Auto looping help

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Resonance, Dec 1, 2014.

  1. Resonance

    Resonance Newbie

    Apr 15, 2014
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    Hi Community, my first topic as I usually like to work things out myself and let you all get on with what you do
    I'm looking for something that does a good job looping my samples automatically so I can make my hardware synth's into kontakt instances, I've tried samplerobot which is great but I don't like the autoloop results, maybe someone else who uses it knows what settings to use to get better results than the wizard or another application that can do a better job
    OOPS seems like this has gone in the wrong section, my bad
  3. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Resonance,

    What about directly using the 'Kontakt' Sampler Engine for that purpose, if not already done, of course !

    Some 'Sampler Engines' have a 'Zero-Crossing' Function/Option (automatically configurable in some cases), and this one is almost an essential Function if you want to get your Loops/Sounds looped as perfectly as possible, in the case that you don't want to hassle with manual manipulations.
    However, even with that 'Zero-Crossing' Function/Option, and above all, depending of the Audio Material involved in your sampling processes, you must sometimes also adjust manually your works as well... *yes*

  4. krameri

    krameri Rock Star

    Jul 20, 2014
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    What Studio 555 said. To underscore his statement about adjusting manually... I've worked in the sample biz since the Akai S1000 days. Kontakt and such are much more powerful, but I've never seen an auto-loop tool/utility with even somewhat-consistent results. A source worth sampling (as in not a simple sine wave) is going to evolve over time in several ways: loudness, frequencies, room/reverberation, multiple events, etc. We don't have algorithms complex enough to analyze sound the way our brains do, which would be a requirement for auto-looping complex, evolving, sustaining sounds.

    I'm afraid there is no quick and easy way to do it. Cross-fading is helpful to blend the end and beginning of a loop, but that's not a simple setting either.
  5. Resonance

    Resonance Newbie

    Apr 15, 2014
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    thanks guys, I'll have to learn to have some patience with the process then, hopefully it'll be worth the effort and if it turns out ok I'll share my finished results and see what people think and say about making improvement if need be.
  6. Alraun

    Alraun Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    i was asking myself exactly the same question some time ago.
    I wanted to loop hundreds of my own ambient sounds and i tried different softwares on both mac and win.
    I can confirm the statements of Studio 555 and krameri.

    I couldn't find any autoloop-function giving me continuous satisfying results. Too often i had to adjust sounds again manually.

    After many experiments to try to reduce the manual afterwork , i’ve finally found a method, which
    is not automated, but works pretty well, at least with my own kind of sounds (dynamic multi-layered drones). Maybe it works with yours too!?

    Zero-Crossing is the basis. If this is not enough, In the next step, i make a short crossfade in both directions, mostly 50-100ms in length.

    It depends on the sound material, but in my case, often even without the zero-crossing, only by using the crossfades, i get perfectly looped sounds.
    The process still takes a few seconds per sound, but with good results. I use AudioFinder (Mac) for that.

    Crossfade Looper in AudioFinder
  7. Resonance

    Resonance Newbie

    Apr 15, 2014
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    cool Alraun I'll give it a try, might not work on everything but every little helps
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