Fred Bloggs
Last Activity:
Jul 25, 2024 at 1:05 PM
Feb 19, 2013
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Fred Bloggs

Platinum Record

Fred Bloggs was last seen:
Jul 25, 2024 at 1:05 PM
    1. Hades
      Hi Fred !
      Sorry to contact you directly. I think you get a lot of PMs. You where so kind to help me with my problem. I posted another in post (#171) Maybe when you have time you can take a look into it. thank you in advance !
    2. gigino
      Dear Fred
      I'm contacting you because I used KLU 2.1 following all the procedures you indicated. But the libraries on Kontakt seem to be installed but then they don't play and when I load a sound it tells me library not installed; the presets only play as a preview but do not load. I am using updated and legitimate licensed Kontakt 7 NI, is this perhaps the problem? If you help me I really appreciate it. Louis
    3. DarkKnight

      So you can see what's happening for me. It odes this every time, not just the first time I open a new version of the app.
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