Jun 7, 2011
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Moderator, from AudioSexPro

Staff Member

:) Oct 24, 2015

    1. yandy
      Hey Artic - It's k500zm here from AF - Hope you are well. Can you tell me what happened to the new AF - it suddenly disappeared - is it coming back ?
      1. ArticStorm likes this.
    2. DarkSky
      The return confirmed by Clyde.
      1. ArticStorm likes this.
      2. ArticStorm
        very good news!
        May 24, 2021
    3. DarkSky
      Hi Artic, Made it to here from AF, although I see at the URL it says AF returning soon. I hope you are keeping well.
      Regs DarkSky
      1. ArticStorm likes this.
      2. ArticStorm
        does it? would be awsome, i miss it already. great to see you btw :wave:
        May 22, 2021
    4. poly
      Hi Artic, i was a longtime user of our beloved audioforum and now my tears rolls with this discussion of closing af. But thats life.
      So if anywhere/anytime a relaunch of af or you know a similar nice community forum plz tell me! ^^

      Greetz from Bärlin
      1. ArticStorm likes this.
      2. ArticStorm
        sure män.
        Apr 25, 2021
        poly likes this.
    5. rsera
      hey ArticStorm, can you tell me if Audioforum is still around, I tried to reach the site but it seems to be down. thanx
      1. ArticStorm likes this.
    6. Ionian Audio
      Ionian Audio
      Hello my friend, i just see a post from you and i was thinking if it is possible to have the answer 2!!
    7. VolkovV
      do you have a claim to my publication ?new library for Omnisphere from Unfinished presents Airwave
      The discussion in 'Presets, Patches' started with Jazz-N-Stuff, today at 16:32.
    8. wasgedn
    9. Rockdaset
      Good day! I am wondering how I cannot post new topics in the forum? Is it based on certain credentials or badges?
    10. J Addison
      J Addison
      Love your current signature ArticStrom. Forever grateful for the advice you gave me in a time of need too :)
      1. David Leo and ArticStorm like this.
    11. LV4-26
      It's time to mark Resolved for: What are you listening now. I bet all the guys who have posted some videos, have never listen the others. Moreover, that take centuries for open the page.

      Best Regards
      Jeff Dahlgren
    12. Sylenth.Will.Fall

      I was led to believe these were taken down yet they are still there.
      I apologise to ask this of you, but would you please remove the nasty things he has said about my parents?
    13. Sylenth.Will.Fall
      Hi Artic,
      You probably already know what has been going on with regards to wurli. This is the first time I have ever contacted anyone on here, so bear with me if I've done this wrong.
      He has said some vicious things about me, and whilst I try not to insult him and keep him binned, it is very difficult when I keep seeing his nasty vindictive comments.
    14. Herr Durr
      Herr Durr
      Listening to your ambient track now AS, very nice... thanks for the fine sounds
      1. ArticStorm likes this.
      2. ArticStorm
        thank you!
        Mar 23, 2016
    15. Mariopiselli
    16. Henri9009
      Hi! I hope I'm in private messaging?

      Is it possible to change my profil name? It is not my real name, but some people have actually that name. I don't know what happened? Normally I fill Henri9009 for nickname.

    17. MozartEstLa
    18. MozartEstLa
      Hi ArcticStorm, I've started a conversation, added some members but now I can't invite another members (actually 7 including me). Limitations? Thanks in advance for your assistance. If necessaty, I'll can send (in private) the related link.
      1. ArticStorm
        limitations are 20 or so
        Feb 9, 2016
    19. björnstrom
      Hi ArcticStorm, been trying to register to Audiosex for a month now. Don't seem to be getting that confirmation email for 2 emails.
      Had to use my girlfriend's email to create a new account and get that confirmation.
      Would you be able to help me activate [email protected] ?
    20. Herr Durr
      Herr Durr
      I started a thread in DJ accidentally, maybe needs to move to lounge section, but I don't know how to do it ..thanks
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    Back as AudioSex Moderator! Me and Omiac will handle AS. RIP Oly!

    Anti iLok.