilled guys seeking the same chance,but with the advantage of having a better understanding of all the to do and not to do, plus a rooted network.Not to mention that we should ask as well how many of them have a hard time pursuing this very same dream.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 28, 2015
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