Softube Unveils Mutronics Mutator Plugin

Discussion in 'Software News' started by theDingus, Dec 17, 2014.

  1. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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    Mutronics Mutator creates mind boggling filter sweep effects on any sound source—guitars, vocals, keyboards,
    drums, etc. Mutator is essentially a super sweet stereo analog filter and an envelope follower, based on
    technology developed for analog synthesis in the 1960s. It's fair to say that The Mutator is more of a creative
    tool than purely a mix tool.

    Mutronics Mutator was an instant success when it came out in the early 1990's, and had an enormous impact
    of the sound from that decade. The Mutator can clearly be heard on records by artists such as Radiohead, Beck,
    Daft Punk, The Chemical Brothers, Nine Inch Nails, Massive Attack and many more.


    But the Mutator was short lived. Production ceased abruptly when a vital component was discontinued by the
    component manufacturer. The original has since then only been available at auction sites, often at prices much
    higher than the original purchase price. Softube has worked closely with Mutronics to ensure that the plug-in
    captures every delicate detail of the original hardware.


    What is the Mutator?

    Mutator has an analog voltage controlled filter (VCF) for each of its two channels, which can create synth-like
    filtersweeps on any sound source that is fed into the unit. The filter can be controlled from a number of
    sources, for example the envelope follower, which sweeps the filter in proportion to the amplitude of the sound
    source. In Gate mode, the filter is either on or off, and the filter can also be controlled by the on-board LFOs.
    These have four waveforms, which create filter sweeps in our out of time with the music.


    Another very cool option is to use the external sidechain input, to have an external sound source control the
    filter movements. For example, insert the Mutator on a pad track and have the filter move in sync with a drum
    loop. You can also link or unlink the two channels for trippy stereo effects, use the Width control to extend
    the stereo field and use the Mix knob to blend in the original sound source with the mutated sound.

    To further understand what the Mutator does, we recommend that you check out the product video!

    In Shart:

    - Mind boggling filter effects
    - Control filter sweeps by the sound source's amplitude, from the LFOs or from an external sound source
    - Used on many seminal records from the 1990s
    - Based on technology developed for analog synthesis from the 1960s
    - Each and every component carefully modeled
    - Extremely analog behavior of frequencies, phase, distortion, etc.

    Mutator is available for $219 USD
    Includes licenses for VST, VST3, Audio Units, RTAS and AAX Native.

    More INFO: Softube | Mutronics Mutator
  3. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Looks amazing but as with their other 2.0 stuff ShiteLok USB key put's me off :snuffy:

    Would definitely go for a lot of their stuff if it not for that. Might need the key just to demo it.

    Looks very cool though *yes*
  4. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ User 137,

    I guess like many 'ShiteLok USB Key' haters ! :rofl:

    If you're a 'Native Instruments REAKTOR 5' User, look at the following :


    'NI Community - Reaktor User Library'

    You can also have a look at the following 'VST Plugin' Emulation of the original 'Mutronics Mutator' :


    Mokafix Mutine

    Downloadable for FREE :thumbsup: via :

    'Mokafix Mutine 1 & Mutine 2'
  5. rickbarratt

    rickbarratt Producer

    Dec 27, 2013
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    damn that ui looks spot on.
  6. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Rickbarratt,

    And not only the 'GUI' *no* ... try it, you'll certainly be surprised !!! *yes* :thumbsup:
  7. rickbarratt

    rickbarratt Producer

    Dec 27, 2013
    Likes Received:
    just downloaded it, going into my library now.
  8. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Nice one Studio 555 :bow: Will give those a try *yes*
  9. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    Big fan of softube stuff and really don't care about dongles, most legit user don't but for $219 bucks it better be hand delivered by a hot ass naked girl
  10. rickbarratt

    rickbarratt Producer

    Dec 27, 2013
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    on another note soft tubes saturation plug in has been made free for all formats. 32 & 64 bit au/aax/vst etc
  11. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Rickbarratt,

    Thanks for that Info ! :thumbsup:

    P.S: "...for all formats" must be understood as 'for all the DAW', instead of solely for 'Studio One' as it was the case till now... *yes*


    @ User 137,

    You're welcome Mate ! :mates:
  12. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
    Likes Received:
    I'm Right Behind You

    It was unlocked way back in January by CHAOS, all Softube did was follow his lead
  13. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Mykal,

    *yes* and *no*

    I mean, you're partially right... because the 'CHAOS' Version (that can be found where you know) are SOLELY the '.vst3' Versions (both x86 & x64) :

    Softube Saturation Knob v1.3.13 Build 144258 VST3 x86 x64-CHAOS

    whereas that FREE Offer by 'Softube' comprised the '.dll' ('VST2') and the '.aax' (AAX Pro Tools) Versions (both x86 & x64). *yes*
  14. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I'm a legit user of many products and there are many reasons the dongle is a bunch of bullshit. It's the equivalent of buying a shirt with one of those security tags and finding out that it doesn't get removed and you have to wear it for the rest of your time with that shirt and here's the kicker: you pay for the tag too. Dongles are for cunts. Legit users do care they just have no choice, it's the cost of entry.
  15. theDingus

    theDingus Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2014
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    That's a GREAT analogy! And if you remove the security tag, "I LOVE THE COCK!" appears in huge letters across the front and back of the shirt. Which is fine if you love the cock, but not so much if you don't.
  16. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :mates:

    And it's actually even worse than my analogy because in addition to being inconvenienced with a shirt that has a security tag sticking out the back that you have to scan before wearing and you paid for you also have that shirt wasting tons of closet space. In terms of dongles that means dongle calls that waste processor cycles AND a USB port being taken up just for the "privilege" of using some software. Shit makes me want to vomit. [​IMG]

    Dongles: piracy for developers. :wink:
  17. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
    Likes Received:
    I'm Right Behind You
    I'm really torn about this! On one hand I believe that everybody should be able to try anything for a limited time for free BUT I guess the difference with my case is that I earn my living through music, pay for my daughters educations.ETC ETC... I could care less about about a dongle as long as the software involved does what I need it to do and makes me money. My kush UBK-1 blows anything native I have dealt with away and really don't care about the iLOK protection. As far as I care the only ones that bitch about it are those that can't afford and the ones that can't crack it. If you have a personal problem with dongles, cool I get it, each to their own tool set. And to Cat you said" Legit users do care they just have no choice" !! Not true we do have a choice. We "Legit" users can always go another route but choose not to because of the quality of the plugin.

    BTW: I do have an extra Ilok2 for free.Anybody want it??? Dongles:The anti piracy for developers. Somethings are worth paying for !!!!
  18. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    I have no problem with dongles & everything I use is legit.

    I do try stuff out & if I like it I buy it. I also have no problems with software developers choosing to protect their product in such a way, of course they have that right.

    I also don't have any problem paying out for the best quality stuff as is worth it.

    However if your going to charge me 6000 dollars for plugins etc & it protected by ILok etc u better make damn sure that when I have a problem that might not be my fault such as whatever etc & I contact customer services u get a better response than, not my fault can't help u.

    Not saying it always like that but if you are going to link your software to protection via a second party & charge a load of cash then it also makes sense to me personally to investigate whether that second party is treating each & every one of your customers fairly & with the respect they deserve as legitimate customers etc.

    Otherwise u are going to end up losing a lot of customers. That really my just about my only problem, apart from maybe the fees they make out of shitty sidelines but that's life I guess.

    Also couldn't give two shits whether it cracked or whether I can afford it.

    If I can't afford it I don't buy it. That's my problem. If it not cracked I couldn't care less because for what I need I only use legit stuff.

    However when I have a problem I expect a better response than eerm don't know, couldn't care less, phone someone else.
  19. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Dongles are a heavy handed response by an industry that refuses to adapt to a changing landscape. I applaud Urs Heckmann for coming up with a protection that is minimally invasive and doesn't impact the legitimate user. That is a forward thinking approach. Pace is no different from the mafia or gang of thugs that offer you protection but enslaves you and everyone you serve by proxy in the process. It is the equivalent of putting a gun to someone's head and calling it peace. It's the equivalent of the privacy vs. security debate in which the United States government is willing to enslave the planet with the misguided notion that this will somehow make it's citizens safer. It's not only people that can't afford it or people that are pissed their favorite software isn't cracked that take issue. I can perform a 2 second search and bring back hundreds of results of unsatisfied customers that are being bullied into using system that should be destroyed. You can search right on our forums and find cases where this nonsense was a serious problem for legitimate users. And if you want prompt support if anything happens you have to pay for Pace's Zero Downtime protection, give me a fucking break. What a scam! You know me pretty well at this point and you know I could care less about shiny shit so it's not that angle that I'm attacking this issue from simply because a plug-in I want isn't cracked. I don't care, if you use a dongle you are irrelevant to me and I will simply do with what I have because those that came before me made music with much less and if I can't make it with this then a VST is not going to change that. I'll seek out forward thinking devs and support them instead especially considering that most if not all devs using iLok hate your guts. That's why I stopped supporting Softube, Soundtoys and other companies long ago. If this were a physical product you would never deal with that kind of crap but digital tyranny is somehow okay.

    What makes me want to vomit even more is when free products are given away that you need a dongle to use. Why even bother? Every time I hear the debate there is never a mention of all the positive benefits of piracy and devs always make it out to have no redeeming value and I can't agree with that at all. You won't read about it in the news but piracy makes companies make better products. Piracy made Softube and Soundtoys household names in the first place and they were cool with it up to that point. In the developer mind they should be able to keep shelling out tons of crap at exorbitant prices and we should all just keep buying it. Piracy changes the game by letting us weed through the noise and figure out the products that are really worth our time and money. It also introduces people to companies that they may have never known about. Dongles are a disease and if you're used to that then maybe the rectal exam you'll get the next time you fly somewhere will be more palatable.
  20. mark@WFstudios

    mark@WFstudios Member

    Oct 23, 2012
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    this is a banging looking plugin :)

    oh & death to all dong diddly ong pong shlong dongles :excl: