Thank you all for the great suggestions...I'll be trying them and get back to let ya know how it goes...Thank you all for taking the time to reply...
Ty I’ll try Melodyne. I have the stems but just wanted to convert to midi…Toontrack will convert but it doesn’t include drum rolls
Is there a software that you can import a recorded Drum track and it export an exact midi file? …..Toontrack will almost do it but doesn’t...
Thanks for that nfo. I have RipX but didn’t think to make midi files. I’ll give that a try. Thnx so much
thanks for the replies. Sorry I didn’t make myself clear. Kinda meant like a program or AI that will recreate say like from old recordings I’ve...
Is there a program that you can drop a previously recorded music such as stems from separation and have it, either AI recreate it or a piece of...
I wish "Wizooverb" was still around....That was my fav verb....
We are talking bout the new Mac M1's NOT Korg.....
Hmmm let's M1 16gb = $800 while waves = quite a few grand...Yep that is :-)
True..It is running on Rosetta...I misread your reply ( I thought you meant nothing was working with M1 ..apology's).. Even though it is using...
Not true.Running M1 and just about every plugin from waves, izotope Fabfilter are working great...Every pugin I got from sister site has worked...
Damit...No one will know unless YOU tell them....When you produce a single you do not have to make a list of what you used...geezzz...
Could I get the link too..thnx a bunch!! I've been here forever as
Separate names with a comma.