Acoustic testing software OSX

Discussion in 'Software' started by sylvesterOg, Nov 14, 2014.

  1. sylvesterOg

    sylvesterOg Newbie

    Sep 13, 2014
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    So basically i need a piece of software or combination of the programs. that will allow me to plot the acoustic resonance in a room for a sound installation.

    i have created a MAxMsp patch and i wish to use the resonance in the room plus the special sauce from the patch to create a piece using the resonant frequencies in the room. to create this i require the ability of plotting out the room dimensions set where my speakers are and where the microphones picking up the transients and reflections of the sound from the speakers so that i can decide where the most reflective areas are and what effects i can expect before we begin randomly testing speakers.

    also a software like this would be perfect for documenting the process for research purposes.

    if anyone gets what i mean and knows the soft you would be helping me out alot

    many thanks in advance for any help you can offer
  3. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    IN terms of graphs, may help via , but in terms of layouts/diagram, idunno
  4. angie

    angie Producer

    Nov 26, 2012
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    If you know the dimensions of the room you need only a pocket calculator, pencil and paper for the axial modes! Google for "room modes" there are plenty of free programs that make this for you! The nodes are the planes with the minimum sound pressure and the maximum is between two nodes at a given resonant frequency. Ex this one. I don't know if this is useful for your work but you have all the resonant freqs of the room. You can also have a more experimental approach just like junh1024 suggests, especially if the room has an irregular shape.
  5. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    you don't need any software Just find the Sweet Spot in our room just Play your Music and walk around your Room and find it then you Mix in front of your spearers till you think it is /sounds good then listen from your Sweet Spot and make the adjustments... for Me it is for checking my Bass Response mostly :wink:
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