Decrypting encrypted library samples + nki (possible?)

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by TheArkyTekt, Dec 26, 2014.

  1. TheArkyTekt

    TheArkyTekt Newbie

    Oct 12, 2014
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    Firstly... i understand the following:

    - ncint / nkx files come with certain encrypted libraries, and those need to be loaded via "Add Library"
    - I know using cracked KONTAKT you can "Save As" x 2 and decrypt the samples to WAV

    I've been doing a lot of messing around with one particular library I have (CineBrass CORE/PRO). It works fine as is (when using "Add Library"), but I started messing around with decrypting. Getting the WAVs is no problem and they play just fine in any media player. But it turns out that when I do that the NKI files are still encrypted. It's the usual error:

    "This patch is encrypted and cannot be loaded ... blah blah"

    To replicate this do the following:

    1) Select an instrument from an encrypted library
    2) "Save As" x 2 to get WAVs
    3) Close KONTAKT and purge all library registration data from registry and "Common Files"
    4) Now try to open the NKI...

    NOTE: If you don't purge the library reg data, then the re-saved instruments (NKI's) still work.


    My intent is to try and fully decrypt the library so that I can fully use the Registry method (Kontakt Library Manager by DoubleY - or maybe I'll write my own...) to manage all KONTAKT libraries. As it is, some of my libraries can be managed that way, and a few of them MUST be loaded via "Add Library".

    Has anyone ever experienced this or found a way to fix/work around it?

    It seems they only way to actually fully decrypt an encrypted library, is to:

    1) Get to the wav's
    2) rebuild the NKI's

    I eventually plan on trying to learn that anyways, but aside from that being one hell of a learning curve, the number of samples for one instrument in CineBrass is massive. The only good thing is I wouldn't have to resample anything since the decrypted WAV's work fine, but the amount of scripting that goes into those CineBrass NKI's is crazy...


    One final observation:

    I can still put any wallpaper.png into the root folder of an encrypted library and override the built-in wallpaper visible from the library list (you guys call them "tabs" right?), but that's about as far as I have figured out how to customize an encrypted library.


    Any shared experience on this matter would be appreciated!
  3. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    First off Welcome to, why not use your second post to introduce yourself to the forum via this link Welcome Home To AudioSex

    Second, Why not use the library as intended, if this is a pet peeve, i can see your ambition, but as your using a cracked Kontakt why waste resources as this library uses the registry method and as long as you have fresh nkx & nkr files that are in the main folder saved in a backed up you can always overcome the encrypted message every and well as long as you don't keep your custom wallpaper pic in the main folder till you add the library in kontakt in stock form.

    The way i'm seeing this logic of yours is to decrypt all the encrypted libraries you have to skip future problems later down the line when you eventually do a a new install, but if you save those most important files in a rar( .nicnt,nkx, nkr & maybe nkc if your itching) i can bet you a smooth transition every time....Guaranteed lol :bow:
  4. TheArkyTekt

    TheArkyTekt Newbie

    Oct 12, 2014
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    Yah, sorry! Introduction complete!

    Yah using the library as intended is quite easy. I just happened to notice that my CineWind Bundle and CinePerc bundles are actually not encrypted. No need to register them. The smaller separate packages however are definitely encrypted.

    All in all not a big deal, just wondering what the remaining options are. And it looks like I'll be designing fancy NKI's in the future! (God willing I can find the time to learn that much!)

    I'm usually good at learning new software, but as always it takes time. And seeing as I'm in the middle of a move, that's the one thing I'm short on! Oy!

    Thanks for the reply :bow: If I manage to learn how to replicate those NKI's I'll certainly post them :wink:


    EDIT: Just wanted to make an interesting case for those reading and don't fully understand the reason for my question:

    In CineBrass CORE/PRO I saved the samples for the following instrument (using cracked KONTAKT) to WAV format:

    Now the WAV samples are decrypted, but the NKI still requires the registration by NCINT or NKR/NKX. If I learn how to make NKI files I can re-make them. The only problem with this is:

    Even if I do learn how to make NKI files, that would be a big learning curve trying to figure out how all those sample files work together. Maybe in a future release R2R can use the same methods to decrypt the samples on the NKI files??
  5. bobdule

    bobdule Audiosexual

    Dec 28, 2014
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    to export cinebrass pro:

    save your nki's and samples (compressed works)
    but also make a copy of .nkr files to place in your exported instruments (the one you need use CineBrass15.nkr)

    from another machine (tested on XP and kontakt 5.3.1) it will ask for the missing location of CineBrass15.nkr.
    point the location on the one you saved/copied
    the decoding load will create a CineBrass15.nkc file more

    save again the nki only.
    now it will load the instrument without asking for nothing

    nkr files contain the graphics, without it, the gui is unusable.

    kontakt 5.3.1 don't like monolith on this kind of library. use the samples export way.
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  6. TheArkyTekt

    TheArkyTekt Newbie

    Oct 12, 2014
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    Many thanks for the info! I'll be trying this soon! This will save TONS of hassle *yes*
  7. LuckySevens

    LuckySevens Platinum Record

    Sep 23, 2012
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    3rd planet from the fireball...
    I am missing something because of the language barrier. I've been trying everyone's suggestions to fix the "This library is encrypted..." message to no avail. Now I may miss and make mistakes here and there but NOT to this degree. I've never had a problem resolving Kontakt issues up until this one!! Please... someone help!? This relates directly to the CineBrass CORE and PRO after their update to 1.5. Before that it worked great for me. Don't ask me to go back to the original because I cannot find it!! Oh... it may not matter but I'm on a Mac.

    Where? Desktop? Containing folder? CineBrass Pro folder? Instruments Folder?

    NKR files??? I only see one!

    What I think is being said is to GO TO ANOTHER machine with Kontakt and try to load the library with out the NKR, in which case, one will be created. Is this correct?

    "save again the nki only"? Where? Root folder of the new dummy library on "the other machine?"
  8. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Check your Pm shortly, i'll send you a fix... Cheers
  9. LuckySevens

    LuckySevens Platinum Record

    Sep 23, 2012
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    3rd planet from the fireball...
    Thanks Introninja!!!!!!!
  10. LuckySevens

    LuckySevens Platinum Record

    Sep 23, 2012
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    3rd planet from the fireball...

    Hi Introninja... Still waiting. I have to have this score turned in about 11 hours from now (9 AM Los Angeles time)!! HELP!!!
  11. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Sorry got called in to work, check your PM.. Thanks
  12. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Sadly I don't know of a fast way how to decrypt patches.

    But there's a very slow solution:
    Create new nki
    Copy zones with samples from source nki
    Copy script
    Save to original directory
  13. ronin

    ronin Newbie

    Feb 8, 2015
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    Hi there,

    Is there any way I could get a copy of that PM please? I would be very grateful as I'm having the same issue :)

  14. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    check your PM & Welcome to
  15. kais0038

    kais0038 Newbie

    Apr 4, 2014
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    Sherman Oaks
    Hi Introninja - I missed this thread when it first came around... is it possible to get a copy of the PM still? I'd be extremely grateful for any info (I'm running the 5.4.2 release in case that helps).
  16. Recoil

    Recoil Guest

    I still can't solve this problem, how to decrypt nki files, Kontakt 4.0.2 could do it without a problem, maybe someone knows the solution already :unsure:
  17. Ah_dziz

    Ah_dziz Newbie

    Jun 1, 2021
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    Is there a way to get the old kontakt 2 that ignored all serials and such. I own, and according to SC and NA have properly installed everything from komplete 3 through 12. Kontakt 2 runs like a champ in standalone, but all attempts to run it as a plugin inform me that my "hardware has changed". I'm in the process of archiving everything I've ever done and that goes back to cubase sx2 and kontakt 1. A friendly fellow at NI told me to just find a cracked copy of Kontakt 2. Everything is working besides K2, p53(not a problem), vokator(also not a problem), and then the akoustik P and elektik P, libraries not loading into kontakt 2. I know there was a wide open K2 version at one point. I really just need to load everything once so I can back up the NKIs used or replace them, but the warez folks don't seem to keep much old around. If there's a way to get my legit K2 install working as a plugin in a 32 or 64 bit host via fucking with the registry or anything else I'm glad to do that too. Everything works standalone. From that exact era only b4II and spektral delay work as plugins.

    Any help accessing K2 as a plugin would be a real lifesaver.

    I know I'm new and this is a not particularly new thread, but I got deadlines and I need to get into all this old material. So, any help would be majorly appreciated.

  18. Ah_dziz

    Ah_dziz Newbie

    Jun 1, 2021
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    As a response to earlier questions, the people who I knew who ran the cracked v2 and v3 kontakt versions could re-save the samples, then copy and paste the scripts by hand and then copy and paste the groups by hand to new NKIs on a new folder and end up with non encrypted libraries. It was a multi step process but it ended up giving them a fully unlocked version of what they started with. Many just wanted to be able to add extra scripting and such or wanted to not ever be reliant on NI to keep their software working. I should have thought that far ahead. If you have a version that will load any "Player encoded" library, you should be able to do the same.
  19. Recoil

    Recoil Guest

    2021 and the problem still exists :rofl: