Converting Nexus Presets to Kontakt nkm Video

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by grizz, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. grizz

    grizz Member

    Oct 26, 2012
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    Tampa FL
    i did another topic on making a soundfont from the nexus presets and a few asked about having them made into kontakt.. so i went and made a video on how to convert it from nexus to kontakt for those that asked this way you can do it to your favorite nexus presets yourself. first if you dont have this Xlutop Chainer. After your done with the install peep my video here ​
    and follow what i did then you can convert any fxb/p from any vst except halion 3 (it wont work i tried)
  3. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Thanks a lot grizz but you can't link to warez here. Just mention the name and let them get it themselves.
  4. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Floating Amongst the Stars
    What you did in the vid will make it 10 times quicker
    than the way i was thinking you where going to do them :wow:

    Here is a other program that will convert the sf2 into nki or nkm
    i used it on some of the cakewalk dimension pro sounds sfz and it did a great job.
    so ill try it on the nexus sf2 soon as i make them,

    extreme sample converter

    Thanks for the vid never even new about Xlutop Chainer :break:
  5. phenomboy

    phenomboy Producer

    Aug 25, 2011
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    I wish i had a windows machine to be able to run Nexus 2, i have some time on my hands and would do that in a week-end.... Hopefully somebody will. I think we could also so start it as a collective project, split it between members and share the result in consolidated pack. When i see what we achieve here when we get together, this isn't out of reach :mates:
  6. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Why it save as NKM? Do u have to? Would much prefer to use NKI myself. So I reckon he converting FXP to a multi or Monolith?

    So that way of thinking would lead me to think that once you load the preset in Kontakt it's gonna be loaded with Reverb, effects added which in the end is gonna lead to huge problems in creating a Library.

    Would be more helpful to have the dry samples etc without all the effects added imo

    Am only guessing coz havent tried it.

    It would also be far more usefull to hear the sample itself to give a comparison rather than the stupid music track he playing over the top.

    JMO though!

    One thing to maybe try Load your preset/patch in Nexus, then TURN EVERYTHING off i.e reverb, Arpegiator, Chorus , Blah Blah Blah. See how your sound is then. Then follow the procedure and save as raw data. That way u may be able to script a GUI very similar to NEXUS that can do the job instead of getting a mishmash. Otherwise u just gonna have a load of saved multis that u can't do much with coz it won't sound right. So the point in converting them would be pretty useless in that scenario. Also check the CPU usage when using the patch in Nexus as opposed to when using it in Kontakt.

    Just guesing again LOL :wink:
  7. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Floating Amongst the Stars
    so far after useing chainer/ 2 sec. 24 bit i have a sf2 50 mb in wav files 24 bit 50 mb as well,
    after useing extreme sample converter that sets note velocity and convertes it to nki 50 mb,
    if i use monolith and convert sf2 to nki in kontakt 25 mb but no note velocity set.

    50 mb x 10,000 = 500 gb + the new presets ?

    @ User 137
    i like the track *yes*
  8. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Even if all that were done if you're talking about recreating Nexus in Kontakt as in all effects and functions, I would say:

    A) Think about if it's really worth it. Nexus is bleh.

    B) You would have A LOT of work recreating the arpeggiator and all effects. You could probably make your own plug-in in that time.
  9. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    That's cool! Maybe I should have phrased it something like it would be far more helpful to hear a comparison rather than play a track over the top lol :wink:

    Answer me one simple question after you have converted & done whatever it is, when you play it in Kontakt is it just the same sound as in Nexus i.e with reverb added, Panning & effects. How does it compare? Say u open an arp preset does it play it as an arp?

    Also like Catalyst mentioned one of the stronger points of nexus is it's arpegiator. It is very good. To script something similar would be a big task.

    Sample size & velocity layers like previously mentioned are my main concern & there is little point scripting a GUI in Kontakt to play a load of multi's with built in presets when u have nexus to do it already imho.

    Could be wrong tho
  10. grizz

    grizz Member

    Oct 26, 2012
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    Tampa FL
    it wasnt warez its from audioz ( my apologize if i did that wrong
  11. grizz

    grizz Member

    Oct 26, 2012
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    Tampa FL
    i tried extreme sample converter already and didnt get the same results like i got with xlutop chainer. maybe i did something wrong when i used it though
  12. grizz

    grizz Member

    Oct 26, 2012
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    Tampa FL
    after converting sf2 to nkm it went from 50mb for one sf2 to 125mb for 7 sf2 with waves saved seperately. so it dropped from 350mb for the 7 to 125md saving 225mb
  13. grizz

    grizz Member

    Oct 26, 2012
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    Tampa FL
    im uploading a sample pack for kontakt for people to try/compare to nexus. using the piano preset, arp preset, lv preset and like 4 more. it plays just like it would in nexus. only thing i could do diff is extend the hold time from 2000ms to 4 or 8000 ms
  14. grizz

    grizz Member

    Oct 26, 2012
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    Tampa FL
    it would be with the settings that nexus loads when using a preset. any other effect/functions can be added by the user using they're daw with glitch machine or something else they like. besides i only use certain sounds from nexus like grand piano an a few lv joints
  15. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Good old chainer :wink:
  16. grizz

    grizz Member

    Oct 26, 2012
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    Tampa FL
    i know what you mean when you say some time on ya hands and it would be great if this can become a collective project. also i think there are some mac users who also use the cracked air version maybe someone can reupload it for you
  17. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Floating Amongst the Stars

    what you did in chainer was right to get the sf2.
    then i used extreme sample converter to make the sf2 into NKi,
    that will set note velocity from 0 to 127.

    on e.s.c. top tabs sourse format set to sf2/ next tab destination format set to nki,
    and individual convert ( one group = one zone

    then hit convert ,its the sliver tab at the end ,then try it out in kontakt.

    when i looked at the zones in e.s.c. there are 240
    and one of the reaons why the sf2 are big as well,you only need 88 zones at most
    to play a full piano so you can set it to 88 keys in Xlutop Chainer = 3 times smaller sf2 to work with.

    ps anything from audioz is warez,

    @User 137 arpology from sample logic would work as a arpegiator for the sounds but i have not tesed it,
    This work around started over a bug he had in fl studio with nexus
    and he found a easy way to get around it,thats all the time i have to try this out myself,
    if you dont have the same bug in fl i would use nexus as is,but its good to know this can work so easy, :wink:
  18. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Momo u probably right. Klaus Beatz is a scripting genius. His arp scripts are amazing! It's safe to say I am not at his level by a long shot! He does all the Sample Logic/The Grandeur/Just about all good NI Libraies & loads more.

    The guy from Embertone does some amazing ARP scripts also.

    Essentially they are just vastly modified versions of the Josef Natterer, Nicki Marinic standard factory arrpegiator script. I would however like to experiment rather than simply clone another if u get me as each script will need a different approach but some ideas definitely can be incorporated.

    It is not a problem to build say an excellent arp script from scratch with presets i.e stored as NKA's ect with sequences & loads of options. As I mentioned building the GUI is not a problem.

    However my main concern is that if you convert a load of NKP's that sound exactly the same as when played in kontakt with presets already added such as chorus, filters, Reverb (especially) that when you come to using the controls that you script into performance view i.e a universal reverb control for instance you are essentially going to be adding reverb to reverb (not the best idea always).

    Of course you don't have to use the scripted controls but that kind of makes the GUI pointless if you get me.

    Thats why I mentioned if possible try and get some sounds with all reverb ect turned off i.e the RAW sample. That way I could script a gui that would work universally across all patches if you get me.

    It will be a very difficult job & a large one but i'm not saying it can't be done. Once I get hold of a few patches I can work with the rest will be easy enough even if it takes me a while.

    Velocity layers also & what notes are used ect will be paramount. Then there is modulation & many, many complications.

    What would be great for me would be say just five patches. i.e A pad type sound converted with effects & then also the same pad sound with all reverb ect turned off.

    Do the same for about 4 different type sounds & I can then get a good idea of what will best way to make a usable GUI. Otherwise like I mentioned u are simply going to end up with a load of multis/monoliths or whatever that for sure you can play in Kontakt (but probably sound better in Nexus) but GUI wise it will be a nightmare.

    It can be done though with a lot of hard work but is definitely best imo to start small & work up :wink:
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