Free mega-multisampled drum kit

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by lerkjurk, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    SM Mega Drumkit !
    (screenshot of kontakt version)

    This is a VERY deeply sampled classic / vintage Ludwig 65 / 69 drum kit that has exclusively been developed for Reaper (no add-ons required). It may well be one of the deepest sampled kits in the world. And it is completely dry for you to sculpt as you like using Reaper’s superior processing.

    And if you don't have Reaper , you can use the included 1.9 GB of open 24 bit wav samples in whatever sampler you choose.
    The samples are precisely named so mapping should be a breeze. But you should at least try the included Reaper kit even if you are not a Reaperite.

    The instrument has :

    Kick : 127 velocity layers x 2 round robins
    Snare No Ring : 127 velocity layers x 4 round robins
    Snare Studio Ring : 127 velocity layers x 4 round robins
    Snare Rimshots : 51 velocity layers x 2 round robins
    Tom 1 : 49 velocity layers x 2 round robins
    Tom 2 : 49 velocity layers x 2 round robins
    Tom 3 : 49 velocity layers x 2 round robins
    Hihat - Closed : 127 velocity layers x 2 round robins
    Hihat - Foot Closed : 46 velocity layers x 2 round robins
    Hihat - Foot Open : 46 velocity layers x 2 round robins
    Hihat - Loose : 127 velocity layers x 4 round robins
    Hihat - Open : 26 velocity layers x 2 round robins
    Ride 17 - 49 velocity layers x 2 round robins
    Ride 17 Bell - 49 velocity layers x 2 round robins
    Ride 20 : 49 velocity layers x 2 round robins
    Ride 20 Bell : 45 velocity layers x 2 round robins
    Crash 15 : 45 velocity layers x 2 round robins
    Crash 17 : 45 velocity layers x 2 round robins

    Yes, you read that correct. The main snare (a classic 1965 Ludwig 5"x14" Jazz Festival Snare drum) has 127 velocity layers and 4 round robins !! The kicks and hats also have 127 velocity layers and 2 round robins !! And I can confirm, it is a pleasure to play and program.

    The mic channel layout is as follows :-

    The Snare: four separate mics (Top, Bottom, Stereo combining Left & Right overheads mic).

    The Kick Drum: one close mic as well as Stereo combining Left & Right overhead mics.

    The Toms: one close mic as well as Stereo combining Left & Right overhead mics.

    The Hats : One Stereo combining Left and Right mics.

    The Cymbals : One Stereo combining Left and Right mics

    Yes, that is correct. Each of those 127 x 4 snare samples have 4 mic channels (it’s a 4 channel / track wav file). So effectively its 127 x 4 x 4 = 2032 samples just for just one snare articulation !!

    ALL of the samples are multi-channel with the minimum being hats and cymbals (2 channel true stereo) and the main drums being 4 channels. ALL of the samples are unprocessed and un-normalized to preserve their natural dynamics. You can tweak them in a myriad of ways to your liking.

    The Reaper instrument provides control over EACH mic channel. Example : for the snare you can mix in some more top mic channel , apply compression to the bottom mic channel and reverb to the overhead channels. Then you can further process these 4 channels combined in the snare bus.

    ReaSamplOmatic (RS5K):

    For ReaSamplOmatic (RS5K) there are four kit sizes to choose from depending on your computer capabilities which are shown below. These numbers represent the RAM that Reaper showed when they were put together in their most basic form. However, these numbers will vary from computer to computer and will also depend on what other tracks and/or FX may also be present. There is a graph in the RS5K Manual that shows the kit pieces and Round Robins that go in each kit.

    Kontakt 5:

    Main nki file which is an instrument that has the whole kit and also has nki files for each individual kit piece.

    The main nki, SMD_Main (Mixer+Editor) which contains most of the kit pieces, has both a Mixer View panel and an Edit Instruments panel. The Mixer View has 8 sliders along with it's meters, as well as Mute and Solo buttons. The Mixer also has a Master for adjusting a stereo mix of the 8 sliders. You can also send the 8 kit pieces to individual outputs the will correspond to 8 audio tracks in Reaper or whatever DAW you may use.

    More info and download links for reaper edition:

    More info and download links for RS5K & Kontakt edition:
  3. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Tod's demo from Reaper Forum


  4. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Although multi-sampled to hell, it sounds phasey (as in multi-mic phase issues) and muffled.
    Thanks though! I'm sure people will like it.

    edit: It sounds like crap. Sorry. I'd rather have only 10 dynamics which all sound fantastic, than 127 that sound like shit.
    "less is more", "quality over quantity" and all that.
  5. oska

    oska Noisemaker

    Feb 5, 2013
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    I am a little confused. The first link is Reaper exclusive, but apart from Kontakt edition in 2nd link, there are also links for the ReaSamplOmatic (RS5K) version. So ReaSamplOmatic (RS5K) is for Reaper but the content is different from the 1st link which is exclusively Reaper. Anybody in a helpful mood?
  6. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    suleiman wrote: If you have the full Kontakt , he has shared a multi-mic version for Kontakt, but again these are completely differently edited samples from mine and with much less velocity layers.

    Tod responded: Although that's true, the kit still has more velocity layers than almost any other kit out there, commercial or otherwise. One thing to note that many may not realize is that although the cymbals are stereo, the drum samples are multi-channel samples. As far as I know, I think RS5K is the only sampler that can handle multi-channel samples.

    The reaper-only one, there are track folders, hidden tracks, and other reaper-only stuffs (read the pdf that you can download on the reaper-only thread for full info). I think the RS5K one is only inside RS5K, no extra reaper routing and other stuff.

    And like i paste above, they are edited wavs and not the same samples how they cut them.

    Read that PDF i think you will see the special reaper stuff and it will help you decide if you want that or if you want plain kontakt or rs5k version.

    Hope this is enough info to help you, if not maybe make a post in the reaper thread to ask. Then you can also thank the authors for this nice freebie :)
  7. supersharpshooter

    supersharpshooter Member

    Mar 30, 2014
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    non DAW specific kontakt file would have been better
  8. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    More info about the differences:

    Unlike reaper-only version, kontakt version open wav files are all stereo samples, less velocity layers and more round robins.
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