I would say the joke here is the poster above's ability to copy and paste :rofl:
Iherman got it im afraid. :thumbsup:
Free to the first person to comment below. RULES: Must have been a member for more than 1 week. I will PM you the code
Hello, Ive had a talkbox for a while, i use the Heil talkbox and enjoy playing around with it. My only problem is that i find it really hard to...
Thank you for assuming my mixes must sound terrible. My question was more to understand how I can streamline the process rather than 'feel cool'....
Thanks for all the responses, some awesome suggestions. I looked into receptor 2+ yesterday but wasn't sure if i'd be able to run this in parallel...
Hello, I produce on a PC and generally produce music that by the end has around 50-80 separate tracks (mixture of midi and audio but mainly...
Separate names with a comma.