No, when i wrote that I was thinking with this room size and the ceiling height it'd be easier to get the sound wanted from 8 no. 12'' speaker...
Sorry for the double post but if you have the budget to make big changes. Add a ceiling and mount all the speakers in the ceiling with insulation...
If you got nothing else but music, then play what you already have to people and make it make them enjoy it. DON'T make them enjoy it, but be...
With it being a full concrete building, the building fabric will reflect more of the transmitted sound then it will absorb. So unless the sound...
Anyone know whats differant in the Technics SL1200 versions? I got rid of mine years ago to use my dad's old ones because they felt better,...
Welcome to the world of twitchy lawyers. Because of what the AI part of the software is doing, it can technically it can be classed as recording...
No, there isn't any software that download from Spotify any more. There is software that saves songs on spotify to your computer by recording...
With that number in mind, now consider the fact that the average human reaction time is 250 milliseconds. Unless your processing a signal for...
Since you know exacterly what you want for that amount of money I'd say try and find somewhere that does custom builds. If you where in the UK...
Supposedly good stuff is food that cost a lot and tasted fowel. If it's not good for you why dose it exist? But it Takes some of us longer to...
Sounds like you want the software equivalant of a 4 track tape machine. Something that lets you play with yourself without toys or features to...
There good but I couldn't use just a trackball. Got to have a mouse plugged in as well. A mouse is quicker and easier for clicking buttons but...
I'm startignt to question wether it's even worth humble bundle prices. The frame work for Sound forge is massively outdated. It's only capable of...
I thought is was the current culture of the commectial enviroment was resulting in extream egotistical behavior. You work in a studio and people...
People still use mouse mats? The optical mouse was designed to be used by buisness men on trains. The standard red laser works best on...
Separate names with a comma.