Windows 8 is said to include a new 'app store' kill switch

Discussion in 'PC' started by SAiNT, Dec 16, 2011.

  1. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    a shit happened and i removed the whole topic. fortunately, i had it opened in another window, so here's the copy:
    Windows 8 to Include Software Kill Switch

    by John Lister on 20111212 @ 10:38AM EST
    Filed under Business | Microsoft | (related terms: app store, install, power, delete, mobile)

    Microsoft is stealing yet another idea from Apple and Google for its Windows Store: it can wipe apps off your device in response to legal or security problems. Windows 8 is said to include a new 'app store', where users can browse and install software for their PCs and mobile devices through Microsoft. Problem is, Windows 8 has a new feature that will let Microsoft blast apps from your PC.

    Microsoft, which has never shied away from using someone else's ideas if they offered the chance to sell more software, announced it will build a similar kill switch into apps bought from its upcoming apps store to run on Windows 8 devices. Kill switches - so called because a simple command can deactivate or delete an app -- are common in mobile app stores. Both Apple and Google can flip such a switch for apps distributed by the iOS App Store and Android Market, respectively. By next year, both software leading companies - Apple and Microsoft - will have the ability to trigger a command to wipe out an app from your system and they do not necessarily need your permission to do it.

    In the terms of use for the Windows Store, scheduled to go live in February 2012, Microsoft included a warning that also serves as a way to claim rights over someone else's computer that, in the real world, would be similar to giving an employer who pays by direct-deposit the right to withdraw as much as it wants from your bank account based on its objection to money you got from someone else.

    The news is welcomed by many, as the apps will be under strict regulations. Microsoft, however, will retain the ability to delete or remove software programs ("apps") that it deems necessary. The ability to remotely delete software on whim, critics say, gives too much power to Microsoft.

    Microsoft Offers "Try Before You Buy"
    Software developers using Microsoft's new app store will be able to offer trial copies of their software that users can later upgrade to full versions. They'll also be able to take in-app payments, potentially allowing users to subscribe to software services.

    By supporting app store payments, the company hopes to allay users' fears about buying from unknown vendors. (Source:

    App Store Versus Manual Installation
    Rather than having to buy software from a developer or retailer and then install it, users will be able to add software directly to their PCs through Microsoft's web portal. This central resource will save users from having to rely on recommendations via the Internet (which according to MS can be potentially dangerous), although they will still be able to obtain and install software in the accustomed manner.

    The installation of new apps will be carried out through the app store itself. This may reduce problems of developers releasing applications that aren't properly set up to install or uninstall, which can lead to performance problems within Windows operating systems.

    Remote Killswitch for Non-legitimate Software
    Microsoft's terms and conditions for the app store are causing something of a stir, however.

    And what will happen to the data associated with the app it wipes out? Well, you could be hosed there. Microsoft explains:"You are responsible for backing up the data that you store in apps that you acquire via the Windows Store, including content you upload using those apps. If the Windows Store, an app, or any content is changed or discontinued, your data could be deleted or you may not be able to retrieve data you have stored. We have no obligation to return data to you."

    The kill switch is a prominent item in Microsoft's Windows Store terms of use. In big bold letters, they include the warning that, "We may change or discontinue certain apps or content offered in the Windows Store at any time, for any reason....In cases where your security is at risk, or where we're required to do so for legal reasons, you may not be able to run apps or access content that you previously acquired or purchased a license for." (Source: The company also noted that along with the app, it may also scrub data created by the app from a device.

    Such a clause is common in mobile device app stores, but would be a big departure from the current situation with PCs, where Microsoft literally has no control over the software people install or run, even when it's known to be a security risk.

    Responses to the new set-up will depend greatly on how much folks trust Microsoft. Both Apple and Google have the same power to disable or delete apps, known as a 'killswitch.' But only Google has used that power. On those occasions, the mobile apps were a genuine security risk and the move met with little controversy. But the app store isn't just for Windows Mobile. It's for all of Windows 8 versions, which means that you will no longer exclusively have root for your hardware. With Kill Switch, Microsoft has its own policy to regulate their own application store that will be coming soon in beta in February 2012.

    Even assuming Microsoft does responsibly use the power to rummage around the hard drive of customers at will, the ability would present an awful temptation to use it to find out what competing products a customer is running, to "optimize" Windows apps or services by shutting down those of other vendors, or just monitor customer PCs to make sure they don't load any Microsoft products illegally. This is nothing but illegal intrusive spyware!

    i ve been hearing this thing that microsoft would have kept software from running if it was illegal or cracked or dangerous since the times before vista was released and nothing happened.they re well aware that overcontrolling software and pcs would cause a dangerous blowback,and when they were trying to do so they simply couldn t ,first of all because because they couldn t deal with any software house and morever because several governments kept them from doing it.
    every governament has an antitrust law and it was changed during the years just to keep microsoft from doing whatever they wanted

    Word. ;) Windows XP is best for audio, video, and gaming. In other words - it's less taxing on your computer. Especially if you "nLited" it. ;) I do think that for browsing and Open office applications, Windows 7 is OK, though. At first, I was surprised by how graphics and effects work alright, as this is not customary with Microsoft. However, the further separation between the drivers and the hardware, especially audio, in order to enforce better protection from copying copyrighted material, has influenced audio and video efficiency. So there's absolutely nothing wrong with staying on XP for as long as your apps work in it. If I wanted a system that doesn't work optimally with my audio apps and plugins, I would rather have Ubuntu Studio with real-time kernel installed for both audio and Internet. :)As things are now, I'm prolonging this friendship between XP and me indefinitely... because, really, what it all comes down to is that your system should run your apps optimally and efficiently, that's the main goal. Not being in "trend" or similar BS. These are not the reasons you should trade a nicely working operating system that just worksm for a newer one, just because it's - newer. That's perfectly stupid. ;) :)

    Regarding "App store", it's just a way Microsoft is trying to help itself, not the user. There will be stories, horrible stories about this app store, I tell ya. ;) Same as Apple's. It's just another way of controlling what you have installed on your system. Pure rubbish. I hope there will be an option to "nLite" Windows 8 from such crap. ;)


    Believe what you want to believe,Ive got so called eight version.with the little extras unlocked.And have loaded software on with no probs.The odd bit of software wont load on.I have windows 7 which is much smother than XP you can upate to 7 from XP wich I would recomened for 7 lite wich will load on any comp with minimal of 500mb tryed and tested DONT LISTERN TO HYPE. And you can update infact you can do anything you want.Trust me the the only things Ive paid for is my Laptops.Ive been runing 7 for over a year dont use shity anti virus and only update when I need to.And the odd scan to just make sure things are sweet.And wouldnt want shity useless apps anyway.fck what
    time it is or how the weather is or stupid tweeters from the twiterers.I carnt wait for the new version of 8 to load on my other laptop play with it and test it with all my cracked software.To put in a nut shell who gives fck anyway.


    I would never stray back to XP.

    7 seems a lot smoother. I have had NO real issues and as I re-started My Audio journey on XP (after a 12 year break for Hedonistic pursuits), I can really only remember the troubles I had with the whole learning curve! Since going to 7 things have been much improved. There are LOADS of great softs for tweaking 7 and running it as YOU want it. Yamicsoft Windows 7 Manager is one of My faves.

    Regards the Big Bro approach of MS with 8, pfffft, Brothers, We are living in Halcyon Days with the Warez scene. Nothing lasts forever and with the £££`s and $$$`s that are currently being "missed" surely it cannot continue in it`s present form. Propellerheads have upped their protection, I hear a "rumor" that Ableton 9 is gonna be under a "new" protection.

    Enjoy what Ya can, while Ya can.

    ............ and DL, DL, DL!!! :bleh: `nother HDD anyone? :thumbsup:

    people wake up,it s almost 2012,don t u think it s time to stop annoying with this devotion to xp?do u like so much using a five years old OS?what the hell do u fear?why do u thinks it s the best for audio?it s more.....besides most people using xp had the 32bit version which limited the ram usage,the few ones who had the 64 bit version had to face crappy support.
    And if u like old software so much why do u go to AUDIOZ to check the new releases?
    Do u like xp?
    FIne,load it,then open your cubase sx3 and do what u want,after all records have been made before the invention of computers,btw,i have an old tascam 464,it sucks (and don t start saying bruce springsteen made a whole record with it,the sound in that record sucked),but sinc u seem to love flintstones stuff it might be good for u

    Im a Mac User but I agree that Windows XP is the best Microsoft OS :)

    Yep i agree a Mac Rip off, and yes Windows Xp is so Yesterday if youre still using, you might as well be running a 386 ibm with it Cause its some lame shit no firewire support Usb 1.1 Support only Come on what the hell are you thinking old man

    I love W7 its much more stabkle than my Mac's (MacPro and MBP with LION)

    >Microsoft is stealing yet another idea
    C'mon ... and apple stole the idea from Steam

    Apple stole resizeable windows and resume from windows.
    Resume is available since ages in Windows and is called Hibernate

    Whats next ? Apple is stealing the touch surface form win 8 ?

    >Windows 8 up to Mac OSX level of quality!!"
    Downgrading to bugginess of LION and ugly gray non transparent GUI ?

    Got win 7 on my computer at work and XP on my studio machine.

    And i totally disagree with those who said it´s time to upgrade.
    I say WHY?

    What does this OS has to offer for a studio computer?
    I say NOTHING that XP can´t offer.

    So why upgrade if it´s work for you?

    Of course if you want to switch to a 64 bit system you must do an upgrade to win 7 as i heard that XP 64 bit isn´t stable.

    I got my XP 32 bit system since 2006 now and 2 times i had to do a format of my system drive.

    The first time it was beacuse i installed a cracked programs that have virus and infected my PC.

    I could have fix it but i decided i do a format to get rid of everything and as i dont have very much on my system drive other than some installed programs it wasn´t so much work.

    The second time was when Cubase 4 & 5 Air arrived for the public.

    And my H2O programs stopped working and i have a bunch of unfinished cubase 3 and nuendo 3 project if i had been cool and waited i simply didn´t have to do a format as Air released all e-licenser software leter on.

    And i wouldn´t recomend anyone to upgrade from Xp to win7.

    If you want to switch to win7 do a clean install instead as winxp will still exist in the background.

    There is a workaround for those who have upgrade version disc to make it a clean install instead of an upgrade
  3. giobenoni

    giobenoni Newbie

    Jul 25, 2011
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    thats an easy one, don't use the bitch :)
  4. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Took the s2.D.O. offline permanantly and resurected an old system for interneting. I installed Win7 on a p4 laptop. It found all the drivers and when it did get online it only updated 2. Video and audio. This old piece of junk never ran this good. Sometimes I forget Im on a p4, Ive never been able to have like 10 or so windows open and a couple of browsers in XP. :wow: I recommend dusting off your old machine, installing win7 on it and taking your studio system off the net *yes*