Sugarbytes Turnado, Artillery2 or dblue Glitch???

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by cxc90, Dec 12, 2011.

  1. cxc90

    cxc90 Newbie

    Oct 24, 2011
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    which one is better? Sugarbytes Turnado, Artillery 2, or dblue Glitch??

    i know many of you will choose glitch cause its free, but i want to know which one is the easiest one to use and the most powerful creating dubstep or glitched synths
  3. Djroven

    Djroven Newbie

    Aug 6, 2011
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    the best by sugarbytes is effectrix... but check out bt's stutter edit on izoptope... it's great too
  4. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    simple answer try all out and choose the one u like ;)
  5. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Have you seen "Quartz" from Artificial Audio?
    Apart from manipulating audio, it can send MIDI data which means you could use its envelopes and LFO's to control just about *any* plug-in parameter, or even external MIDI equipment.

    If you need real-time control (for live use or whatever), Artillery might be the best choice.
    If you create Dubstep/glitched synth sounds on your computer (not live), Glitch or Stutter Edit might be the best. Glitch is free, but very powerful nonetheless. Its choice of FX slots should be best suited for glitched stuff.

    I personally prefer the Nord Modular for live FX control, but that's another story :)

    BTW, you could do all that using Ableton Racks and built-in FX.
  6. Quakeaudio

    Quakeaudio Producer

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Zeta Reticuli
    Turnado is the best!
  7. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Honestly, I dont limit myself to the "best" of anything. Each plug has its strengths and flaws. It depends on what type of effect Im going for, as to which one Ill use. But, more often than not, I find myself using the magnifying/zoom, and getting way in there to chop, manipulate, bitcrush, ring modulate, reverse, effect it myself on a per track/clip/sample basis. :grooves: That way you dont end up sounding like a plug in. I can point out a trak with dBlue in it everytime, just like I can almost always tell what software a dj is using by the fx I hear.

    Would you rather have someone say "WHOA, how did he make that sound?!?!", or "meh, I know what plugin he used to do that."
    Huh? am I right, or am I right?
  8. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Best one is your ears/eyes/brain/hands, doing it manually.
  9. dadarkman

    dadarkman Producer

    Oct 9, 2011
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    There's no reason to choose "Best" in between these plugins. They all can co-exist inside of your DAW. They are all fairly easy to grasp after a few usage and they are light on a system. I use all of them, choosing my weapon depending on what type of sound I'm goin' for. They all have different glitches, I've yet to hear a single duplicate glitch between them. Like subGENRE said, don't limit yourself on "Best".
  10. obscure

    obscure Newbie

    Jul 12, 2011
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    whoever is listening to your music can't tell the difference between any stutter/glitch.

    only us freaks :L

    plus even if you can tell, who cares?

    now am i right, or am i right?
  11. mamooon

    mamooon Newbie

    Dec 12, 2011
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    Hi there. Recently i just read but since i am such a glitchnerd i had to register to reply...

    dblue was maybe the first one who created such a stunning and sequenced (!) multi-fx-unit with the focus on the buffer-stutter-glitch, maybe still today poeple are waiting and hoping for an update.
    If you listen closely you'll figure out that his unit has a pretty specific and unique sound which quickly got used and abused after he released his plugin even on highly succesful productions.
    Let's say, dblues fx-unit is somewhat the origin, for sure it's a "keeper" and one of the most easy to use plugins of all of the mentioned ones.

    Effectrix is very similar, has a slightly different sound and meanwhile a few more features, but early versions ran pretty unstable and feels like its cpu-consumption is higher compared to dblues glitch. If i'd compare both, the effectrix feels colder and more sterile, but that's just a matter of taste.

    Turnado simply has a different approach with the focus on tweakin' live, the fx-units sound more experimental and rougher compared to Effectrix, so this one could be fun as well but if you want the results to be predictable, you'll need some time spending with the engine coding your own presets, otherwise it's just a matter of try&error. Also some of the fx like the vocoder are, well, not too fancy, they also can be fun to use but as soon as you want to tweak 'em _exactly_ the way you'd like you quickly see the limitations of each of the single effect-units.

    izotopes stutter edit is maybe the most flexible of all of the already mentioned plugz, but it's a bigger cpu-hog especially on older / slower machines. Most of the presets are pretty spaced out and the contrary of subtile, so sometimes it might feel a bit 'too much', so, same es for Turnado, take some time and code your on effects. Then you really could enjoy that one since StutterEdit is maybe the only plug which also creates exremely 'dubby' sounds you simply can't create with glitch, turnado, effektrix or artillery2 _that_ way.

    But ... there are a few old freeware-gems i really would love to recommend, as simple as they seem to be, they still do a wonderful good job and they focus in what they can do best without overclocking the cpu or confusing with huge and complicated menus. plugz like 'buffer override' do what you expect 'em to do.

    if you're on ableton live, also check out 'major malfunction' which is some sort of a dbluesglitchclone, especially users on osX could be happy 'bout that hint since dblue - afaik - never converted the glitch to osX, did he?

    'audio damage' also does a fantastic job, bought many of their plugz, 'replicant' is maybe the most-glitch-alike one i'd recommend but it has some other approaches in straight comparison to dblue's glitch or turnado but 'replicant' has its very on charmin' way. for sure also an interesting thing to have a look at.

    last but not least, a similar ensemble for the modular reaktor-environment is the 'rex fx' or its follower 'toxonic glitch' which can get grabbed at the user library of nativeinstr*ments: that one is a fancy mixture of dblue's glitch and effektrix. BUT for reaktor maybe hundreds of other 'glitchy' plugins do exist, so this is maybe the most interesting thing i could recommend, there are literally thousands of users creations and many of 'em are pretty excentric and weird and fancy and wonderful if it's about unusual sound-design.

    i agree, there's not the 'BEST' glitch-plug, each one has its pros and cons, each one has its own distinctive sound.
    but maybe i could have helped with a few more ideas. because glitch is yummy.
  12. manducator

    manducator Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    My goto glitch effect is Loomer Sequent.
  13. gowers

    gowers Newbie

    Jul 16, 2011
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    effectrix is best in my opinion, great for all your stuttery needs, turnado is great if you have a controller with fader or knobs and want to try out ideas. Izotope BT Stutter edit is best if you wanna mash stuff up BT style with a keyboard but is a bastard to program new sounds for as it's a bit more of a specific sound.

    Personally i use those three but find effectrix is best for quickly adding stutters and gates to a simple line that needs interest so is my go to plug.
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