Idolumic releases Rhyme Genie 7

Discussion in 'Software News' started by theDingus, Jan 2, 2015.

  1. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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    Rhyme Genie received a major update. More than 45,000 phonetic references have been optimized with an emphasis on intelligent
    rhyme, consonance, pararhyme and rich rhyme. Support for gliding vowel sounds has been added. The syllable-matching thesaurus
    has been expanded with more than 2400 new entries.

    Works Like Magic
    Instantly find perfect rhymes as easily as entering a word and charm your muse with a powerful intelligent rhyme algorithm.
    Change from one-syllabic to multi-syllabic rhymes with a single click and see a wealth of near rhymes appear by simply
    decreasing the similarity in sound.

    Breaks Through Creative Bottlenecks
    Get inspired by one of the largest collections of American sayings, idioms, clichés, popular names, places and trademarked brands.
    Create song hooks, advertising slogans, headlines and titles by searching for phonetic similarities or exact word matches. Express
    yourself effortlessly with an integrated 115,000 word Webster's dictionary and an extensive thesaurus with over 2.5 million entries
    capable of finding syllable matching synonyms.

    Fulfills Any Wish
    Command over 10 million phonetic references with ease and finesse by choosing from 30 different types of rhymes:

    Additive Rhyme, Alliteration, Amphisbaenic Rhyme, Apocopated Rhyme, Assonance, Broken Rhyme, Consonance, Diminished Rhyme, Double
    Assonance, Double Consonance, Elided Rhyme, Family Rhyme, Feminine Pararhyme, Final Syllable Rhyme, First Syllable Rhyme, Full
    Assonance, Full Consonance, Half Double Rhyme, Homophones, Intelligent Rhyme, Light Rhyme, Metaphone, Pararhyme, Perfect Rhyme,
    Related Rhyme, Reverse Rhyme, Rich Rhyme, Soundex, Trailing Rhyme, Weakened Rhyme


    Enchants With Versatility
    Flex Rhyme Genie's muscle with a freely scalable dictionary and a wordfilter with over 130,000 parts of speech. Find suitable
    rhymes more efficiently with a Special Songwriter Dictionary compiled from over 600,000 song lyrics and limit rhyme mates to words
    and phrases with positive or negative connotations. Reveal artists of charted songs with a click on a button or hide all song titles
    to immerse yourself in poetry. Minimize the window and place it next to your word processor or TuneSmith® to take advantage of the
    fully integrated clipboard.


    Offers More Than Smoke And Mirrors

    Download Rhyme Genie today and experience its power in the demo mode or buy it now for only $24.95 with an unsurpassed
    satisfaction guarantee. Get a full refund if you find a rhyming dictionary that can match its power, speed and ease of use within
    30 days of purchase.

    More Info: Idolumic | Rhyme Genie 7
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  3. rafaelinux

    rafaelinux Newbie

    May 26, 2014
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    Sounds silly, but it could prove useful to make a quick vocal track to be replaced later by something else.
  4. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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    The demo crashes every time I try to find a rhyme for "orange"
  5. AudioVirgin

    AudioVirgin Newbie

    Jan 4, 2015
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    That is a known bug. Rhyme Genie will not crash if you wear a Scottish kilt which has recently gained in popularity around ‘Blorenge’ the prominent hill in South East Wales. There have also been reports that sucking on a throat ‘lozenge’ is another way to avoid a crash. :wink:

    It’s a pretty solid piece of software. Rhyme Genie is far more capable that the (in)famous MasterWriter software.
  6. sk8816

    sk8816 Newbie

    Sep 7, 2015
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    Has anyone cracked this?
  7. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    This is actually interesting. Most rhyme dictionaries are almost completely useless, but maybe I'll check out a demo of this sometime. Thanks Dingus


    Witty joke. but since you brought it up I always thought the "nothing rhymes with orange" thing is kind of silly. No one word is a perfect rhyme but...

    war fringe
    more cringe
    door hinge
    whore minge

    I'm sure I could stick a word in front of "binge" and make another one but that's more thinking than I'm willing to do at the moment
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2017
  8. sk8816

    sk8816 Newbie

    Sep 7, 2015
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    Haha another funny joke -- "demo." Nice. But for real -- anyone have a SN?
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