Around 15x sylenth1 2x Nexus The rest samples And then the mixing plugins. For example Arts acoustic reverb or Fabfilter stuff. On the master also...
I wouldn't go with the Base M4. It just has 4 Performance cores. Go minimum with the M4 Pro or switch to a AMD PC. I dont know where all the...
Hey there, thank you so much. I really appreciate that. Have a good day :)
Hey friends. Thank you so much for making me some hope, to use Win VSTs in MAC. So i tried Crossover 25, 22 and Whisky. For example i tried with...
I really really like this song. And superb Quality :)
Hey guys. I had a hard time to recreate a preset from this Mixhead plugin in Intensity from Zynaptiq. Why? Because i try to use less plugins and i...
Also the plugins? For example I wanted to activate a keyed plugin. Lulu blocked the DAW But the plugin said invalid key. After I deactivated the...
Hey guys :) Short question here. So i found out that many Problems in my fresh installed FL 2024 (LEGIT) comes from a very long edited hosts...
W11 Pro with Atlas OS. The most snappy Windows I've ever had. Latencymon was also very happy :)
Thank you so much. Will have a look on this. I also have the feeling, that LULU, doesn´t block everything. Especially Plugins in the Host, while...
Hey Pedra, I also use Lulu and a long Hosts file list which i got from this forum to block some hosts. I wanted to create a new thread, but maybe...
Hey friends. Wanna report, that everything works :) I don´t know why, but there was ONE Sylenth1 instance as "bridged". Don´t know why. This...
Thanks for the new info :) Apple always brings up new stuff ^^ The M4 is "brandnew"
Hey friends :) Does someone made some experience with the M4 base chip now? I think about getting a MacBook pro with the base M4. Actually I use...
Thank you guys for your support :) i need to trial & Error a bit more. so i come from a cr**ed S1 Version WIN, to a Demo Version MAC i want to...
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