Watch Waves Audio/Mixing show and win mix from Eddie Kramer!

Discussion in 'Education' started by TommyMoran, Jan 4, 2015.

  1. TommyMoran

    TommyMoran Newbie

    Sep 17, 2014
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    Awesome new promotional effort from waves to recruit viewers of their new educational audio show! Register to watch it this week and you get a free Eddie Kramer guitar plug-in and a chance to have the legend himself mix one of your tracks!! :)
  3. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Sweet! Thanks for the info. :mates:
  4. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    LMFAO what is he going to mix it in the box or pull out his $400,000 SSL or Sony Console?

    You people are very naive LOL.

    All this mixing in the box with plugins is all crap and you all know it.

    Without a good studio to record in
    Good mics, Pre mic amps, Mic Compressers, Eq's etc and then a $300,000 SSL console to mix it in

    A normal mid range Studio has minimum $300,000 in hardware. Let alone the in the box stuff they have.

    Is it getting better? Sure it is, hardware is coming down in prices, but not at what it should be right now.

    The hardware market is still a big Monopoly by the big players.

    Notice the chinese stay away from certain products that they copy. Anything German, Anything with Hollywood, anything with the music industry they stay clear of it. Even though these companies make their products in china, notice they are still absurd in their prices

    I think everyone got confused with the move to Digital Daw's, they forgot oh crap you still need a mixer, you still need a good room, you still need the hardware !!! LOL.

    A daw is useless as you still need the hardware to record with.

    That is why every time I see a video of a "Produssa" showing Protools running on a $200,000 console I laugh my ass off every time, take away the console and give them a $500 Mixer and Protools is a Daw doing nothing.
  5. zero-frag

    zero-frag Producer

    Feb 2, 2014
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    I don't think that's necessarily true in all cases. If you're making electronic music or making music using only sample libraries (which have been recorded with good hardware). A good daw and good plugins is actually enough. If you want to record your band using 2 microphones using only software applications, then that's another story :rofl:
  6. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    It depends how many people play at once. My mate who is signed to Universal/Republic basically did his album with a MacBook Pro, one average mic, an Axiom USB keybord, a Maschine Mikro and an Apogee Duet.

    PS Vampire Weekend claim to have recorded large parts of their album on a home UAD setup ..
  7. TommyMoran

    TommyMoran Newbie

    Sep 17, 2014
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    Are..... are you being facetious? Or are you actually this arrogant.....

    How many people do you think have access to that kind of hardware? :sad: And... of those people, how many do you think are watching Waves tutorials on basic components of mixing???Everyone knows virtual emulations of hardware are nowhere near perfect. But you're terribly misinformed if you think that virtual plug-ins don't bring a heck of a lot to the table.

    Ultimately, it's incredibly genre dependent. It depends what you're trying to do, but you can do a lot off of just a laptop these days.

    Besides, for most people... 'in the box' mixing is all we've got. :boombox:
  8. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    But that is what my point was about if you read the last part of the post.

    People get caught up in the "He must be Pro if he uses that"

    Here is my ultimate example on how money is the only difference period no matter how you try to spin it

    Give me a $1000 Mixer
    Give Kramer the same Mixer
    Give CLA the same Mixer

    What is the result? SAME we allget the same sound as that is all we have to mix with that mixer only.

    I am not a begineer when it comes to audio. So in the end Money is the difference between me Kramer and CLA.

    Now here is my other example in which you have no choice but to agree.

    Now reverse that, I have a $250,000 SSL console
    CLA and Kramer boy are given that $1000 mixer

    Even though those guys have 30+ years of more experience than me the final results are not even worth questioning.

    This is my whole point, that money in many cases ( not all) is the only differece between being called a Pro and an Amateur.

    Even though those Amtaeurs may even have more intelligence and even more skills than those 2 put together.

    Because that "Amateur" will never had the money or chance to actually use those higher end tools, his skills will never be demonstrated.

    So being righ and having a $300,000 SSL console does mean you know shit about audio, it just means you have the money to THINK YOU KNOW HOW TO MIX.

    I have actually told some pros in studios to do this challenge

    Here is a $50 Mic go and record= a dumb look on their faces.

    Money friends MONEY!
  9. eksproducer

    eksproducer Member

    May 9, 2014
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    I friggin fell asleep 1 hour before the show *no* *no*

    Do you guys know a good educational vid for learning Waves Audioshell ? And did one of you guys witness how to get the eddie kramer plugin?
  10. TommyMoran

    TommyMoran Newbie

    Sep 17, 2014
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    Honestly, I completely misunderstood you the first time. I thought you were saying their's effectively no point mixing with plug-ins that will never sound as good as billion dollar hardware.

    I totally get you now though :thumbsup: And I get your frustration. It's hard to imagine these big wig guys get their names heard because of just luck. I'm sure they're all pros at playing the business aspect of things as much as the music aspect. That's how they get the money to use the equipment they do.