Are The News Centrally controlled?

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by Alraun, Dec 3, 2014.

  1. Alraun

    Alraun Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    Are the news centrally controlled?

    This question is the same as „Is the Pope catholic?“ It is alleged, in Europe and in the United States there are free and pluralistic media existing as support for democracy. This is a myth and a lie.

    Worst of all is the monopolistic central control of the news in the US, because there are only five media giants controlling everything. Whether newspapers, magazines, radio, television, film, or online, across all channels it is sent the same absolute prescribed news and information. Namely those, the establishment wants to make believe the masses of. This media domination then brims over to Europe.

    What is important is not what happens in reality, but how the reality is presented. Everything that comes out of the TV is staged. Not a single picture is true, and the sound is not too. It is pure brainwashing, entertainment - and distraction from the real crimes of the elite.

    It is always said, that the media of the communist states were direct propaganda organs of the politbureau and the party. In this case, there is absolutely no difference to the West media. But the consumers of the communist media know it is propaganda and therefore read very critical between rows have and ask „Why do they tell us now?“

    In contrast, the majority of the audience in the West is completely naive and actually believes the messages as they were the truth. But in reality it is a pack of lies, or completely trivial and unimportant.The presenters on camera know nothing, they are only talking dolls reading the text from the teleprompter.

    Just look at the following video and answer the question: Are the messages centrally controlled?
    This compilation is not from a single media group. It is a selection of all television media in the United States: News, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, CNN, etc.

    Do not think in Europe it's different. It is just a little more subtle.
    The many newspapers and magazines and the hundreds of radio and TV channels on the cable network may cause you to believe there's enough pluralism and diversity on the media, but this is not so. Actually there is a media monopoly, a uniformity. A controlled script runs and tells us what the elite wants to let us know and think.

    Translated excerpt from an article by Swiss blogger Freeman:
  3. eksproducer

    eksproducer Member

    May 9, 2014
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    What else is new huh *no*
  4. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Brave New World
    One of the best decisions I ever made, was to quit watching TV, about 7 years ago.
    Half of my family is from a former "socialist" country, it`s exactly the point of view I share. The naivity of "western" people regarding the media is unfathomable ... the way "social media" is used tells everything, it`s all about brands & propaganda.
    Whats seriously pathologic is how they want us to believe in an image where we are supposed to be slavedrivers because of the "human nature". Over a 100 years ago Sigmund Freud stated:"The condition of the masses is the neurosis.", I think it just got worse.​
  5. Machine. Money wants what money gets, inside of you and everything.
  6. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards

    congratulations, but... sad to say (or rather glad to say), you are beaten by approximately nine and half years by this here me... :wink:

    can just really only recommend it to every sentient feeling being on this planet... *yes*

    there might be people, sitting on the fence, unable to decide, perhaps such topics are able to push those for the better (here hoping so)... *yes*

    all the best for all of us... :bow:
  7. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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  8. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    We can only suspect that the media is controlled but we can never be sure. And the problem with the research is that you will always find what you're looking for to back up your suspicions and reject what doesn't fit. It becomes academic. All we're left with are good arguments for and against. Some of David Icke's 'evidence' for anything, like for instance that the royal family are lizards is very shaky. And he produced absolutely no evidence that we're living in a holographic matrix. He just makes it all sound very likely in a sensationalist way. His best work has been in uncovering the related blood lines of the European rulers - and even with that there is a big 'so what? It doesn't necessarily mean what he tells us it means'. And then there's world ownership by these Jewish families. Really? Maybe they have much less power than Icke tells us. Icke is scary and dangerous, but I like to know he's there putting his perspective, for it is only a perspective, he doesn't have the handle on the facts. Which leads us to News. Who decides the agenda? It's probably the governments rather than the corporates, clandestinely pulling the strings of the media, for their own ends, nothing more sinister than that. We can see how governments, leaders, royalty manipulate how they are portrayed in many countries. In Saudi Arabia the king manages to appear every day in their newspapers, how is that happening. In democratic countries the methods are much more subtle, and our leaders are in the News every day in one subtle way or another, reminding us who's running the show. I think we should beware of a possible deception about the corporate danger to the world, and look at what the governments are really doing. Because they are the control system.
  9. Soul Runna

    Soul Runna Guest

    Noam Chomsky, man.

    He has been saying this for YEARS. If you want something deeper, watch the videos of him. He is possibly one of the greater intellectual still alive in the US. There is a French documentary (called Chomski & Cie) that talks about mass control using Media.

    A simple example that Illustrates your question: there is a research proofing that soda makes children hyperactive, aggressive and unfocused. Question: do you think that a TV station would show such research, knowing that one of the biggest advertisers this TV is a big soda enterprise?

    The media belong to the elite.
  10. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    yes they are. short answer.
  11. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Especially in third world, the jornalists that are "correspondents" only reproduce the news of a particular enterprise, so no need of them.
    The dominant knows that information is power, so if we wanna know something about reality we have to dig a lot...
  12. retroboy

    retroboy Producer

    Jan 4, 2014
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    The YT clip of the same exact same story is more down to lazy journalism than anything sinister. It happens all the time with online news as well as newspapers. A freelance Journalist knocks up a story and then licences/sells that story to as many media outlets as they can and the lazy media just usually copies it word for word as 'filler'.

    I think it's very hard to find a truly 'independant' news source but thankfully the general public seem to be a bit more aware of the problem than previous generations IMHO.

    In the UK we have a large amount of disfunctional, manipulitive tabloid newspapers which are surprisingly effective at brainwashing the intellectually challenged.
  13. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    Thanks for the post and video. I myself have lived for many years without a TV in my domicile, with only occasional, accidental/incidental contatct with it at others' houses or being subjected to it in public places. The longer I live without it in my home life, I notice more clearly these things when exposed to it occasionally:

    1) I feel so much better, both psychologically and physically, without it, and when exposed to it, it causes me psychological and physical discomfort.

    2) I have time to do useful, productive and creative things, such as learning another language, studying subjects of interest, creating music, writing, and socializing with like-minded people (as almost all my friends are not TV-watchers).

    3) I can perceive the effects of TV's "social engineering" on the populace, as inexplicable and relatively-sudden simultaneous changes in most people's attitudes and behaviors can be traced to the influence of TV programming (note the dual connotation of the word, in this sense), and is most perceptible when one isn't being mentally conditioned by it.

    4) The manner and methods by which the media are manipulating people become clearer; the lies and deceptions become self-evident; any question that the media are controlled according to an agenda of The Powers That Be comes to seem risibly sophomoric, and anyone with doubts must still have one foot in TV Land.
  14. uber909

    uber909 Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Neo Bangkok
    I've said it and I'll say it again... Chomsky is NOT subversive.
    Just because someone talks a bit differently, doesn't mean he's not owned.

    If your looking for subversion, you won't find it in the official media. Read books.
  15. relexted

    relexted Producer

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Not only tv.. Our whole civilization is controlled.
    We are being deceived and lied to every day.
    Evolution is controlled as well.
    Fact is you can't trust anything these days.
    I believe that the big secret is; you don't go to hell, you're living it.

    we are being put on the wrong foot everyday
  16. nadirtozenith

    nadirtozenith Rock Star

    Nov 20, 2011
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    navigating between nadir zenith vectoring upwards
    hey, Stevitch, Audio Lovers,

    exactly these (did not want to quote nearly the full message) are those points why it is worth to do so, not shutting down three quarter of one's brain's ten percent in actual usage... :wink:

    all the best for all of us, then some more, much, much, much, more, for people with homes without televisions, newspapers (etc.)... :bow:
  17. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    no secret down here in my country :bleh: , all media on tv, paper, internet and radio are a part of TMG short for telegraaf (telegraph) media group.

    what makes me sick sick to te stomach is that most so called anti-illuminati sites and people (whats that American fat guy his name?), videos and books are written by same people.
    just to keep your mind on stuff like bilderberg, alian and chemtrails bullshit.

    you will be dazzled by what people are prepared to accept as thruth, thinking that they are critcal thinkers.
  18. smoothripple

    smoothripple Kapellmeister

    Dec 9, 2013
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    Northen Continental Divide, N. America
    Very heart-warming to note how many replies concern the avoidance of TV. Adds to the feeling that I belong here. I am also a long-time avoider of TV. I use it as a measure against which all new acquaintances are compared. Watch TV & all you will get from me is pity. I am long past wasting time trying to enlighten others.

    Lately I have been somewhat concerned with a side effect of my decades-long posture on TV. I can no longer interact well with those who engorge themselves on the pablum TV offers. I miss so many cultural references. I don't recognize the underpinnings of so many peculiar opinions. I am truly strange to them. It has been useful as a filter [needed sometimes in a tavern or bar] but I fear I may have deviated so far from the proscribed path as to be an outsider in the place of my birth. Oh well... wouldn't change for anyone or anything. :wink:
  19. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Well exactly Kwissbeats! The people who are blindly accepting this 'alternative truth' are exercising the same weakness of mind accepting the alternative as they did when they were sucked in to the first lie. The truly brilliant alternative truths worth looking at, are presented by people who take you on a journey around their (academic) thinking process to arrive at that alternative truth. Until we have any basis upon which to call aliens, illuminati, reptilians and even religion truth, they must remain the purest form of entertainment. The media isn't the only tool of the illusionists. We wear fashion as if it were a very real descriptor of our reality, but that reality descriptor was given to you by someone else wasn't it. How does a fashion trend sweep from one designer to another, until they are all telling the same story? Surely there is a control system working there too; who the hell decided retro was cool, not me, I will never want to have the haircut of someone who lived in the 1930s, and I won't conform, I think the idea is to hold us back from advancing into beautiful new realms of creativity, right? Hollywood, the music industry, cars even the way technology is made available all seem to conform and agree to something, a central idea. What is that central idea. For all we know, the mind-control idea might have been an accident of evolution, or we might have done it to ourselves when we turned one of those evolutionary corners in thinking. The control system is probably there but no one is truly running it, but ourselves. I invite you to do some thinking and really f**** yourself up :rofl:
  20. Alraun

    Alraun Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    In fact, it is new respectively more actual than ever before for lot of people here *yes* Things like that are currently a big theme - especially since we experience a massive propaganda avalanche against Russia these days, occasioned by the Ukraine crisis. The one-sidedness in our mainstream media is horryfying. It was never more obvious than these days, what is going on.
    it's not only about what they tell us but also about what they don't tell us.

    Myth of Russian Aggression

    Many people are currently waking up because they realize more clear than ever before how the media apparently tries to take the piss out of us.
    Some weeks ago some of the biggest online media comment forums got closed, because of peoples counter reactions and feedbacks to the press whores.....
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