Yeah Zebra is a great complement to Serum but not a replacement imo... Zebra is more comparable to Phase Plant, which has a similar modular design...
Just the way it is at the moment, large language models like chatgpt (which bing uses for its chatbot) use mainly transformers that are trained to...
pretty good at logos too although it blocks BAD WORDS like audiosex (but at least excited eggplants are cool) [IMG] [ATTACH]
that's my tour photos done and dusted then [IMG] [IMG]
REAPER can pretty much do anything Cubase can but not OOTB. For orchestral / MIDI stuff scripts like Midi Editor Magic and Reaticulate are...
I was just about to reply that you should set it TO 'prefer maximum performance" for all real time apps - is that what you meant to write perhaps?...
HedaMixer does exactly this. Not sure if it's in his paid or free scripts but well worth the small donation imo. That and Heda's Track Inspector...
You must have clicked 'new instance' and 'remember my answer' on the script at some point. Remove the MX Tuner script, add it back, and this time...
Hopefully the real internal changelog doesn't include: - Other minor fixes, including a frenetic attempt to patch the copy protection with...
Yeah agreed it's pretty decent, also I just discovered that I had a licence to Flux Session Analyzer from Focusrite 5 years ago, and was able to...
Just bumping this to say that I realised - at the end of three months of not using pro tools - the melodyne essential license they give you is...
Oh wait the "tool" reaction means "Useful"??
Lol, massive incel vibes all over this.:wink:
Apart from anything Rode are just a really solid company. I got their USB-Mini podcast mics recently (also around 150 USD RRP) and I'm pretty...
No idea what you're saying here, is this an incel thing? Anyway grammatically you are off, they/them would be equivalent to he/him. Anyway the...
Separate names with a comma.