Trigging Maschine mk1 in Studio One not working

Discussion in 'Maschine' started by Lao, Dec 20, 2014.

  1. Lao

    Lao Newbie

    Feb 17, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Hello guys

    Yesterday I want to trigger maschine in Studio one by playing drums on the 16 Pads and to record straight to Studio one. But Studio one didnt show up the midi when Im playing maschine and it dont record. Only it show up the output level when Im playing maschine. I did the same step like in this video

    So I tried to figure out whats the problem and why it dont work out. I have no cloud what I did wrong. Can someone help pls.
    Thx in advance.


    Im using Studio one V2.6.5, Machine V.2.2.1
  3. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Brave New World
    It`s a pretty long video for some routing and the guy is somewhat of a sleeping pill. At least he explains how to drag & drop Maschine.vst in S1. :rofl:
    I know some people prefer it the way you want it, maybe because of habit. These to Videos show the routing & export options, just 10 min but worth it. Shure there`s at least a second way to do it ... not what you`re asking for ... the greater picture thing ...​

    Btw, if you remove the "s" from "https" the video gets embedded.
  4. Lao

    Lao Newbie

    Feb 17, 2014
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    thx for the clip. Ive have seen it. But it dont help me futher. I guess its a setting problem. The point is why presonus dont record when I hit the pads or there is no midi data coming thru the canal, I hear only the sounds.Thats it.
  5. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Brave New World
    Hey Lao,
    First of all sorry for my big mouth! You`re asking for support with a simple task and just because I think it`s waste of time doesn`t justify not to get to the point, waste even more time. I´m a little surprised that over a 100 views ... however, let`s do it:

    We try it with words first and if you still don`t get there I`ll make screenshots.

    In S1 you have your Instrument Track with Input = Maschine & CH 1, right? It`s armed for recording & monitoring off.
    In Maschine you assign the MIDI Output of the desired Pads/Sound-Slots to Destination Host & CH1.
    ... just forget it, screenshot...

    As you see it`s for each Pad has a own Track, you haven`t said if you want a single MIDI file/1 Track only...
    If so simply assign each Sound-Slot/Pad to the same Channel. If you want them separated do this ...

    I`ve chosen a Folder because it`s faster to arm all Tracks for recording in one go & put off monitoring. The important thing in this picture: Output
    You want the recorded MIDI to play Maschine. Next step is to setup the MIDI Input of Maschine.

    Don`t forget to take out the Pattern (if there is one like in the picture)before you let the recorded MIDI in the DAW play Maschine! (Monitoring off!)
    Of course you can do it in the Mixer View, too. Much faster, especially if it`s more than one Group to route.

    It`s a good thing to understand how it works and if you really want to have it this way, saving a Template will make life easier.
    I prefer to record in Maschine and drag & drop it, suits my workflow better.
    Hope you make it work your way and keep asking if necessary, please.

    PS: The topic title is irritating, doesn`t matter which Controler Version it is.
  6. Lao

    Lao Newbie

    Feb 17, 2014
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    First I want to thank you for your support. And sorry for the title of this topic, and for my english. I follow your every single step and it works fine. It took me two days. Thank you a lot. Im very happy.
  7. Slider

    Slider Producer

    Sep 27, 2014
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    Nice explanation, sometimes a picture (or 3)is worth a thousand words!!
  8. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Brave New World
    Glad to hear that! As I can confirm by making screenshots, it takes a few minutes to set up, I recommend to save a template or several. If your English was truely bad, I hadn`t understood what you were asking for ... :wink:
  9. Lao

    Lao Newbie

    Feb 17, 2014
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    So far so good. But I have another question. Is it normal when I press play and click on a track, the monitor in on (blue) and I get a terrible sound? So everytime when I get it I have to turn the monitor off...
  10. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Brave New World
    In my "instructions" I`m mentioning 3x to keep Monitoring off! Making a Folder for ease of access!
    You said: Recording Finger Drumming is what you want to do, so I assumed you`ll have many Takes = play -> rehear, again & again.
    In this set up Input & Output is MaschineVST, "Monitoring on" creates feedback, to avoid that keep it off or set the Input of the Instrument Track(s) to none before you play your MIDI. It`s faster/more efficient to deal with Monitoring then setting back 16 routed Input Channels, you might want to use again if not satisfied with the result. (If it`s possible to set back several Inputs in one go, well, I don`t know how.)

    Do yourself a favour and record in Maschine! You can drag&drop it right away. Such stuff is a "fun killer", I see no point in routing the MIDI this way.
    Maybe somebody else knows better and likes to share it ...

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