
Discussion in 'DAW' started by Olymoon, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Well it seems that we have exactly the same version, the one I have is the Samplitude_Pro_X_Suite_Download_Version. Updated to update.

    As I don´t work with many audio tracks (I´am more composing with midi) I cant reproduce your robotic problem.

    I avoid 32bit plugins unless they are absolutely exceptional.
    As effect I use more the Waves bundle lately.

    If you change to Sequoia you may see an amelioration. The VIP projects are compatibles in both direction, I´ve tried it. And now I work with Sequoia.

    How much RAM, and what CPU do you have?
  2. lysergyk

    lysergyk Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2011
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    8gb of ram and proc is a i7 so there shouldn't any problem...(and there are none indeed beside these 2 ones I use)

    I also have other plug ins but it's just that for guitars I really like the black dragon eq and the octo comp...but I guess I'll have to find x64 altrnatives
  3. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Yes , obviously you don´t have power problem.
    It is a bit weird then.

    Ok, I understand black dragon eq is from Antress,
    You may find some x64 similars like Focusrite EQs, Scarlet Eq, and Midnight EQ, or from Nomad Factory there is the EQP-4, not to forget the Waves SSL EQ Stereo, and a lot more.

    and the Octo Comp is from Ik Multimedia TRacks, this one have a x64 version.

    Hope this helps

    Some time latter, I tried the black dragon eq, and as you said, at the beginig every thing seems fine, but latter it was just blocking all the audio out of Samplitude/Sequoia.
    So strange bug. :dunno:
  4. lysergyk

    lysergyk Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2011
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    aye, no worries, I have t-racks and wave too ^^
    but you know what it's like always go bk to what you know best ah ah ... guess I just have to let go of that one when using sam..
    ...but that's a shame cuz the black dragon EQ is really easy to work with and so far I didn't come across anything similar

    I'm "glad" (so to speak) to see that you had the same problem means it has nothing to do with my DAW or's just pointing the finger at sam's bridge..
    reaper's bridge seems made of f0ckin' iron compared to it..handles plugins by the truckload and never had a prob!

    BTW do you or anyone else here use the independence pro sound library (70gb)? if so what's your opinion about it?

    honestly I find it quite average (not bad if you don't have anything else, but I expected something better I must say..their marketing team has it as "premium"..well I wouldn't call it that lol)
    ...I bought EWQL PROXP for orchestral instruments a while bk and it sounds way better in every respects, and drumkit wise, toontrack's ezdrummer and superior which I have been using
    for years too are clearly in another league...

    but I quite like independence as a sampler though

    thanks for your input
  5. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Well, Lysergik, apart of this Antress plugin I never had a problem with SAM/Sequoia bridge, so it is not that bad.
    Of course the balance between advantage and default, or functions you like and dislike from a DAW and that make you choose one on an other are quiet personal.
    For example, a function of SAM/SEQ that is not even publicized by Magix, is the Staff/Score view, but not so many DAW have this, and for some musicians it can make a big difference.

    Coming back to plugins functions, the routing in SAM/SEQ is very flexible, and the possibility to save and load back in another mix a track plugin state can be very useful and time saving.

    Did you tried the plugins I mentioned? I have been careful to choose ones with similar GUI to black dragon eq, you should find the same easy way to work.
    BTW, I prefer EQs with graphic representation of what you do, I find it clearer. Like Waves H-EQ for example.

    Speaking about Waves plugins, for guitarist, I invite you to try the Chris Lord Alge plugin, it is under the name of CLA Guitar stereo.

    I agree that Waves plugins are many that it is easy to loose your way. But it worth to dig it.

    About the Independence, I agree with you. It is completely over priced. And even over weighted. Who needs 70GB for such inexpressive sounds?

    The EWQL PRO XP is not bad, but a bit old, not taking advantage of Kontakt 5 expressive possibilities.
    Anyway, usually, big packs, mixes good things with average ones. I prefer specialized libs. Like Zero-G Spiritoso and Animato, or OrchestraTools Orchestral Strings Run 2 for strings, Project Sam Symphobia 1 and 2 for all the orchestra including brass, and cinesamples Cine Brass etc...
  6. lysergyk

    lysergyk Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2011
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    thanks for your answer man.

    I do know the plug ins you mentioned (and have most of them as a matter of fact) but they're not quite the same to me lol...anyway, it's just one EQ, I'll find another one if I need to, that's no biggie but it always makes me wonder how the guys at cockos get things working pretty well while bigger companies like steinberg, cakewalk, magix or others can't! sort of weird in the end when you think about it...but whatever...and despite that sam still has a lot to offer whatsoever

    I also know the CLA plug-in but I don't really like that one, I think it just kills the tone and makes it either harsh or hollow..well it's a bit difficult to describe but I much prefer to use simple EQs

    asfor EWQL it's true it is growing a bit old but that's the one I have and I'm not going to get these kind of libraries every day, especially as I use them rather sparingly, so in my case there's still plenty to do with it..but I'll check out a few of the ones you threw in cuz I dont know most of them. thx :wink:
  7. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Your welcome mate
  8. phoketztight

    phoketztight Newbie

    Sep 19, 2012
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    Ive got a problem Sam and Sequia lost buffer issues. Ive tried increasing the buffer size but always lost buffers cant figure it out ive tried with audio and without audio


    Ive tried moving the vip buffer up and down highest to lowest went from 24 bit to 16bit etc etc.Lots of crackles and pops using asio.but when i switch to mme everything is fine only drawback i cant print vsts to track doing so.Any help?
  9. tracer

    tracer Member

    Oct 10, 2011
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    Cologne Germany
    @ phoketztight,
    as i see, you have a pretty good midiman soundcard (i had the same for years but as Delta 1010-external 19" hardware) - i see that the monitoring is ON in your pics (the button right beside the REC button from that transport-bar) that's ok and right with ASIO hardware, but turn it OFF and see if you now doesnt lost any buffers. if now all plays creamy and well, you have to "tune" the settings for this Monitoring (make a right click on that button *for monitoring behavior*, check something of that and \ or go also to the "Monitoring \ Hybrid" settings in the samplitude audio-setup and check here also something)
    if nothing of any other monitoring settings really works (except that all is good if it's turned off) try to use this monitoring feature only if you need it at the working progress with e.g. VST'instrumets, sing in a mic, or whatever - and turn it off if you "just" want trackbounce or play your whole project.

    second try is to go at the FX-Settings -> the "VST\DirectX\Rewire" point, there are some Presets for the ASIO (plugin) buffers, try something of that..

    this are just two of many solutions (if your hardware is strong enough by default), maybe some of this helps a bit?!

    by the way (hardware): if you have a "slow" hardware, samplitude have some great features like "track\plugin freeze", you be able to freeze any tracks with many plugins (also instruments) to a single rendered wave file, now your machine dont need the massive ressources of the fx-plugins and instruments. and sure, you be able to change all to the original state\point like before after this (track unfreeze) -> take a look at the doc's if needed.
  10. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Hey guys, I'm experiencing a problem with Sequoia and samplitude

    I have a lot of plugins installed, and when I try to load a plugin that is close to the end of the second column or after that position.(see picture)
    It simply does not load, nothing happens.

    But I still can load it from the track option window using Playback Dev list menu.

    any of you have this problem?

  11. samp

    samp Member

    Jan 18, 2014
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    best sound
    best warm analog summing
    best Eq ( mixer Eq ) sonic quality
    best object audio editing
    best time stretching (TRTS)

    cons :
    old skins
    many bugs
    mixer eq - no analyzer/ only 4 band
    less midi
    less routing
    cpu optimize

    i hope x2 will be better.
  12. Bonogoss

    Bonogoss Newbie

    Sep 21, 2013
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    Hi Oly,

    did you fixed it ?? Never had this problem. Did you try to reupload your VSt Folder ? BTW: cool list of VST, we have a lot in common !!

    @ SAmp: you are right about Samplitude, but for your "mixer eq - no analyser problem" you can make it this way

    - Sidebar/View, choose "Manager/ Docker"
    -Choose the "Visualisation" TAb
    - You may have to make "stereoscope" appear (Right click on wich metter you have on screen to proceed)...
    -And finaly right click on the track you want to see the analyser working with and tick something like " Track Visualisation" ...

    You should see the anlyser working with this track and a 32 or 64 bands Spectrum (depends of the options you have choosed)

    See attached screen capture for more details ...

    Samplitude Analyser.jpg

    @ phoketztight and tracer.

    Good to see a Samplitude post. As a "regular" user I wil try to help.

    I ever always had this "loose of Asio" trouble with Samplitude. Assuming that I am a "computer's Power User" , my configuration is optimised, hardware and Software. My Sound Card is a Roland Quad-Capture (UA-55)and I am using the latest driver's version. My computer is always connected to Internet, I am using a very light Antivirus sometimes I've got others software running in the background, or Dloads running ... Except when I try to record Audio Materials (Guitar, Voice) I do not dedicated My session to Music ...

    But what I can say is, I always have Asio Loosing during a Recording or Playback session with Samplitude. It may be one,3,7 ... I really worry when I can see Asio loosing faster than one/second !! What I know too is when I try to open a new VSt or put another FX, or click on something else, during play Back, I could have one or 2 Asio losts ... It may be an interaction between my USB mouse and My USB Card. I never had understand why we are using USB for "Pro" Sound Cards. USB sucks !! Its good enough for USB storage keys, that's all !!
    Another trick is, some Fuckin' VST are always freezing or making small crashes and lost of Asio ... If you have a crash message after closing Samplitude check the details and see what is causing such messages. For example by my side I see a lot Of "Kontakt issues" ...

    Samplitude doesn't like you to change the sound card specification after a crash or a Freeze. You better change the settings, save your work, close and reopen Samplitude. Another Trick: if you have checked the "Auto Save" function, it could freeze your playback and make loose of Asio. It depends of how big is your work, how many VST you have running. Samplitude doesn't care if you are lessening at a great symphony with 32 Tracks and 64 vst FX running at this time !!!

    One of the worst/better thing with Samplitude: its like a sort of Nuclear Factory, with tones of Lights, buttons, settings, parameters, functions !! You don't have one parameter for all, but many options for all ... Samplitude is A Studio Producing Workstation ... For Live Sessions in a click see with Ableton Live for example ...
  13. samp

    samp Member

    Jan 18, 2014
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    maybe samp x2 (upcomming samplitude v13) .. this fall..
  14. Kraznet

    Kraznet Newbie

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Hi there,

    I just found this forum when doing a search for Samplitude. The lost Asio buffer issue seems to be one of the main problems with Samplitude and the code seems a lot more susceptible to this than other DAW's but then again they don't have an alert for this kind of problem. I've recently been in contact with another Samplitude user who was suffering from dropouts at low latency. We did some troubleshooting and he is now managing to run at 64 samples and even as low as 32.
    To start with I found this video on YouTube which goes through some useful tweaks for optimising Windows 8. It involves tweaking the BIOS and also doing some registry edits.

    Another fairly obvious thing is to make sure all the drivers are up-to-date. There is a free version of the tool called "Drivereasy" which basically scans your system and looks for outdated drivers.
    I used it on my system which only built about 4 months ago and I was surprised to find that 20 of the drivers were out of date.

    The difference between the free and the paid version is that the free version scans for outdated drivers but only let you install one at a time using limited download bandwidth. Whereas the paid version lets you install all the drivers at once (although installation of certain drivers may need a restart) at full bandwidth.

  15. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Waow !!! I see we're getting serious here. Mr Kraznet himself have join us!

    Very welcome Mr Kraznet. I am very glad to see you. Looking your vids very often. I must thank you for all this fantastic material that you share for all Samplitude users.
  16. audiopro

    audiopro Member

    Dec 11, 2014
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    Goody! Counting the days....It's come Pro X2 :grooves:
  17. audiopro

    audiopro Member

    Dec 11, 2014
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  18. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Thanks for the info Audiopro

    What's new in Samplitude X2 click here

    We have to test it, but it seems that VST3 is now integrated, and a lot more new features, but still no plugin manager ... :wow:
  19. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Hey, I see others have had VST bridge issues. I was wondering if anyone has come across mine, or if there is a solution.

    This happens in Sequoia especially with 32bit plugs but sometimes also with some 64 bit, particularly ones that are fairly CPU heavy. The bridge works fine for the most part, and as far as I can tell this doesn't damage the sound quality in any way, but often when I close a plugin or a VIP containing certain plugs (Battery comes to mind, as I use it to chop samples whenever I don't have Live's Drum Rack handy) I get a Windows error message telling me that "VST Bridge 36/64 2.1something has stopped working" (I'll fill in the relevant version numbers later when I use it again). It has only actually terminated a plugin prematurely once or twice, but seeing an error message whenever I close a plug gets a bit disconcerting and makes me worry about stability.

    Anybody have any ideas?
  20. Moleman

    Moleman Platinum Record

    Jan 11, 2013
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    has the bitchass improved this in v13 ? because that is totally outdated old interface 1999's german software way of loading plugins through that gay ass context menu, i can't believe wtf were they thinking while making this in 2013-2014, this is outrageous and ultra mega fucktarded for such a high end DAW software being ruined by such a workflow flaw! , i mean seriously, no?

    the way of adding / inserting plugins is now through drag and drop. (Logic Pro and Studio One)
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