DESKTOP Mac/Hackintosh users, why do you prefer OS X over Windows

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by probablynative, Dec 28, 2014.

  1. probablynative

    probablynative Newbie

    Dec 28, 2014
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    Just curious.
  3. Spire

    Spire Guest

    Well for starters, the Windows audio drivers are crap...
  4. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    To be honest, for no good reason anymore. Some years ago, the difference was reliability, but at some point, Windows stpopped being lame for audio production not because of its specs, but because it became more streamlined, something Apple has always prided upon.

    I see it this way, you may find lots of value in the options an Android operating system gives in your phone. As long as your smart phone is well geared up, you can do a lot. However, an iPhone is a finely crafted piece of integrated hardware and software. You may complain it lacks power user control and you may feel they overcharge you for what you get, but once you are hooked by its no-nonsense set of features you look no further. In my view this is what happens with Apple computers.

    Edit: There's no Win driver yet for my Apolio Twin interface, so I get no choice. Not complaining, though.
  5. Davey Jones

    Davey Jones Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    I spent and made a lot of time on both platforms making music and it balls down to convenience. IN MY OPINION (had to bold this before things get crazy) It is more out of my way than Win.
  6. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Good question indeed.
    Some audio- and midi-related system tools, slightly better USB i/o performance, easier ad-hoc WiFi, and *somewhat* better audio/midi interfaces driver support (especially for class compliant devices) give MacOSX a slight advantage imho.
    Also, OSX has a freeBSD-like core that I worked with for a long time before so I know the command line better than under Windows.
    However, this alone is not necessarily a reason for choosing OSX over Win.

    You can get along with both systems, the only thing I cannot recommend is using both: You will have a hard time memorizing the inconsistent keyboard shortcuts mapping between OSX and Win.

    My conclusion: Deciding for which OS to choose is not a question of which is better but rather of what applications you intend to use.
    If you're a Logic guy or if you love the few but special Mac utilities, you have no other choice than OSX.
    If you enjoy the vast variety of Windows freeware, you have no other choice than Windows.

    I've noticed that simple utilities that are available for Windows as freeware or for little money, sometimes cost 5..10 times as much on a Mac *no*
    It may be the "Elite tax" that, from what I've heard, OSX users seem ready to pay.
    Also, some web shops ask for a price premium if you're surfing from a Mac. No joke.
  7. Pm5

    Pm5 Ultrasonic

    Oct 20, 2012
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    - Time machine
    - Terminal with an actual toolchain out of the box (vim and zsh ie.)
    - Drivers
    - Work out of the box
    - Predictible support in most case
    - Time machine
  8. pasarireng

    pasarireng Newbie

    Dec 16, 2014
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    It can be a heated argumentation thread as I often saw in other forums in the net, but I hope not, it doesn't have to actually, because at the end it depends on each personal user preference.

    The answer can be long, or can be short.

    The short version:

    Because IMHO, Mac OS X is far better, more userfriendly and smoother OS than Windows. Incl. for my music & audio tasks.
    With Mac OS X, I can think about the music far more -big times-... and far less (to nothing) about the computer technical related worries than with Windows.

    I was a PC user since DOS era until the Windows 8.
    I always meet Mac everywhere I go, but rarely use it.
    Never have Mac before 2012 either.
    I switch to Mac start at 5 years ago gradually, first with Hackintosh, and now I won't ever come back to Windows except for maybe some very few unavoidable unimportant things.
    Budget wise, for desktop/workstation I'd go Hackintosh OSX. Except for mobile platform, I'd chose the real mac (MBP, iPad, iPhone etc)..
    You may call me 'an Apple Fan Boy"...essentially I'm not...really not...but I don't give a care about thing like that.
  9. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Not been on mac for longer than a year but it sucks compared to my pc freezes logic part time (more often than i have trouble on win) so for me win is a CLEAR winner and i am pretty sure i am right

    I also have been on pc a long time since win 3.1 it was crap for music up until XP after that i rarely had any problem and if it has been a problem it always has been hardware related a.k.a drivers

    I also really hate that OSX is not backwards compability i tried to install a plugin it say you need osx bla bla to install this what a crap that means Mac is for richy rich people only and if you havent got the money to upgrade to a new mac machine after 3 years your screwed..

    Havent made my pc a hackintosh yet but i might make a partiition and install a new OSX version on that machine..

    However then a new OSX will pop up and fucking everyone will have troubles for months before every developer have upgraded so it will run on that new version and everyone is happy for 4 months until next OSX version comes out and it it start all over again.

    Now that almost NEVER happens on windows not even with drivers only a few times i had trouble when i have updated my OS
  10. pasarireng

    pasarireng Newbie

    Dec 16, 2014
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    This kind of comment which usually make or start the thread like this turn into over heated debate, although actually as I said before, it should not to be. And of course it's an open forum where anybody may have their own opinion.

    Actually, I don't really care,... except perhaps if somebody, either Apple or Microsoft pay me big money to :wink: .

    OK ...good luck..I wish you have a good thread and discussion, folks.. :)
  11. pasarireng

    pasarireng Newbie

    Dec 16, 2014
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    Do I misread the title of this thread and the title of this audiosex sub forum?
  12. kenstowicz

    kenstowicz Newbie

    Aug 10, 2014
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    For me, its Because i started with a mac, OSX is stable, and i can download anything under the sun and not really have to worry about any virus. I agree with lukehh the Finder is complete Shit. I have been using the app Easyfind for the past couple years instead. Much better results
  13. Nightwalker

    Nightwalker Kapellmeister

    Jun 15, 2011
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    I switched to Mac because my credit card was hacked 2 times in a year,because i wanted to test Logic Pro,because i wanted a stable system,now i love Mac,the only 2 things i dont like on Mac is the finder( is hard to find files on a external hard drive) and mac updates.
  14. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    i love Windows more, for me it is always been stable since XP sp2. i run OSX only when i need to run Logic Pro X. it's all about get a calibrated system. in OSX is already calibrated while in Windows you need to know what to change and where and then you have got a stable system aswell. i can get better results in term of power in Windows than in OSX and also the money are important. i can buy a powerfull pc instead of a weak mac for the same price. it's all about personal taste. they are both good.
  15. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Nah dude, but I'm sure more haters will jump in with 2 feet first.

    I personally switched to Mac for Logic a few years back and I've enjoyed using it ever since. I don't care about virus myths, speed, less apps, awful iTunes, market share, evil companies or even the cost... I just like using it.
  16. remix

    remix Platinum Record

    Dec 3, 2011
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    Ignorance at its finest...
  17. mindpassfilter

    mindpassfilter Member

    Jul 5, 2012
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    Love this polarizing topic.

    I'm not going to attempt to give a broad explanation about why others prefer the OSX platform over Windows, I can only speak for myself.

    Over the course of 15 years producing music with a computer, I've used both platforms and I can't say one is better, they're just different.

    OSX used to be more stable before Win 2000 and XP came out, but nowadays Windows is pretty solid. I'm not sure what people are saying about drivers, I've used

    many different interfaces and they've always worked without a hiccup.

    I think there are a lot of old misconceptions about OSX in general (more secure, more stable, yada yada). I would say this were somewhat true in the Power PC days, but it was

    only due to platform obscurity.

    Macs are more expensive, everyone knows that. People who paid the price will always come up with an excuse to justify their purchase decision.

    "The value of a thing sometimes does not lie in that which one attains by it, but in what one pays for it — what it costs us." - Friedrich Nietzsche

    Just buy a computer and make music. The OS becomes insignificant once you actually get in the zone.
  18. pasarireng

    pasarireng Newbie

    Dec 16, 2014
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    The title of the Thread is:

    "DESKTOP Mac/Hackintosh users, why do you prefer OS X over Windows?"
    with additional subtitle: "Be unbiased, no trolling please"

    and the thread is under the audiosex sub forum, titled:


    Oh people, Get a life
  19. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    ASIO4All is working really decent here and for everything else buy an expensive soundcard with dedicated ASIO driver and everything is good.
    if apple would make it possible to run OSX on my windows pc, i would efinitely use both, but i am not crazy enough to pay the prices apples wants for their shit, so i will keep using windows.
  20. pasarireng

    pasarireng Newbie

    Dec 16, 2014
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    It is possible.
    And-uh, you're a SuperModerator... well...
    Are you a desktop Mac/Hackintosh user who prefer OS X over Windows?
    by read your comment, I guess you're not..

    well but you're a super moderator, you can do whatever you want here I guess..
    I'm just a new member, only a little person here, so I think I'd better stop now...

    Bye All

    I thought this is a health community... I wish it is.
  21. Davey Jones

    Davey Jones Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Apple has $500 Macs now (brand new). Even getting one used isn't a wallet killer. The "Apple is too expensive" thing is expired these days. My Late 2012 Mac Mini is on par with my previous Mac Pro. I have all of the ports and expandability possible to make it a beast.

    I think it's about brand loyalty with a lot of you. Like the Android vs. iOS, and the Xbox vs. PS thing. It's stupid. I'm not loyal to inanimate objects. If it's great FOR ME, then it works. Same for you. You love it, then it's perfect for you.