Producer from San Diego

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Public1987, Nov 17, 2014.

  1. Public1987

    Public1987 Newbie

    Sep 30, 2013
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    Whats up my people! I recently did this track and I just wanted to share to see what other producers think. Thanx in advance. I'm also looking for Artists to work with. Hell even other producers. I don't just do this for fun and I take what I do really serious. So with that said give this a listen
  3. fuad

    fuad Producer

    Dec 17, 2012
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    Beautiful track man..Here are my comments.

    Give a little boost at 100Hz on the kick to make it sit better with the bass line. 1-2dB should do it
    At the break at 0:44 maybe automate the bass since it's a little overpowering, do a volume automation so that it slowly comes up from behind the synth and piano. Also you could layer the bass with a nice warm pad sound to give the entire section more emotion, something that it's slightly lacking.
    Maybe a snare roll build up or a riser effect to lead into the next section at 1:40

    Again, awesome beat, perfect for a nice female vocal and a good rap verse
  4. Public1987

    Public1987 Newbie

    Sep 30, 2013
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    Hey Thanx a lot for the Feedback and for even taking the time to listen. Every Single Day my goal is to make the Quality better and just better my production. So I really appreciate what you said. I will keep all of that in mind for my next track, And yes it was exactly for Hip Hop / R&B Singer. *yes* And your right The Bass Does get overpowering at that point and for some reason didnt even cross my mind I could just automate it. So stupid lol Thanx
  5. nimidovrat

    nimidovrat Newbie

    Nov 18, 2014
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    Very cool atmosphere track.

    I think that the comments of 'fuad' will be very useful for your track.
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