VST Zone releases Eclipsis - FREE Synth Plugin

Discussion in 'Software News' started by theDingus, Jan 6, 2015.

  1. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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    VST Zone has announced the release of Eclipsis...


    Eclipsis is a hybrid wavetable synthesizer with three oscillators each with his own
    frequency and subtractive modulation.


    Additional modulation possible with 6 LFO assignable trough modulation matrix with
    9 sources and 39 modulation targets.


    Arp/Gate (Dynamics) module with abillity to assign routing to 7 targets. Two effects
    racks, each containing Reverb, Chorus and Delay effect. Unique preset randomization,
    subpreset saving/loading for easy preset creation and more.



    - Preset manager

    - Complex preset randomization

    - Subpreset saving/loading for easy preset creation/modyfication

    - Main aplitude control

    - Polyphony / voice selector (up to 32 voices)

    - Portamento (glide)

    - 3 independent oscillators each with route output, detune, phase offset, scope, ADSR, smoothing
    control (1 pole LP filter), pan and amplitude control

    - 118 Waveshapes and 3 additional tools to adjust base Waveshape (increase total number of final
    shapes to 1888)

    - FM modulation with selectable input signal source (Frequency, Pitch, Velocity), detune, waveshaper,
    scope, smoothing (1 pole LP filter) and - amplitude control

    - Subtractive modulation with 17 Filter types, cutoff modulation with selectable input signal source
    (Frequency, Pitch, Velocity), detune, - waveshaper, ADSR, scope, smoothing (1 pole LP filter) and
    amplitude control

    - Mod matrix with amplitude controls, 9 input sources and 39 mod targets

    - 6 LFOs

    - 2 Effect rack each with Reverb, Chorus/Flanger and Delay (syncable to host) effect

    - Arp/Gate module with 8 selectable targets, adjustable number of Steps (4-32), frequency control and
    divider (example: divide one 32 step pattern to 2 patterns with 16 steps), playback control (Forward,
    Forward and hold, Backward, Backward and hold, Ping Pong /Forward-Backward/)

    - Arp module section for semitones (+/-1 octave range) and for octaves (+/- 5 octaves range, pattern
    randomization, shift, load and save

    - Gate module with smoothing controls, randomization.






    FREE Direct Download HERE

    More INFO: VST Zone
  3. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Nice. This looks great for sound design and lush beds.
  4. Wow, gotta check her out, thanks tD.
  5. happyforever_1995

    happyforever_1995 Newbie

    Nov 19, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Good Job, Working FLStudio 11.1.1 (x86 and x64) :wink:
  6. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Posting like a boss. Another informative software selection. Dingus you are the man. Thanks again for taking time out to keep us up to date on all the latest. :bow: :mates:

    This looks really interesting. :grooves:
  7. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Ha! Yeah, dingus's alerts have kept me away/ or mitigated the need for KVR (thanks!) and Synthtopia!
  8. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
    Likes Received:
    the gui looks good, but again only 32 bit and upx packed - my guess is that he used synthmaster for it with custom C++ code.
  9. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    For those of us who make music and still use Windows XP *for music* instead of bothering with keeping up with what MS releases, this is alright! :wink: I don't care if it's 32bit or whatever-bit. I make music, not bothering/fighting with the OS. :rofl: I have Win7 64-bit on the laptop and it really pisses me off at times... how people cope with Windows 8 for music is beyond me, but it's their thing. I just want an OS that works without a hitch for *music making* and XP still delivers. No problems, no blue screens, no nothing - it just works. Yet internet is full of people posting about problems with Win 7 64-bit and 8 64-bit. To each their own, I guess. It is your choice. I know people who still use Win98 VERY productively for music. It is not about OS at all, it is all about your knowledge, your creativity, and most of all - *working hard*. *yes*

    Speaking of which, my *music OS* is not even connected to the Internet. That adds up nicely to the productivity and creativity. You should all try that sometime. It works. *yes*
  10. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I use Windows 8 SineWave. No problems whatsoever in making music. In fact it makes me wish I took a sledgehammer to my Windows XP system a long time ago because I hate XP. I will never understand people's fascination with that OS. It was good in it's day but that day has passed quite a long time ago. How does Windows 7 piss you off when making music?
  11. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I am not fascinated by any OS. I'm only fascinated with music, various music apps all the way from 90s to the new ones, work done without any problems, and - results. :wink: Otherwise I would use Linux for making music already. :excl:

    What if I told you that I cannot work with any other OS for music [except Win2000 and Win98...] because Adaptec ASPI layer on XP and older MS OSes is the only one that works properly with my Yamaha and Emulator samplers that use SCSI to communicate with the PC? Maybe Windows 7 could be made to work with these, but I haven't tried yet [why would I?], and Windows 8 doesn't work with it. So I can't think of any reason to change. Ever. When stuff works, it works. :wink: Why would I care about Internet [in]security since it's not even connected to the Internet? :wink:

    Speaking of old and "broken" stuff... I'm lately tempted to use Atari again for MIDI because it has the best and most precise MIDI timing. It is a bit old, huh? That's all people say - it's old. So what? :bleh: For me it's all about music, nothing else. If it had the best MIDI timing in 1991, it still has the best MIDI timing so many years later. Nothing happened to it 20+ years later. Old furniture is made to last 100s of years... compare it to the new IKEA furniture, for instance. :rofl: Not everything old is trash. Same thing with OSes.

    So I don't use XP just because I'm "old school". There are many other reasons to use that OS for music instead of anything newer from MS. Like some great old music apps that don't work on anything newer than XP, and I have plenty of those, even DOS ones! There are just too many reasons for me not to change anything... so please don't blame me for not having the latest and "greatest", as for some of us the greatest is XP. For all the aforementioned reasons. :wink: I could use Windows 8 for an Internet/office PC and that's the only use I can see currently for that OS, but I rather use Linux for that, as you know it. :wink:

    I could maybe use Win7 on my main PC, but I find it utterly unreasonable to change anything just for the sake of change and to risk that something I'm accustomed to using for years and years won't work with it. *yes* For some of us it is just not that simple to change the OS whenever a new one comes out. Not simple at all. For me it's a major PITA and there are so many variables involved... It all starts with testing, testing, and more testing on some spare PC I keep in the pantry. :rofl: If something doesn't work properly I scrap it and don't bother any more with it. Simple. *yes*

    Cheers! :mates:
  12. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I never say newer is always better, in many cases it's not. Old might be fine for an Atari but making music on a decades old OS has gotta suck in it's own way. Also a lot of software isn't even compatible so how do you get around that? I remember when I was on XP it was a nightmare when all the companies started dropping service. So happy with my Win 8 soon to be Win 10 system. :grooves: They actually made a lot of improvements to the audio stack in Windows 8. *yes*
  13. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I get around new software not working with XP by not using it. Simple. :wink: And there is plenty of new software that works with it, no problem. There are usually older versions that work with XP, but I'm also not at all obsessed with the new software, I'm more obsessed with the old *working* and *mature* software that works and 00s were [especially late 00s and 10s actually] *very* rich in great software that works nicely with XP. By moving to some newer MS OS one actually ditches most of this nice software and I don't want to ditch anything, especially when it makes my hardware part of the studio work properly. :wink: Win8 is for me going into an incompatible territory for everything: from all kinds of drivers for older hardware to programs [I actually have a really great quality SCSI scanner, too, and it only works with XP], so I don't see the use of/for it. I can understand people that use it for internet and "stuff"... but for professional use I don't. It's not all black and white in the OS realm my friends... :wink: If you want to work with music and especially if you want to include lots of hardware from the 90s and 00s into it, I recommend XP wholeheartedly. Win7 might work, maybe. And knowing Windows to the core I know that all the Windows after W2000 is mostly just a new "Desktop Environment" [to use the Linux terms] upon the old core, so there's really no reason to regret using an older MS OS. After all it all comes down to the apps you use, not the OS. It's all about "is this OS giving me what I want and I can use the apps that I love with it?" For some it will be Windows 10 or 11. For some it's still Win98. When it comes to professional use it's certainly not that easy to choose an OS to work with. I'm actually toying around with XP64 lately... :wink:

    What I said gives you the actual reason why I think I'll never be able to use Linux for audio and I'm not that depressed about it any more. It is perfectly fine for me to use an OS for audio and Linux for everything else. If only XP was a really capable real-time OS for multimedia... like BeOS used to be. ahhh :( But it works alright. Shame MS took the opposite road-path and went all bloated and buggy, and not compatible with the old hardware as it used to be, but as I said it is understandable since multimedia content makers are just marginal users of their operating systems. The huge majority of people just use their computers for Facebook and editing selfies anyway, and to them anything I pointed out in this and my last post doesn't matter at all. They can as well use Linux, and they do [Android, Tizen etc.], but most of them is still too closed minded and indoctrinated by MS PR to do that on their desktop PC. :wink:

    In the end, it's all the matter of priorities. People should know they have a choice, too. You don't have to use the newest and greatest if it doesn't work for you. It's just like the government... and our social structure, too. You have a choice, be your choice, stick to it. But this is so far more important than a discussion about a computer OS... :wink:

    That being said. I really like you Catalyst. The way you manage this forum is impeccable and you are *human with feelings* <--really important. :wink:

    I actually don't like people much. They're too self-centred, egotistic, stupid, lazy and selfish beyond belief these days especially. I have feelings and empathy for them in abundance but people have betrayed me too many times to actually trust them and the least like them. It's rare that I find people who I really like. :sad:
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