got the emergence1-v1.0.0-beta.3,i missed the v1.0.0-beta.4.So I am interested also, and I considering the $20 purchse.
Hi There! I like to use the old Subharmonic Reaktor ensemble,but it has a very low unwanted frequency around 11hz.Ok I can use a higpass filter...
Hi everyone! I have found interesting patches here: Lately I experiment with these sounds which draw...
Hi There! I downloaded one sequencer from it's called Sequential Midi Event Generator 1.2...
Hi there! I have an idea,so I would like to change the remote script in Ableton of my Akai APC 20,I really rarely use the cue level,and it could...
Thank You for the link,I am on Windows 7,the loopmidi seems more precise than the midijoy,but if I zoom in to the grids I can still see some...
Thank You very much for Your help quadcore64 and Pinkman! I thinking the same way as You Pinkman ,and I have MidiYoke as a virtual midi cable,and...
Hi There! Long story short,I would like to control Operator,or other VST synth by separate midi tracks via different envelopes,but I can choose...
Hi! Thank You for the help,and the tips!!! I tried almost 20 different VST EQs and filters but I have no any luck unfortunately.Everything is...
Hi, I have problem with Ableton Filter and EQ. They are peaking in very high volume level. When I move the filter frequency slow,te plus volume...
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