DESKTOP Mac/Hackintosh users, why do you prefer OS X over Windows

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by probablynative, Dec 28, 2014.

  1. LuckySevens

    LuckySevens Platinum Record

    Sep 23, 2012
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    3rd planet from the fireball...
    Consistent stability...
  2. Anonymous363

    Anonymous363 Noisemaker

    Nov 29, 2014
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    Rhode Island, USA
    I found that the mac is more stable than win
    I really like the interface
    and it's fast and allows me to do everything i need
    My experience on win was really bad, with osx i've never had a problem
    (i'm talking about my exp) :wink:
  3. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Audioz made me choose Windows, although a dual-boot system and/or a Hackintosh is worth having.
  4. SomeOtherGuy

    SomeOtherGuy Member

    Sep 4, 2014
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    I spent nearly 15 years making home demos using various DAW on Windows, and was constantly frustrated by driver incompatibility, lagginess, and basically the software just didn't seem all that great. So when I recorded my first album 2 years ago my producer (and all the studios we used) had Macs and ProTools, and that was my first experience with Macs. I didn't really understand how it all worked, but I was impressed and took lots of mental notes while looking over my producer's shoulder.

    About a year later I started noticing tutorial videos on YouTube about Logic and it just seemed like THIS was the DAW I had always dreamed about - it did everything, and smoothly. I didn't want to consider PT because of the copy protection mess and mostly the cost since I was just going to be making demos. So I took the plunge and got a new Mac, some pro mics, an Apollo Twin, Logic and a few plugins. At that point I still intended to make demos at home, but by the time I'd finished my 3rd demo I realized that, if I put some effort into the performance and also took some time to learn how to properly mic and mix, I could actually produce my next album at home. A year later, and hundreds of hours watching YouTube tutorials, my second album is complete. I believe I could never have accomplished it had I stayed with Windows.
  5. probablynative

    probablynative Newbie

    Dec 28, 2014
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    I didn't mean to create a thread war haha, I use OS X and Windows. They both run great on my hackintosh.
    ONE PROBLEM - I can't stick with 1 and it's frustrating -.-
  6. villageidiot

    villageidiot Newbie

    Jul 21, 2011
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    One thing that's great in OS X is that the low latency audio is built into the operating system itself (it's called Core Audio). There's no equivalent in Windows, you have to use Asio or something for that.
    Btw. there's voting for better audio in Windows 10 here:

    Don't know if it'll make any difference ..
  7. digitalfarmer

    digitalfarmer Newbie

    Dec 24, 2014
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    Like you I run both, in hackintosh
    One thing that I learn from both of your threads are: Mac People usually are cooler (in commenting about the topic at least).

    in the 'contrary thread' than this, I even saw one 'Mac'preferer' (hyem77) 'teach' a 'high rank' member how to behave in cooler way... what a funny..
  8. lenny_kravitz

    lenny_kravitz Newbie

    Dec 31, 2014
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    I prefer OS X (whether in Hackintosh or real Mac) because many good logical reasons.
    OS X is for half nerdy musicians and non-nerdy musicians, while Windows is for half musician nerds, or non musician nerds.
  9. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Did you completely miss out on my comment that actually ASIO beat Core Audio in benchmarks. Also the Windows stack was completely rewritten years ago. You see a lot of those BSODs are actually because of shitty drivers and so with a rewritten stack the blame falls squarely on the device manufacturers now. I always find that people that use Mac buy into all sorts of ridiculous claims that have no basis in reality. Whenever I hear someone talk about Windows that uses a Mac it always sounds like the last time they used a PC was like a few decades ago. There's always something ridiculous like the guy that mentioned BSODs even after I stated that this exact argument is used by lamers to try to dissuade people from Windows and that it is almost always driver related so it's not Microsoft's fault. You see real computers have to deal with way more components from all different kinds of manufacturers so it's more likely that there will be an issue. I hear Mac people tout this is a selling point. Your Mac doesn't get BSODs because there are only 2 different Macs. It's embarrassing how much of an achievement people consider this. We got an OS to work with strictly controlled components that don't deviate from the norm. Yeah that's nice. :rofl: I have used Windows 8 (not even 8.2) for 1 year without so much as a single crash, forget about a BSOD.

    To the guy that sarcastically said that he loves to perform system management tasks and use his brain (poking fun at my comment): There is actually very little of what I was referring to that you don't have to do on a Mac. What I mentioned isn't required except for the antivirus, I'd still use one though some people here are doing fine without. Or perhaps dealing with the registry which most users never have to do unless you're a power user. The registry does have some benefits to ini type files anyway. If taking care of a computer is too intellectually exhausting for you then perhaps one can get a Gameboy or a calculator instead. I don't find it so grueling to run an antivirus and manage my system. :dunno:

    PS Mac people should be the last people on this planet talking about thread titles. I have to deal with like 100 people a day: is this for Mac? What about Mac? Where's the Mac? Gee it says Win in the title and it's in the Win category but hey. Then we recently had the opposite happen when someone asked for advice on some program or something stating that he uses Windows and out came the get a Mac and it was a whole thread of Mac comments about how they're made by angels dipped in magic and tap directly into your subconscious so please. I'm a man of facts and the facts don't favor Mac. Simple as that. They used to be in some things (decades ago), that is no longer the case and not only is it no longer the case but it's actually seesawed the other way now. You can dress it up however you want, in the end nothing is gonna change the fact that Windows is a world and Mac is a shiny cage built by a sleazy company that tells you what you can do with the stuff you bought. I've owned and used Apple products before...extensively in many different capacities. This isn't my first time at the rodeo. *no*
  10. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    i like Core Audio but i Like Asio4all in Windows most...
  11. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    i just installed OSX while waiting for Studio One v3 and see what Logic Pro X can offer to me. Probably i will erase OSX when Studio One v3 will be out.
  12. lenny_kravitz

    lenny_kravitz Newbie

    Dec 31, 2014
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    Ouch another childish rant again from Windows defender in wrong thread. ..Whataheck...

    I use hackintosh...

    OSX is for music. Same hardware, free OS.

    Windows is for gaming. Same hardware, plus $$$.

    Ask that to million of DJ worldwide, who depend their life on the stability of their OS...what OS they work...and to gaming.. I bet the answer is mostly the same.
  13. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    It wasn't a childish rant, it's simply stating that if managing your computer is too difficult then don't get one. Installing an antivirus isn't brain surgery and really you should have one on a Mac as well unless you think they don't get viruses which is horseshit. It's more a fact than anything else. Musicians still rely on Macs because it used to be that they were better for music and stability and as a holdover they think it's still the case. It is not. I have not only used PCs but run huge networks of them so believe me I know this debate from all angles. PCs have more software, more users, more options, more customizability, more cracked software, a gaming experience that doesn't suck, they are used exclusively in corporate environments, they perform better, etc. If all that isn't important to you then by all means get a Mac so you can have Apple tell you what to do and how to do it.
  14. lenny_kravitz

    lenny_kravitz Newbie

    Dec 31, 2014
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    It wasn't a childish ran
    What? which one? I see cooler comments but yours.

    If managing your computer is too difficult then don't get one
    Who are You telling some one not to have computer (and prefer to have easier to use OS)?

    Installing an antivirus isn't brain surgery.
    It is much easier not to (do more thing than just making music with my computer). Easy as that.

    you should have one on a Mac as well unless you think they don't get viruses which is horseshit
    I never get any Virus with my OS X without any antivirus app for years. Stable as Rock.. the HORSESHIT is if you say Windows don’t get any virus without install antivirus. You are rude…You shouldn’t be a vice admin in this forum.. shame on you. Not move smart and not wise at all.

    Musicians still rely on Macs because it used to be that they were better for music and stability and as a holdover they think it's still the case.
    OS X ARE better for music & stability. IT IS STILL the case. If not, how easy for them (including me) to change to other OS than OS X.

    I have not only used PCs but run huge networks of them so believe me I know this debate from all angles.
    I don’t ask that. Unnecessary info. Never think you are smarter than anyone else about networking or anything else.

    PCs have more software, more users, more options, more customizability, more cracked software, a gaming experience that doesn't suck, they are used exclusively in corporate environments. they perform better
    For me and for many other like me except for you and many other like you, OS X is better for music, audio, video work, design, etc and perform better. You don’t have to prove anything, you don’t have to be mad about the fact that mac users love OS X, and you don’t have to try to to make all them switch to Windows, or hate Apple like you, because you can’t.

    If all that isn't important to you then by all means get a Mac so you can have Apple tell you what to do and how to do it.
    I get OS X because I love to use it especially for making music.. There’s nothing at all about Apple or anybody else tell me what to do…is that problem for you? What do you want? kill me because of that? Kick me from this forum?
    You should make your own forum “MICROSOFT LOVERS ONLY” and be an admin, king or whatever you want there to write like you do instead of in an open platform forum like…
    or if maybe you are the owner of the audiosex forum, you better kick every mac user out and write with big font: FOR WINDOWS USER ONLY.

    Discussing Operating Software-like any other topic- can be done maturely & wisely, with respecting other people preference that might be different then you.
    More to the fact that you are a vice administrator here…for me your words read like a dictator instead of administrator. Shame on you man.
  15. alkos

    alkos Noisemaker

    Dec 29, 2014
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    Logic.I decided once to give hackintosh and Logic a shot and I liked it.
    I was using Ableton before on Windows and never had to much problems really,but once I tried Logic it never crossed my mind to switch back to Windows. :thumbsup:
  16. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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  17. lenny_kravitz

    lenny_kravitz Newbie

    Dec 31, 2014
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    I bet I'd be cool as a cucumber if my post had defended Apple right?

    No. You’d be cool if whatever your opinion is, you write it the ‘cool’ way. If you don’t know what I mean, perhaps Microsoft has poisoning your brain and mind into the state of can’t tell which one is a cool comment in thread “DESKTOP Mac/Hackintosh users, why do you prefer OS X over Windows?”.

    Easier for who? Newborns? I've used a Mac, I don't find anything easier. It's just a gimmick.

    Easier for anybody who has objective opinion about something. Every mac users I met, especially musicians and sound engineers and producers and DJs, who also use Windows beside OS X, agree that OS X is easier.
    If you don’t find it easier, it’s your problem. Any other way, people experience may vary and subjective.

    Yeah it is much easier but Macs also can get infected with malware.
    Beyond that you get a lot of bonuses for being on Windows even though it is a bigger target such as more users, more hardware, more games, more tweakability, better performance, etc. That's a lot of things to overlook because of an anti-virus. Beyond that Windows is actually more secure than OS X, it's just a bigger target.
    I use mac since the first day of Apple also windows since the first day,.. Never one virus in all of my mac..and vice versa with Windows (including 8.1).
    All of software I need to make music is available for OS X.
    No problem.
    You said you are experience in networking and you don’t know that OS X have more tweakability than Windows? funny.
    Better performance according to which benchmark? Any benchmark can give different result. And you know what? World is not all about just number.
    Perhaps ‘actually more secure’, but in the REAL WORLD,.. OS X IS safer. Much safer.

    I've never had a virus with a PC, what's your point? We have people that have commented in this very thread that they use Windows without an antivirus and don't have any viruses. I shouldn't have been an admin: give me a break. Why because I have an opinion you don't agree with? Puh-lease. I manage two hugely successful forums that have enriched the lives of people on both platforms. I didn't come to you and ask you to join right? I don't see anything wise in your statements at all especially considering that at least mine are based on facts. It's just the same old butthurt reaction I always see from Mac users.

    What I face in reality of hundred windows and OS X machine I ever deal with, all the Windows with or without antivirus app will get virus and malwares. While all the OS X not even one virus/malware even if no any anti virus/ anti malware app installed. It’s the fact that I face myself.
    No matter how many hugely success forum you manage, Administrator should act generously wise to each end of the camps when there’s potentially polarizing topic like this. No matter what his own opinion/preference is. NOT LIKE YOU DO.
    Me too never ask you to be the admin of this forum. I feel shame of it.
    FACT is what I face in my real life, not numbers provide by any info in the net nor any benchmark points that useless.
    Fact is what I say that I see you are not wise enough to be an admin of a good forum by reading how you write your anti apple comment. I’ve seen many much better comment from Windows user who don’t like apple or mac or more to the point of this thread.. OS X.

    Really? Where's the proof? Where's the data? It is easy, it may not be for you because you've been using the same thing for a long time and also because you have some beliefs about PCs that have no place in reality.

    Proof? You see youtube, search for DJ, Professional studio, or anything (you know it but you fake it)…see what OS they use mostly?…Why? Because it’s better for their work. They can choose anything, but they chose OS X. It is REALITY. Not your benchmark paper. Simple as that man. benchmark is for nerd. It’s one fact, but not ALL.

    That's nice, it doesn't matter if you asked that. I can speak of my own volition, I don't have to ask you about it first. I'm just stating that it's not an opinion of a noob or someone loyal to a stupid brand.

    Mac User is not a noob too. Inthe contrary, It seems that you are a fanatic loyalist to Microsoft more than some OS X users here.

    I'm not mad because people love OS X, last I checked this wasn't a thread called OS X lovers. Again where's the data? How do you know they perform better? Have you run tests? i know I can't change people's opinions, Mac fanboyism is like a religion. No matter how many facts come out they are simply ignored. It's like science meeting religion for the first time, every time.

    You are seems mad of it.
    Last you checked,.. what the tittle of this thread? Isn’t it..WHY DO YOU PREFER OS X?
    Are you the one? No… So..nobody ask your opinion here..perhaps in another thread, it’s ok. How false are you as a vice administrator of the forum.
    I know it performs better from my experience as a musicians using both platforms, add by many fact told to me by my musician friends who also use both platforms, and from..real world. Every time I go to the club, DJ uses OS X. All the recording studios I enter, they use OS X. Why? because it’s better they answer me.
    Mac fanboy or no is not the problem..(You rant here,this is what I called your childishness). If one think OS X is good, is better than WIndows,.. it’s good, it’s better, it’s their choice.

    Why? I don't have a problem with what OS someone uses but if you're asking me to compare them then you're going to get an honest answer. If you're looking someone to talk about how Macs are God then join an exclusive Mac forum where they praise them at the altar.

    You are clearly have problem with that. Prefering OS X over Windows doesn’t mean he/she thinks Macs are God.
    You just copy my word, YOU are the one who better create your own Microsft forum to a$$licking your Microsoft God, without pushing your thought to anyone in an open platform forum like this audiosex.

    Nothing I love more than members who come on a forum I've run for years and tell me how to run it. Why don't you make your own forum and you can run it however you want? People can cower in the corner and keep their opinions to themselves, sounds enchanting. You want to discuss it like any other topic? Okay sure like any other topic I will present actual facts. Tests were performed with Windows XP and Windows 7 because 8 wasn't out at the time and 8 made MAJOR improvements in the audio arena. I'm sure you will immediately jump on the fact that Logic isn't tested but it's a cross-platform test and due to the fact that Logic is Mac only it's irrelevant. All other DAWs perform WAY BETTER on PC than Mac. Yeah that's right everything you've ever believed about Mac is based on nothing but marketing and misconception. You like Macs better, then use them but don't sit there and act like you know what you're talking about when you clearly don't. As I've said before it is only a means to an end so these wars are stupid. The only reason I've even bothered responding to you is because I hate Apple fanboys but more than that when people make ridiculous claims that have no basis in reality.

    No matter what years you run a forum, If you don’t want member tell you how to BEHAVE as an administrator, BEHAVE wisely,hell, can kick me out anytime you want if you like. You are not a God even if you run or own an internet forum.
    Again you copy my words about creating forum, it’s not funny.
    Write your fact (that defend yourWindows preference) in the other thread instead of here.
    Better OS X is not always about number…it’s about experience, personal preference, habit, and most of all: Comfort. You can’t turn ALL into number. It’s not based on nothing nor about marketing and misconception, not at all man.
    i like OS X better that’s why I write in this thread (not like you), and I know what I’m talking about..(Know what talking about doesn’t have anything to do with all benchmark data).

    The only reason I’ve spend my time typing this is because as the thread title, I prefer OS X over Windows, and I don’t feel it right to see the way a vice administrator like you behave & write your comments in this thread like you do and just keep silent.
  18. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I don't have any allegiance to Microsoft, I berate them just as much as the next guy. If another platform came out tomorrow that would work better and I wouldn't have issues migrating then I'd be on it in a heartbeat. I just have faith in facts and experience not image or DJs.

    Easier for anybody is not any data. In fact I would wager that since Microsoft has like 90 percent of the computer market that I'd have a much larger substantial pool of people that would have to disagree with you on that. Oh but wait perhaps all of them simply like to make things harder on themselves. OS X is only safer in the sense that there isn't as much malware for it since it has a puny market share. It's not even worth it for malware writers. In terms of the actual security ummm no. Apple dragged behind Microsoft in ASLR implementation for years and much more. If you've gotten viruses on Windows then it's user error, I find it utter common sense keeping my system running lovely. I browse a lot of places on the internet and I've been fine since the first version even on 95, XP for about a decade. Windows 8 for a year, I don't even worry about it. And again don't teach me how to run a forum, I'm not here asking for your advice and that certainly isn't the topic of this thread. it's starting to get on my damn nerves, pretty funny coming from a guy that uses the nick Lenny Kravitz. And did you just tell me that I should keep silent? :wow: You seem to have rules about how everyone should act but yourself. Initially I actually thought the title of the topic was the other way around but even if I had known there is absolutely nothing wrong with stating that I in fact do NOT think that OS X is a better choice and backing it up with data. If you think so well that's really your problem. Oh DJs use them, well then that's a solid reason for me. Shit I'm buying a Mac tomorrow. :rofl:

    Right what DJs use is the yardstick I should be going by not actual audio benchmarks and everything I've ever known. Okay. Keep drinking that Mac cool aid. You want to use one that's your business but it has nothing to do with any kind of fact. You're just going by what your friends use, what DJs use and the fact that you have to install an antivirus. Those are strange reasons to buy a certain brand especially from a company that is anti-competitive, encourages censorship, fucks with developers, closes off good audio programs from other platforms to sell more computers, treats their customers like shit and is literally the epitome of Big Brother. Ironically the very thing they rallied against in the past.

    Diabulus In Musica
    That video fails to mention that Apple actually stole the GUI from Xerox. Also the guy in the video fails to mention that though there may be some less problems because the hardware is controlled that it is just that: controlled. That's the other side of that coin which is not mentioned anywhere and that's that you have way more options.
  19. lenny_kravitz

    lenny_kravitz Newbie

    Dec 31, 2014
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    Keep drinking your Microsoft cool aid too.. No matter what you say, all I said about the real fact in the realworldisnot gonna change. Mac is the choice for music. Not because no reason or stupid reason as you say. Not at all.
  20. AudioVirgin

    AudioVirgin Newbie

    Jan 4, 2015
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    I still prefer OS X because I prefer Logic Audio but that is pretty much the only reason why I haven't jumped ship after 20 years of using Macs. I do know that the only software the REAL Lenny Kravitz uses is Pro Tools. I doubt that he runs his Pro Tools on a Mac. Why would he? Apple is a different company now which focuses mainly on the consumer market ever since the iPhone became a huge success. They used to focus on the Audio/Video professionals a lot more and it made sense to own a Mac. Those days are long gone.