Building a desktop, which parts here are overkill?

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by torontoleech, Dec 1, 2014.

  1. torontoleech

    torontoleech Noisemaker

    Sep 25, 2014
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    A Million Caribou Street
    Hey guys, just looking for some quick input before I go and make my final purchase, so thought I would ask the community. :bow:

    At first I was hoping to spend 1-1500$ on my build , but when I went into Canada Computers yesterday to get a quote on what the build would come out to, the quote came out a litte higher at 1750$...
    I know I really want to capitalize on the important parts that will determine if my projects are running smoothly like processor, RAM, HDD

    I wont be doing any gaming on this , just running heavy music software, but does anything here seem like total overkill?

    would be nice to reduce my bill a bit!
    cheers, any input is hugely appreciated!
  3. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Do you need all the features this mainboard offers? Do you need wifi or do you connect your pc to the router using a cable? Do you need bluetooth/NFC? Are you sure you need thunderbolt on a Windows PC? The only Thunderbolt interfaces I came across were Mac only.
    That's a position where you could really save some money. The Asus z97-pro comes with the same performance but less accessory - at a much lower price. About half, in fact. Even buying that and an additional wifi adapter would come cheaper.

    The audio interface (sound blaster) is not suitable for music production. Don't you already own one?
    If not, I'd recommend you something like the focusrite scarlett solo.

    The video card is unneccessary for music production. Not only is it loud (no passive cooling), you just don't need it. The motherboard has a video card onboard. If you need to hook up two screens something like an ASUS GT610-SL-1GD3L will suffice.

    Did you go to that store and asked for the best possible system for music production? If yes, the clerk deserves to be shot on the spot. Or spanked, your choice.
  4. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Get Plextor PX-891SA DVD burner instead of ASUS:
    As fraifikmushi said, GTX750 is not really needed, although there are passively cooled models such as Palit:
    Be advised though that's +10 Watts on idle vs. HD 4600
    Intel HD 4600 built into i7-4790K provides signal path for up to 3 screens, so you should be OK with that (as long as there are physical ports on MB).
    750W PSU is overkill, 350W is way enough as long as GFX is integrated or bus-powered. Lower wattage PSU has also higher efficiency on lower watt figures.

    Actually I'm in process of building super efficient desktop/laptop - in fact laptop in dock (5W idle, 45W full power) for music production and so far it cost me $1000. Maybe not specced as high as i7-4790K, i7-3820QM (Ivy) is far more efficient than Haswell.
    x30 multiplier on 4770K is 40.4W package+cores, 3820QM has 29.7W total, with 16GB DDR3L-RS Micron memory
    I'll keep you informed once it's done. Should be this week (waiting for parts from UK) *yes*
  5. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Andrew is right on the money with the power suply.
    You can calculate what you need here:

    One word on the hdd: I would go with WD black instead of WD blue.
  6. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Be advised though that Watt figures are rough estimates. My desktop has 85W on full load, yet with this calculator I got 207W :rofl:

    As for system/storage HDD, consider also 500GB Seagate ST500LM021 - very fast (150+ MB/s, thin and extra quiet)
  7. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    I think they are referring to peaks not the continuous average.
  8. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    This is not the case here. Amp meter never goes above 0.4A (230V) even in 10ms peaks. As a matter of fact, there's not much anything in PCs that'd cause excessive short term peaks (as long as Turbo Boost is disabled).
    Only HDD/DVD spin-ups come to mind and that's 12W per 3.5" and 5W per 2.5" still very far from that figure. *yes*
  9. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    I like nerd talk :)
    Thanks for the heads up! :wink:
  10. Resonance

    Resonance Newbie

    Apr 15, 2014
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    Thats one pricey power supply, I would of thought you could get something top notch for half that price and a blue ray burner isn't that much more pricey than a dvd these days if you look around, probably not a brand name like Asus but definitely a better investment for saving a lot of time if you got a load of GB's to backup.
    nice system if it had a RME instead but if I saw that bill I'd build my own
  11. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Creative Audio Interface ? I think there are better suited things.
    Sure you want a mid tower ? A big tower might be more silent to cool
    Regarding PSU, PSUs with higher watts since you never run them at it's limit, hence they keep more silent.... just my experience
  12. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Silent maybe, but excessively inefficient and redundant for this application.
    80 Plus certification is measured on 20% load and above, which in this case is 150W, a figure hardly any PC has on idle.

    On the other hand EPS rated Efficiency Level V might also be solution, since the cert. specifies no-load and low current applications.

    So in theory, 12V 15A @ Eff.V. in conjunction with this: and (though soldering required) = $50 PSU
    not only save weight, price and power, but also the entire PC could fit into very small case. :wink:

    But don't take only my word for it. I'm consumption/efficacy freak, so my opinion is naturally biased :rofl:
  13. torontoleech

    torontoleech Noisemaker

    Sep 25, 2014
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    A Million Caribou Street
    Wow, thanks alot man, this is exactly the kind of feedback im looking for!
    When i went into the store, i had a pretty basic list of a few specs i was looking for. i stressed the importance of a very powerful processor, 16G RAM, and fast HD. the clerk tacked on a bunch of other parts which is why i had a feeling something wasnt right, and that i wouldnt actually need all those parts. :wow:

    I definitely need Wifi enabled on this desktop.

    I already own and use a focusrite scarlett 2i4 interface, so can i forget about the soundblaster?

    Also i didnt realize the motherboard had a basic video card. i wont be doing any gaming so can i forget about this additional videocard too? i will be hooking up a second monitor.... is this a factor that might be effected by what vieo card i have?

    Any more input would be extremely helpful.
    Thanks alot for your guys time and help, youve already saved me a few hundred dollars!!! :mates: :thumbsup:
  14. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Safely yes, Sound Blaster is no good. *yes*

    It's actually in the CPU *yes* .
    As long as it's not 4K screen, integrated graphics should have no problem. HD 4600 is well above "Okay" level for that :wink:
  15. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Glad we could help :wink:
    The Z97-pro (wifi ac) will suffice then. It costs half of the one there is now.
    The mainboard has two video outputs: one hdmi and one display port. you should be able to hook up two monitors, although you might need an adaptor if you have two hdmi cables.
  16. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds