Easiest Way To Warp Tracks For A Mix in Ableton

Discussion in 'Live' started by AB69, Jan 10, 2015.

  1. AB69

    AB69 Newbie

    Sep 14, 2014
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    Does it make a difference if I warp all the tracks individually (some will have different bpms) and then reimport those warped tracks into a new live mix project, or can I say use master tempo at 128, set it to min-128 max-140 and then warp my 128 bpm track, 130 bpm track, etc. in the same project?

    Can I warp different tracks of different bpms in the same ableton live project?

    If I just warped a 125 bpm track, and then want to warp a 132 bpm track in the same project, is that possible will it have the same finished result or do will the tempo change mess things up? Thanks.
  3. ereere

    ereere Newbie

    May 6, 2014
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    all warped tracks have to be done one at a time

    warped tracks match the bpm of the project tempo

    you could let live do it,but i find it only works 50-60% of time for full tracks

    find the first beat but a marker down,right click,set as 1.1,right click again. warp from here straight,

    then i like to snap every 16 or 8 bars to grind,

    dont forget to save clip settings the each track
  4. zero-frag

    zero-frag Producer

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Yes you can import different tempos into the same project, you just set the original tempo and desired tempo to the desired parameters.

    When you wrap, it does leave "artifacts" so be careful. Especially when slowing things down because the audio is stretched. Mess around with various settings on the wrap types(beats, complex pro) to find the one that gives you the less distortion.
    Complex Pro works really well for vocals. Beats works well for instrumentals but try different settings.
  5. vanhaze

    vanhaze Platinum Record

    Apr 13, 2012
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    Quite offtopic bit for your info: Live's warp soundengine suxx bigtime, sonically wise.
    Even Complex Pro : it should be Ableton's flagship but it it is complete b&llshit and so it sounds.

    Take a look at Bitwig or Reaper or Cubase : sonically way better warp engine.

    Ableton Livie is a joke, sonically, against other DAWs.
    Don't wanna start audio engine war but people with good ears and are in music production bizznizz for awhile surely know what i am talking about.
  6. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Confirmed. "Complex Pro" is already better than the insane quality the Warp engine used to offer, but still mediocre.

    In this case, however, warping between 125 and 132 bpm might not be too bad an idea.
    I strongly recommend to listen closely after warping!

    BTW, there are so many songs out there that can easily be spotted by Ableton's (especially former) bad warp quality. It's quite annoying to hear that and to find that the respective producers apparently didn't care about the sound quality either.