Which College should i join? Help Me

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by globalpeace, Dec 10, 2014.

  1. globalpeace

    globalpeace Noisemaker

    Oct 6, 2014
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    Hey Guys, Help me, My parents wants me to get a degree and i have Chose SAE Amsterdam for Audio Engineering & it costs around 15,000Euro for diploma + Bachelors. Can you guys suggest me whether it is good place to learn Audio Engineering or Should i consider any other university? Any suggestions? (P.S:I Produce Music similar to Dannic & Calvin Harris)
  3. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    You don't need a degree nowadays in order to start making music profesionally.
    This is the internet era, where you learn almost everything for free or a small fee. You have Puremix and Youtube at your fingertips. Puremix's subscription it's not that expensive either. You would actually go a longer way if you would spend that amount of money into studio equippment. A SAE won't bring you any practical experience, only theory. The most important aspect is the practical involvment and how much time you will spend to actually make music. The more you do, the better you become, that's how the experience is built. It's simple as that.

    Regarding your type of music, take Dyro as an example. He went a long way in a short amount of time. To achieve that, you have to be OBSESSED by making music daily and dreaming it at night. He also said that he's a nerd, so that explains it.

    P.S.: A diploma in music industries nowadays it only serves our parents's pride, nothing more. The professionals you will work with, they won't care about where are you coming from or what diplomas you have, they're actually interested in what you can actually do. A diploma won't compensate the lack of practical skills.
  4. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    I read Dyro tips before he became famous and got signed by Reveald. He really knows how to produce good music. He didn't take production lesson or degrees. He knows his shit in and out. You can find his tips on LaidbackLuke.com
  5. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Calvinmusic,

    I'll be a little less categorically than 'Evorax' because the 'SAE Institute', and mainly its 'SAE Alumni Association', can serve during your Studies, or better, after been graduated, of course ! *yes*
    It will certainly not do some sort of 'miracles' for you, but you never know... it could open you some doors to achieve your career's goals and/or wishes...

    Take the time to read the following Info provided about the 'SAE Alumni Association' :

    'SAE Alumni Association'

    At the top left of that page, you can choose your Region : EUROPE - NORTH AMERICA - LATIN AMERICA - AUSTRALIA

    Some Audio Professionals hire/employ sometimes freshly graduated Students from the 'SAE Institute', so you never know...

    Another interesting 'Job Opportunities' provided by the 'SAE Institute' :

    'SAE Institute Creative Media Education'

    As you can notice it right now, you have several Jobs/Opportunities available worldwide, but of course, not all are in the 'Audio' Area. As you certainly know it, the 'SAE Institute' provides several courses in different Artistic Areas... *yes*

    Now, I'll come back to the Comment of 'Evorax'. If you plan to become a 'renowned', 'successful',... Producer, or in one word : 'famous', and by the way, make plenty of money ($$$ :rofl: ), perhaps the 'SAE Institute' is not the best way to achieve it...
    To be short, the 'SAE Institute', or any other specialized Audio/Engineering School must be done if you plan to become a 'real' Professional in the selected Area, not necessarily to become a 'Star' !!!
    If you plan to become a 'Star' (I hope for you !), rather take another way, how to say that, more direct !!! *yes* :wink:
  6. tidus1990

    tidus1990 Producer

    Aug 23, 2014
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    I have learned everything i know from Audioz lol I watched 100s of videos i have also done ear training from Dave Moultens Golden ears. its been 2 years and i can say i have accomplished quite alot by self learning. I am going to my local college and studying Music Theory as well. I have prolly spent $2000 on education and $10,000 on gear. I can also say that i know way more than any student starting from scratch at any of those audio institutes. Like i read in one of the comments. When it comes to Audio engineering music production is all about what you can do. I will also not knock on the audio institudes they are a great way to meet people and learn from ppl. If you are willing to take full advantage of that from day 1 i would recommend doing that instead of something like i did. That is my 2 cents on that.
  7. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    But even if those tutorials is VERY helpful it CANT beat the man to man (or woman) tutorials as if you do something WRONG or maybe dont UNDERSTAND how can you ASK the teacher?

    And even if you ask 1000 times on an internet site you may still not get it..

    Thats where a REAL teacher comes in he/she can see an explain for you what you do wrong and maybe dont understand there is some topics that is hard to understand in the audio world as you may know..

    So i say if you want to know how a PRO studio works learn to mix on a big SSL (or other brand) mixer and learn to play with great5 outboards then join the collage..
    If you want to make music at home without all the hardware knowledge (well you might buy some compressor or preamp but it wont be the same) then take internet classes

    And as Studio 555 say it can open up doors where as if you start at home you most likely need a BIG HIT or a VERY BIG WALLET to get access to the big studios
  8. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    I think you missed his part where he mention "Calvin Harris" and "Dannic". Even Hardwell made all his stuff just in his home studio. His aim isn't to become an ordinary sound engineer, he want's to get as big as his favourites. And i think you really underestimate the people who never did any audio engineering college. We're not that noobs in order to fight figuring out how you use a console ore how to play with outboard gear's ins and out through your DA.
    Also, regarding video tutorials, you Choose what to watch e.g. what you didnt understood, just search it on YT,Groove3 or AskVideo and you get it instantly, so you still don't end up by not understanding something, because nowadays there's tutorials for even how to use outboard gear, which is tought by a real sound engineer, not some YT amateur or whatever.
    There' TONS of world-scale famous producers who never joined any college, but their focus on actually training their music-making skills with practical involvment on their own, brought them where they are today. As i said, if you don't understand something nowadays, just google it and voila, it's there in your face, while you can't call yor teacher in the middle of the night if you're wondering about something in that moment. There's tons of video tutorials made particulary for the things you're wondering about, there's nothing you CAN'T find out on the internet about regarding both theory and practice.

    As Studio555 said, yes, it can open doors but only as a regular professional in a particular audio area, but the OP's intentions is to make EDM, which doesnt require any collage needs. If he does it, he will waste both time and money, instead of focusing on actually improve by passionately making music daily and also to invest that money wisely into his studio gear needs. I made a living from EDM stuff too, as a both sound designer and producer/sound engineer and i didnt needed any collage for that.

    Have a great day,


    (Sent from my mobile)
  9. Akaipro

    Akaipro Newbie

    Feb 15, 2012
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    The music biz is insanely hard to get work in. If I were you, or rather if I could tell myself at your age, I would make sure I'd get a degree in something from a real university.

    Not the scam that is SAE.

    Google, check forums etc. Most people that went to SAE or similar "trade schools" are very unhappy with their choices.

    And if you take into consideration that studios are NOT hiring today. Most real studios are shutting down. I'd get a degree in something else I have an interest in and make money and buy the audio stuff I want with a high paying job.

    If your only interest is audio or music I'd advice you to either just get a job today and make music all the hours you're not at work or sleep. Or find a real university and study stuff like audio dsp programming or audio technology. Theres a lot out there,
  10. chopin4525

    chopin4525 Producer

    Jul 23, 2013
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    Only somebody who lives near you can offer better alternatives in audio engineering. I would consider a lot in the process of making a choice, the connections you can establish attending the college. Human relationships can help you not only in learning some stuff but also by meeting new people in the business. This is an aspect you can hardly get from an online tutorial. ;)
  11. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    First of all: I went to sae, so I can give you an inside perspective. It's a lot of money and with the experience I have now, I doubt I would do it again. If I went to one or two large recording studios for an internship for two years, I would have learned the same stuff but had the contacts and credibility to get going right off the start.
    Be advised that as an audio engineer you're not the creative mastermind. You're the guy who stays in the studio to work when the session is over and everybody else goes to lunch. You often won't get much credits, but you will be berated if stuff doesn't work the way it should.

    Other universities? First, to put this straight, SAE is no university, there is no scientific work.
    At least in Germany, where I went to sae, there are some real universities who offer comparable educations. But to get there you have to play an instrument at concert level. So these educations really are on different levels.

    It's really quite the opposite. SAE is about practical education, the theoretical part is mostly a joke. Depending on you professor, we as an example learned miking from this guy, which was great.
    For example, we learned how to edit analog reel-to-reel tape, we learned the signal flow in large recording studios, we worked in large studios with ssl and neve consoles and knew them inside out. There are practical exams on those consoles (in fact including everything in the studio) and if you flunk them - no diploma for you.
    Someone who passed SAE is a pretty solid audio lackey, who can - at least - work in a multitrack recording studio (analog and digital), work in an ob-team or produce digital audio content. It's a versatile education with a high percentage of practical content.

    Audio engineering is not about making music although learning the engineer's perspective is helpful to be more self reliant in the production process.
    An education as audio engineer won't help you make better music in terms of composition, but it will help you make better sounding music. But still, glacé crap is still crap, if you know what I mean (hello EDM).

    That is absolutley correct. Especially in the media/music-biz, being able to use connections and pulling strings will get you the job. Nothing else. Nobody wants to see a diploma.
    That is why I strongly suggest that intership. It will get you much much further.
  12. globalpeace

    globalpeace Noisemaker

    Oct 6, 2014
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    You're Absolutely right :wink: , But Parents just wants me to have degree for sake. Thanks for you Tip :wink:
  13. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    Yeah, but meeting "new people in the business" while you're still incapable to make music at a professional level, would they still work with you if you're not as good as they need you to be? Even if you know some pros, they won't baby-sit anyone. You're rather good or not. These days if you have potential, then you become something. You don't have potential since birth date, you have to develop it through a lot of both practical and theoretical activity over time. I mentioned "online tutorials" as a covering for theoretical intel. Internet got you covered for any theoretical intel you need nowadays.
    Regarding connections, they will pop up someday by default (as in my case) once you're good enough. Labels are hunting for producers with potential. If someone said he was rejected by some label, that's because he wasn't good enough, but he's also not objective enough regarding his potential so he would blame the "lack of connections" instead of his undeveloped skills.
    You don't know me personally, but i already have connections to some labels and i know also some managers of some big enstablished EDM artists and most of them are hunting for guys with POTENTIAL. They don't care about your diploma, degree or any collage you would get through. Most people you will meet in an audio engineering collage, most of them don't even have anything to do with EDM, so he would make the wrong connections afterall. Read his topic again.

    As i mentioned earlier, take Dyro as an example. He was nobody until people heard his outstanding productions on his soundcloud profile and Hardwell signed him instantly. If you're good enough, you won't have to chase business, because business will chase you.
    This is mostly available when it comes about EDM producers, i don't how how the things works for the pop or rap producers, but in EDM, your skills gets you out of the "unknown" crowd.

  14. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    In case you misunderstood something, let me quote an important detail from his topic:

    So you should understand why the collage would be a waste of both money and time.
    Most of the EDM producers never graduated any audio engineering collage. They don't need that for what they do.
  15. globalpeace

    globalpeace Noisemaker

    Oct 6, 2014
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    @fraifikmushi Can i get your soundcloud link ? Since you have been to SAE , I just want hear the Sound Quality in your music.
  16. globalpeace

    globalpeace Noisemaker

    Oct 6, 2014
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    Evorax is my Confidence Booster :mates:
  17. kimikaze

    kimikaze Platinum Record

    Aug 20, 2014
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    I think choice is need to come from you itself. Only you know best which way of learning things is best for you. For example, if you like more organized way of learning, and you know you learn best from standard teaching methods, then SAE probably isn't bad option but probably isn't only way either. Or if you more like self learner who gathered valuable information from web with easiness and you can be self motivated without someone or something pushing you even after weeks of working trough days and nights(there are a "little" geek in you :)), then is probably better to go with what already other suggested. Nobody from us can you give conrete answer, because for that we need to look into your Brain and know almost everything about every teaching method that exist :), but best thing for now wil be that you learn and inform yourself as much as you can about different teaching methods. How they work, how much knowledge theoretical and practical you can expect from particular course. Make research about every way of learning courses, ask people that already finished some of them for honest answer, try to make contact with people which have real experience and so on. Remember good preparation is half of success, like good preparation before school test.

    In the end there is no really bad way. Be open and have realistic expectations about learning ways, grab every opportuninty that you find. Remember there no course that will make you good(they are only there that you serve with knowledge), there is gradual income of knowledge which is call experience. Be realistic, you are not first man on the planet which want to do music, so you can expect you will need a lot of years of experience only to become good.
  18. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    I was in a similar position many years ago, but I went with a degree in IT. Best decision I made, my friends who chose music still work in either local shops or work in IT (several positions below me).
    Whilst at uni I also hammered the music tutorials and books... and got drunk :)

    It's a long time and a big investment so plan it out correctly. Even when I didn't get the first few jobs I was still able to get computer related jobs due to my degree like schools, hospital, local authority.
    Having a music degree doesn't have the same transferable skills.

    If you have a job in mind or someone is willing to take you on pending the course completion then fine... but I agree that if you just want to make music then it all seems a bit over the top.

    Good luck!
  19. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Calvinmusic,

    As your planned 'Diploma Course + Bachelors' are rather expensive : "Audio Engineering & it costs around 15,000Euro for diploma + Bachelors.", why not do a maybe less prestigious Course, but also less expensive, thus anyway leading you to learn at least the 'Basics' in the 'Audio Fields' (and far beyond, with 'in-depth' tutorials about 'MIDI', 'Soft Synths',... most of the New Technologies in relation with Music & Production) by undertake the following 'SAE Institute' Certificate Course :

    'SAE Electronic Music Production Certificate'

    The SAE Electronic Music Production Certificate is ideal if :

    * You make music, experiment with electronic sound synthesis and you would like to work more efficiently with your equipment
    * You are into DJing and would like to create your own music
    * You want an edge on your existing production techniques
    * You would like to remix music more effectively

    Award : SAE Institute Electronic Music Production Certificate

    Duration : Part-time: 24 weeks

    Entry requirements : There are no academic requirements to participate in this programme. The only entry requirement is for the participant to be at least 16 years of age upon commencement of the course. This course has advanced standing towards our diploma programmes.

    Course Content :

    Audio Techniques
    Students learn sound theory, equalisation, studio effects and dynamic processors, analogue and digital mixing consoles. Students will examine various production studio set-ups in relation to project requirements.

    Music Production
    Music theory fundamentals, composition structure and arrangement techniques are taught in this section of the course. Mastering techniques for several media e.g. CD, vinyl and internet are also covered.

    Hard-disk Recording
    Through a program of consecutive practical exercises, students learn how to operate industry standard editing systems. Students gain skills in editing soundfiles effectively, as well as the creative application of editing techniques for vocal and instrument recording.

    MIDI and Sequencing
    Utilising industry standard sequencing software, students are trained in MIDI recording, sequencing and virtual studio environments. Integration of audio and MIDI for remixing is discussed and solutions are demonstrated. Students are encouraged to experiment with new ideas to achieve unique compositions.

    Sampling and Synthesis
    Samplers, synthesizers and virtual studio software is explained and various sound shaping techniques are explored. Sampling and beat programming are combined technically and creatively. Students are introduced to basic sound design.

    The following software programs are covered during this course :

    Steinberg Cubase
    Apple Logic Pro
    Ableton Live
    Propellerheads Reason
    Native Instruments software
    Digidesign ProTools
    Several other plugin manufacturers and softsynths

    Personally, I really think, according to your Request, that this kind of Course could better suit your real needs. It's also far less expensive than a 'Full Audio Engineer Diploma + Bachelors', thus leaving you some margin to buy some performant Audio Material if needed... with the grant of your Parents !!! *yes* :hug: :thumbsup:
  20. chopin4525

    chopin4525 Producer

    Jul 23, 2013
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    I see where you come from but in some cases it's not enough if you don't want to be just the next Dyro. Establishing connections is essential for example when you want to learn about microphone techniques (essential part in audio engineering courses in my country) or composition. An essential part of it you learn by practice, observation and thanks to people that guide you through the learning process. It all depends on your talent, that is true, but the core of it, comes from "tradition", something that is passed from one generation to the other. I've a hard time imagining it as an online thing. .__.
  21. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    That is exactly the stuff you DON'T need to go to college for.
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