Spitfire releases Albion Vol. IV: Uist!

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Revenant, Dec 19, 2014.

  1. Revenant

    Revenant Member

    Mar 20, 2013
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    Prepare for an eargasm :grooves: :

  3. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    World 1, Scene 1
    I love albion series
  4. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Did they say 60 GB?
  5. Nocturne

    Nocturne Newbie

    Oct 10, 2014
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    Disappointing rly. Lib is very useful , having that said at this point i was hoping for Spitfire Audio take on Symphobia :(
  6. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Fuck SF Albion 1,2 whatever ..... only for lazy folks with no real intentions of making personal music! *no*
  7. Nocturne

    Nocturne Newbie

    Oct 10, 2014
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    Could You please clarify who are You to put that kind of statement ( sounds very professional :) ) ?

    "no real intentions of making personal music!" (professional??)

    In my humble opinion those are only tools and means to reach Your vision - some are better than others , more expensive vs cheap >> at the end it wont matter what You use >> final result DOES.

    So if You are a spoiled kid let say and parents got You all software in the world - I am pretty sure there will be plenty of artists that will make better music with single violin , Tascam recorder and free DAW + pure music editing skill.

    Albion series introduced best violin quality sounding samples on the market ( they still are in top 4 in my opinion ).

    Simplicity and being able to score a idea in Your head quick seems to be great direction and i hope they keep doing what they do.

    Uist is definitely useful mood-shaping tool and filler for You compositions ( details! ) but at the same time I imagined full size orchestra after trailer ... well i hope eventually they will make competition to Project SAM Symphobia serries ( uff pricy!!)

    Well will wait for more... mabye 8Dio will give it at shoot.


  8. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
    Likes Received:
    World 1, Scene 1
    Helps those who cant hire an orchestra for our productions to get orchestral sounds at top quality.

    But i tend to make less orchestral pieces and much more foley based audio productions.
  9. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    scared the sh@t out of me :unsure:
  10. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    I might have chosen another way to express myself, but what I really think about these SF Albion releases is this:

    Project Sam went down the same road years ago with a lot of noisy so called epic libraries more or less made for movie/game related scores.... and these Albion libs are of the exact same nature .... made for huge noisy and emotional pre organised sounds that will help you out (as a composer) in any situation when you run out of real inspiration and creativity for your score ...... Very convenient of cause, but imho a very bad habit!

    Bottom line:

    Everything sounds exactly the same and creativity vanished in the name of fast money!

    Everyone has his/her own choice .... but creativity and personality must have first priority imho!!!

  11. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Although I wouldn't have said it quite the same way :rofl: , made me laugh loads though :wink:

    I tend to agree with phloopy in a way.

    Spitfire started out fantastic & they make some great libraries. Albion I is one of my personal favourite libraries. Albion II was good but much the same. Albion III went downhill fast, Haven't heard all or tried this so can't prejudge but I hope it's not simply a rehash of their other stuff/samples.

    They seem to be putting out a prolific amount of re-mangled not so great stuff of late, really fast & imho I think they may be running short on creative ideas & agree with the 'cash' driven idea.

    However for some this may be a great library, I don't know but there comes a point where u can't just put out Albion XV or Zimmer 25 in the same old fashion. It must have dynamic progression if it is to succeed.

    Some of their other libraries of late have been downright dissapointing. I personally don't like their designs either but that's just a matter of personal taste.

    It does again remind me also of Symphobia. Symphobia I fantastic! Useful?? (for me no) & for that money definitely *no*

    Symphobia II just about ok, Lumina pile of crap imho, Orchestral, watered down versions of the same old stuff. Most probably they just re-mangled versions of the same samples with a slightly different script.

    I know it's each to there own but I find many of these sort of libraries lose their usefulness over time after time, etc. How many percussion ensembles & sable ensembles are we going to see in the next year.

    Is pretty frightening imo how quickly they coming out with stuff that doesn't cover much new ground in some ways. Plus they in general very expensive libraries.

    See the funny thing is that prefer some of the smaller dynamic developers that strive to be creative etc with every release & very rarely find myself dissapointed when I mess with say a new Embertone, Atom Hub library etc. I also find them for my own purposes much more usefull.

    Each to their own but when a company loses creativity etc in the pursuit of cash it usually ends up being disappointing to some degree.

    Of course other people will find it useful, I am sure.

    EDIT Just watched the whole vid & found it really disappointing for me personally. Simply as stated above this really is a composer's tool not a musician's tool.

    It seems as if they again just adding a few more scripting tricks to the samples they already have & re-warping them.

    For me personally a load of noise. To others maybe fantastic noise but for me *no*

    Maybe good for movies & scores when u have no other decent ideas to turn too but as for making interesting music I don't think so.

    Much the same as the symphobia spiral.

    If u really wan't to listen to some great music by a bloke who knew how to run an orchestra do yourself a favour & spend the money on every Frank Zappa album made where imho you will find musically alot more inspiration for scoring/odd time signatures/passion etc than these re-warped samples.

    Just my opinion tho & if it good for u then great :wink:
  12. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Hmm, I would disagree with that. ProjectSAM is waaaay ahead of this 'noisy so called epic libraries' scheme. Let me explain.
    Albion series, was just as Sable, Mural and the rest of BML series recorded to 2" tape and is virtually unprocessed. No dynamic compression, be it on script or sample level, is noticeable.
    Yes they prerecorded combinations used mostly in epic/trailer music (which I was a fan until Thomas Bergersen showed up), like trumpets in oct. But there are still parts of this series that fits every production (e.g. string section). Albion 2 really cuts in with smaller section (twice the size of Sable) and the sound is very pleasant.

    ProjectSAM typical trademark sound is one that cuts through mix like razor sharp blade. Definitely not useful in my production, but for some it might be just the thing.
    But Albion is not like that, at least doesn't sound like that to me :dunno:

    User 137, yes I was indeed puzzled when Reeds showed up only with three basic articulations. Then I though something's indeed different. :sad:
    They're likely pushing the public to buy "something", that's why they started doing bundles recently. :rofl:

    Prerecorded sets are useful for previews, I wouldn't use stacked Woodwinds patch in my music. But Strings are useful at least partly when lines for Celli/Basses are the same. V1/V2/Vla is a bit more delicate to properly orchestrate. Of course the whole Albion series is replaceable. *yes*
  13. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    I think you're confusing orchestration/music with production. Anyway, every library has its strengths and weaknesses (and character). For example, LASS or KH or VSL (more or less) can do divisi, while Symhpobia or SF libs can't. But, those have more natural sound, body and space. It's the personal balancing of things and taste that works for you and your music. Bergersen's music may be too loud or too processed, but it's not just "trumpets in octaves". For example, I love the orchestration and progression in this (and I like it as music generally; I don't care if it uses ensembles):
    Or these:
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMFGPOjev-s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXv9tAJiQGk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVZbE-vqgmA

    If you do divisi, you probably won't need Symphobia.
    If you don't do complex orchestrations and don't need ultra intimate detail, you may not need VSL.
    If you do a variety of styles, you may want both or you may want to layer them.
    If you have deadlines, you may not want to spend time placing instruments or applying reverbs
    You may want a sound you can customize and make your own as much as possible

    And you most likely will make a compromise here or there.

    PS I see "ensemble" libraries as good for layers or laying down ideas, not just being tools for "epic" music (and that is not just about the processing of sound but because those oftentimes use simpler orchestration). They are all snapshots of different approaches, styles and performances. A pallette. None of them is definitive.
    PS2 I don't like Albion (at least, not on its own) but its existence doesn't bother me at all; it's just a tool (which is not suitable for me)
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