Kontakt Cracked Vs Legitmate Explanation

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef, Dec 20, 2013.

  1. Nocturne

    Nocturne Newbie

    Oct 10, 2014
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    If library i legit You can use it on legit Kontakt that came with Yours KOMPLETE ULTIMATE.
    Otherwise You need cracked Kontakt ( depending if You use app as plugin or standalone ) - You will need respective cracked file or just get any cracked installation available out there.

    Bottom line:

    Legit Library >> Legit Kontakt
    Everything Else >> Unlocked Kontakt


  2. jagged

    jagged Newbie

    Nov 7, 2014
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    Thanks i thought it would be so ;-( You mention if it's standalone or as a plug.
    In my case as a plug in logic 9/10 . Will that change anything ?
    don't worry i will go through the thread again to figure out the explanations on how to have a legit and cracked running on the same comp and platform - logic In my case.

    i'm also curious as to how both legit and cracked will interact with native kontrol s series . there seems to be nothing mentioned above wit this.
  3. Nocturne

    Nocturne Newbie

    Oct 10, 2014
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    There is enough clear information here on how to get cracked and legit Kontakt running at the same time on MAC ( its way easier to deal with than PC version of this issue )

    You wont find here anything about native control yet, its quite fresh "product" ( i really think its waste of space unless You actually using hardware that is bundled with it- but that just me :))

    As for having Logic as DAW... well its same principal, .dll file ( in this case AU plugin that Logic is using ) needs to be cracked so when You start plugin in Your DAW, Kontakt 5 wont be trying to connect with Service Centre to check legality of library in issue.

    It all comes down to one small file You are actually using inside DAW - ( and Yes You dont need entire installation of cracked Kontakt only copping plugin file is enough )

    Have fun reading material in this topic, Lads did great job investigating this issues :)


  4. jagged

    jagged Newbie

    Nov 7, 2014
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  5. jagged

    jagged Newbie

    Nov 7, 2014
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    As i mentioned i purchased the new komplete 10 ultimate which would have KONTAKT version 5.4.1
    i cannot seem to find an unlocked with this version 5.4.1

    1. can i use version 5.3.1 unlocked alongside 5.4.1 legit version please?

    2. how will Logic know which kontakt i want to use as an instrument plug in....as in i would need to see 2 kontakts under native instruments folder so i'll chose new legit version with some libraries and all other libraries using the unlocked one -

    many thanks in advance
  6. Nocturne

    Nocturne Newbie

    Oct 10, 2014
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    1. Yes. Keep in mind if You decide to update Kontakt libraries after Komplete 10 installation You will be able to open them ONLY IN version 5.4.1 ( so dont update them at all if You dont use Komplete Kontrol )
    Follow instructions in this Topic (one of Kontakt Guru's already explained step by step how to make is work on OSX.)

    2. Explained in this topic with details ( rename of cracked plugin file so two of them appear in DAW according to Kontakt Guru works on MAC system - i wish this would work on Win :( ).

    example of Logic Pro plugin folder >>>> Kontakt5.au ( legit ) and Kontakt5c.au (Unlocked)

    Plugin itself has individual version so whatever rev. You copy to this folder will appear in Your DAW.



    Kontakt 5.4.1 + Kontakt 5.4.1 unlocked
    Pro Tools 10, Pro Tools 11 , NI MASCHINE 2.1 , Ableton live 9 , Reason 6.5 >> Windows 7
  7. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Kontakt now updated to 5.4.2 as Nocturne wrote works fine side by side. On PC for example you obviously not need to install 5.3.1 ect but rather just extract the .dll & .exe file from the installation. Make sure u rename them as written above & then place the renamed .dll in the VST plugin folder alongside the legit one. Then just run the .exe on the desktop & it will load up fine. Not sure exactly how it works on mac but imagine it pretty similar so best double check the guide.

    P.s Nocturne it does work on PC for example just rename the .dll I just updated to legit 5.4.2 then extracted the .dll from 5.0.3 and renamed it Kotakt 5.0.3.dll put it in the vst plugins folder with the exe on the desktop. Loaded up cubase & both versions appear fine no problems except that one called Kotakt lol! Unlocked & working fine though. Legit 5.4.2 working fine also :wink:
  8. Nocturne

    Nocturne Newbie

    Oct 10, 2014
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    My main DAW >> Pro Tools 11
    DAW plugin format used >> .AAX 64 bit only!

    Issue: No cracked Kontakt5.aax available

    I have no problem working with any other type of vst's as they as they are popular ( ehh avid )

    To acquire .AAX SDK from AVID You need to be registered plugin developer + extensive waiting time for them to even respond.

    Current method I am using to make it run in Pro tools 11 revolves around hosting Kontakt.64-bit VST in a wraper(AAX).

    Result: Entire system stability issues >> need someone with access to modify .AAX plugin :(


  9. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Fair enough, if u using Pro tools won't really work easily that way :sad:

    You can also get stability issues sometimes eg just even renaming .dll ect not very often luckily, that one of the downsides I guess but there many upsides also.

    Good luck :wink:
  10. Nocturne

    Nocturne Newbie

    Oct 10, 2014
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    I think You can rule this issue out by getting both legit and Unlocked Kontakt to 5.4.1 ( ye its out there ) or just wait for unlocked 5.4.2

    Having two renamed plugins should not cause any issue as they are being treated as separate plugins.

    Only thing we can do is just patch both Kontakt and DAW to resolve some of those crashes.

    When i look back I wish I have not invested in Pro Tools... Cubase over years got better and has not "invented" UNIQUE plugin format for no reason ! ( them rants:))


  11. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    No I completely agree with u *yes* I think Pro Tools relied to heavily for many years with simply the label of being the 'Industry Standard'.
    They made a lot of mistakes but I think they realized a few of them just in time & are starting maybe to make amends.
    For me personally Cubase has always been the standout DAW for my needs all though used Reaper for a long time and for the price I think that one real good DAW. Just personally I wish they would sort out the VST3 issue but that's not important I guess. You could always just run Reaper say for Kontakt & that might help with your problem that way ect. Different ways I guess.
    As for the Kontakt problems I only really use the legit version so upgraded to 5.4.2 last night. I sometimes use an older dll from a cracked version to have a look at certain libraries etc & it comes in very handy for that & a few other things :wink:
  12. dolphinboy

    dolphinboy Newbie

    Nov 15, 2014
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    I have a few questions. My friend, who is not me, has a hypothetical cracked version of Kontakt 5, with a hypothetical unregistered version of LASS on it, and a few other things.

    He wants to gradually transition to legit libraries, but cannot afford to do so all at once.

    The post at the top of this thread mentioned that you could use legally purchased libraries through a cracked Kontakt, (if I read it correctly?). However, I have a concern.

    1) Cinesamples mentions in their TOS that installation meant they had the right to search for "relevant software" on the computer. Could buying Cinesample libraries actually clue Cinesamples or NI in to my friend's hypothetical non-legitimately obtained other Cinesample libraries?

    2) Also, if that turns out not to be an issue, and it isn't going to rat my friend out, my other concern is this: if the Service Center doesn't complete the registration, is the legal protection that a legally purchased library offers still valid? My friend's concern is that Cinesamples or NI will try to lay claim to the intellectual property of the finished product, because it was made with sample-based software. He scores movies. Small time films for now, but hopefully one day, something mainstream, and commercially distributed.

    3) My friend's very last step will be to buy LASS and legit Kontakt, but can't because it's $1000. Will it be suspicious to purchase say, for example, Cinewinds now, not run it through the Service Center because his current Kontakt is cracked, and then five or ten years down the line, finally get around to registering properly?

    4) Oh, and this thread mentions having two versions on the same comp: legit and cracked. It's my understanding that you have to install the legit first? My concern is that my friend spent weeks getting his cracked Kontakt to work, with help from tech savvy people other than him. Uninstalling his Kontakt, buying a new one, and then reinstalling the cracked one could be problematic. He doesn't want to uproot his whole set-up when he's about to start a new score, but he wants to buy libraries for said score

    Thank you all so much for any help you can provide. Keep in mind that my friend, who is not me, has never broken the law in any way shape or form, and this is all entirely hypothetical.
  13. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    When a company claims to have the right to search my computer is about the time I stop thinking about supporting them. *yes*

    Tone2 anyone?
  14. Nocturne

    Nocturne Newbie

    Oct 10, 2014
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    Dont worry we already tracked down Your IP address... hypothetically :)
  15. dolphinboy

    dolphinboy Newbie

    Nov 15, 2014
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    When it comes to not giving them business, I admit, my friend is hypothetically tempted, but Cinesamples has stuff my friend could really use, and unlike NI, which is an even more draconic company, Cinesamples doesn't charge $1000 per library. I've yet to come across a company that produces these libraries that is not psychotic about this sort of thing. I do admit, the whole thing is rather daunting. Purchasing software legitimately should not be a more terrifying task than obtaining them by unwholesome means...hypothetically, of course. Anyway, here's the passage I was talking about. There are two that worry me:

    "You agree that Cinesamples and its subsidiaries may collect and use technical and related information, including but not limited to technical information about your computer, system, and application software, and peripherals, that is gathered periodically to facilitate the provision of software updates, product support, and other services to you (if any) relate
    d to the Library, and to verify compliance with the terms of this License. Cinesamples may use this information,
    as long as it is in a form that does not personally identify you, to improve its products or to provide services or technologies to you."


    "Upon purchase of the Library, you will be provided with a personal customer service
    order number and, depending on the library, a unique serial code (“Key”) that is unique to you.
    The Key will be used to activate your installation application. If you purchased the Library in boxed form, you will be sent your Key via email from Cinesamples shortly after submitting your identification number to our authorization email account. The Key will be embedded into all files used by the Library. It is important to keep your Key andyour copy of the Library secure at all times, as all content generated by the Library will be directly traceable to you."
  16. Nocturne

    Nocturne Newbie

    Oct 10, 2014
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    1.My ranking Spitfire Audio >> 8dio >> Project Sam >> AudioBro with LASS (only 2.5) as all samples are very old now

    2.Native Instruments do not have a single library that costs $1000 (and if i remember correctly they have like 3 string libraries only anyway)
    In my opinion Project SAM has most overpriced content at the moment (very nice tho)

    3.If You fully realize how much time, effort and money goes into producing high-end library , You will be able to justify at least some prices.
    Is it bad to get paid for Your hard work?

    4."all content generated by the Library will be directly traceable to you" there is plenty of information about watermarking , You can google it if interested.

    Cinesamples lawsuit http://soniccontrol.tv/2012/03/11/california-federal-district-court-awards-cinesamples-llc-379050-in-digital-piracy-suit/ but that is not related ( guy just crossed a line)

    Bottom line there are way better products out there than Cinesamples "stuff".

    If You are making money from production , buy those libraries.


  17. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Cinesamples are well known to have say certain "ethical principles" when it comes to this area.

    However they do make great libraries *yes*

    As for the morality issues it is a hard one that I can't really comment upon & one that should be down to the individual.

    I would also add though that what Nocturne said makes a lot of sense.

    For me personally why would "your friend" want to purchase very expensive libraries etc before buying the sampler itself? That to me doesn't make sense.

    For me personally it would be a little "short sighted" to think that you can get away with that sort of thing especially from a commercial viewpoint.

    Expensive doesn't automatically mean "good" as Nocturne points out. There are plenty of really cheap libraries that if used correctly could be fantastic for scoring etc.

    However the dilemma for me personally that "your friend" should think about is that if he hopes to make a career out of it then he should firstly purchase the tools of his trade.

    Anything used commercially should IMO be purchased firstly.

    However I am not judging or saying anyone should do this or that *no*

    But as I said for me personally the idea of buying a $1000 library with the intention of using it on a Cracked copy of Kontakt is ridiculous considering the great price you can get at times for say Komplete 9/10 especially at sale times ect.

    Just having Komplete 10 would give "your friend" a multitude of great tools that could be used for scoring. For example the possibilities in Absynth/Reaktor etc are endless & fantastic for sound design & u don't always need a $1000 dollar string library to make a good score & such.

    I hope it all works out & wish him luck :wink:
  18. dolphinboy

    dolphinboy Newbie

    Nov 15, 2014
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    My friend does not make money scoring, or he would just buy the libraries. He does this on the side, and on his third movie, might get thrown a couple of bucks. He is trying to switch to legit libraries, but can't do it all at once.

    As for the morality, I understand exactly why the companies behave the way they do, and respect what goes into creating one of these libraries. But broke is broke. My friend had no commercial ambitions when he started getting these programs. He just sort of fell into it, and is trying to catch up. He also can't tell the director, "that sound you liked in the last movie? I can't do it again because my library was pirated, and I'm trying to go legit, you see."

    As for the piracy suit linked, I did read that article, but his situation is not comparable. They were nailing him for distribution of the software.

    The question is: how to start buying libraries, and phasing out the pirated ones without getting caught. Can it be done?
  19. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    I honestly would not give advice in any way on that aspect.

    Most things can be done.

    I understand that "your friend" may be broke & sometimes to get where you want to be sometimes you have to bend corners.

    In all honesty though that is purely his responsibility & the way he chooses to go about it is up to him.

    If I were in such a position my main thoughts would be wherever possible scrimp & save everything to buy whatever I really needed.

    This can be done albeit very difficult at times.

    However there is also good freeware & other legitimate options. Also just the 'knowing' that he legitimately owns all his software may serve him better in the long run if only to free his mind up a little in the aspect of he can be secure about what he is doing.

    Like I said, ultimately it is his responsibility over which he has freedom of choice & he, like all of us will have to deal with the consequences of the path he treads.

    So on that issue I cannot advise but rather wish him the best of luck in his future projects *yes*
  20. Nocturne

    Nocturne Newbie

    Oct 10, 2014
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    I totally understand Your position.

    List Your collection and rate them in scale 1/10 then put price next to each library You have.
    Make Yourself set of goals and start buying ones You actually need and use most..and go from there.

    Argument of type "I could not afford something so i HAD to steal it" wont fly , You can see how it looks from 3rd person perspective, but if You can justify this to Yourself then not other actions are to be taken...

    Cinesamples lawsuit is only one i could find closely related to this business.

    "how to start buying libraries, and phasing out the pirated ones without getting caught. Can it be done?" >> first of all I would not write this on Public forum , it draws attention ... You never know who is looking :)

    Personally I think scanning media and investigating who's watermarked data is on samples is waste of resources and money.
    Rule applies "If You make decent money buy soft You are making money of"

    Cinesamples are basically couple guys - they got better things to do.


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