A reason to reason

Discussion in 'Software' started by E.C.R, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. E.C.R

    E.C.R Platinum Record

    Aug 28, 2014
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    I am considering reason for a lot of reasons<<<< no pun intended, but not so much the studio side of things as i want to run as a rewire through ableton live,more the instruments, external device control etc, does anyone have recommendations?
    thanks in advance
  3. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    Reason and FLStudio are both designed more for electronic music than some other DAWs. I have tinkered in both, but don't use either on a regular basis. I use FLStudio just for what you said. I like some of the synths there and use ReWire to link my usual DAW, which is Audition most of the time.
  4. Zeus

    Zeus Moderator

    Oct 20, 2013
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    I saw in the national news that there was a guy that used Audition as regular DAW.. so it was you!! Congrats mate :bleh:

    PS: Just kidding, never heard of one that used Audition as main DAW, so you are the first for me :wink:
  5. phenomboy

    phenomboy Producer

    Aug 25, 2011
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    Owning the two, i can tell tel you that Ableton is more oriented to live perfermance/sessions. The Good side of Reason is that you have almost everything in the box already but Ableton is much more flexible and seriously rewire is a pain in the a*ss. I would recommend you ableton and you can do whatever you want with it.
  6. kope

    kope Newbie

    May 28, 2014
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    To get right answer you have to give to as something more:
    - Purpose of the studio
    - Kind of the music you plan to record/create
    - do you have room for studio
    - Which hardware is in the plan to be used
  7. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    I've tried it a few times; just can't use it. Too annoying and tiresome (and occasionally buggy).
  8. E.C.R

    E.C.R Platinum Record

    Aug 28, 2014
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    thanks Kope

    i use lots of hardware, ultranova, korg m50 ,snow virus and blofeld, I have a good studio, and i do a whole lot of stuff but mostly ambient and electronic.I though essentials might be better but it doesnt include a lot of what i want
    I am using the demo but need to spend more time with it, as i was contemplating new hardware (korg electribe) but im not really sure i want to expand my hardware side of things
    thanks again :]
  9. kope

    kope Newbie

    May 28, 2014
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    So, you are good to go with reason. Latest versions of reason is also good enough with audio (I'm not an user of it :( ). If you like a touch of "pro" in your work consider Cubase (less trouble with compatibility and easier flow of work for more complex projects). Pro Tools it is waste of money if you are about Demo tings. Today studio/DAW depends of Plugins and how much you are ready to invest in them. Short story is that you should decide do you want to create your own sounds (original) or you are about to use prepared sounds with thousands software synt's.
    The best way is to download all those DAW's and install them (demo or cracked) they can be installed on same machine in the same time. Test them by your self because no one can have the same way of doing a things. You will spend month or two for this but is much better than to always wondering "what if I use" :dancing:
  10. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Some artists I really admire claim it has a better workflow, I don't see how that could be when it doesn't even support a standard like VST much less VST3. It's all a big scam in my opinion. Generally made for artists who want to pretend that they're using hardware. Why? Who the fuck knows, apparently some people find that kind of digital masturbation fun. :rofl:
  11. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I've spent some time with Reason 8 recently out of curiosity and I'd say if you can be friends with the sequencer, Reason is indeed a powerful package.
    Yes, it's a closed system and no, there is no VST support but I see the charm of Reason in having everything on board to make great electronic music and not spend too much time trying out all the other stuff out there.
    thor alone is a beast of a synth, even by today's sound standards.
    I hate the idea of relatively expensive rack extensions, but honestly, most are "nice to have" and the mandatory stuff is all inside. Synths, Samplers, Slicers/Loop players, FX - all of high enough quality and good usability.
    For sure it's one of the best closed systems, and for a few times while working with its instruments and FX I thought I'd buy it sooner or later.

    But in fact, I'm staying with Ableton for now for a few reasons:
    - User interface. Reason looks great and is well done, but nothing compares to the one-screen-page layout of Ableton.
    It's surprising how well Ableton have managed to keep it simple with so many features added over the years.
    - Clean pattern-based workflow, if you need it. I love pattern based recording, so it's kind of a personal preference.
    - I'm still amazed how fantastic those (Suite) instruments are.
    They have a very understatement Ableton-ish look but man, they sound great!
    Analog, Operator, Electric, Tension, Collision, Amp, Corpus... All top-notch.
    Even Wavetable emulation by racking as in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBly_RHCpQI
    A must-watch for every Ableton Synth addict :wink:
    - Step recording is well done in Ableton, I haven't seen anything comparable in Reason.
    - Max4Live and Python Scripting, if you dare
    - Ableton is very CPU efficient, next to Reaper and Tracktion maybe one of the most efficient DAWs.
    I have v7 running on a Mac PowerPC and as long as I don't have to feed Divas I'm mostly fine.

    Ableton racks and Reason racks are very similar in what you can achieve by combining and routing modules.
    The more I dive into the depths of Ableton, the less I feel the need for Reason, although it looks and feels great.

    Have I mentioned APC40 mk2? Or Push? Or the Lemur Push emulation for iPad? Or TouchAble for iPad?
    And all the unbelievable free Racks from Ableton users worldwide?

    With Ableton, I tend to focus on the music more and that's what I call a professional DAW: Do what I want it to, and not get into my way, although it's certainly a personal preference like always with DAWs :grooves:
  12. xbitz

    xbitz Audiosexual

    Apr 18, 2013
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    Reason can be used with AL with the connector MAX devices


    all the regular devices can be controlled from Live (this means Live + Reason 5 will be enough, don't have to buy Reason 6.x+ just because the RE based devices, almost all of them have VST counterpart)
  13. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    There is a contradiction in Reason :
    All was supposed to be already there...so why they created RE for third party ?
    Simply because they dropped the ball on internal dev. Now almost all innovations come from RE plugins.

    So xbitz advice is nice. You can still use the old Reason 5 (no RE) with Ableton. But will not get audio recording from Reason 5.
    If you learn how to use external synth recording from Ableton (there are devices for that) and create your own template, i think Live is a better option for audio. Even if R6+ is supposed to be good as audio recording.

    To me, an old Reason user, you got the old Reason 5 option (limited but original spirit) and the new Reason 6+ RE option (less limited but more regular DAW with proprietary plugins). If you go the R6+ way, you are going to pay RE big price, and will not use them anywhere else. A kind of RTAS/AAX Protools plugins spirit. I hate this.

    Many of us don't know it, but you can use FL Studio as VST plugin inside another DAW. A lot more powerful than Rewire. And less buggy :wink:
  14. Someware

    Someware Ultrasonic

    Nov 5, 2014
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    Hi all, I am new to the site.
    As an owner of Reason 7, I felt the upgrade to R8 was very unattractive, the update was very poor. But to get back on topic, I have used R7 about 4 times this year.
    I always end up going back to Ableton 9, Reasons new REs are so CPU hungry it just ends up making it impossible to do a full track in it. I will cut it down to PROs and CONs otherwise I will type far too much.

    PROs =

    Stable, its very difficult to get it to crash
    It has good inbuilt devices and synths
    lots of refills (which I never use)
    The SSL mixer in Reason 7+ is awesome

    CONs =

    YOU CAN'T SELL YOUR RE's!!!!!! You sell Reason though... so you are tied down to a cash cow!!!!!!! WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    CPU intensive
    No VST support
    Expensive and often limited REs, still lacking sample loading, and limited with the GUIs
    Poopellerheads are holding the system back by their lack of development to RE SDK
    Poopellerheads are the only ones able to code reasonable REs that are CPU friendly, most other synths/devices coded by others are a bit heavy on the CPU
    If it was that great then why aren't Waves or Native Instruments bothering?
    Aweful User Interface that ends up getting messy fast, By this I mean the rack system, takes me ages to find the track and rack I am looking for
    If you have a 1080p or higher monitor, prepare to get out the magnifying glass to read anything on the GUI.........
    No Track freezing, so every device still ends up using CPU even when muted etc, forces you into bouncing down constantly....

    I'd avoid Buying Reason at all costs, it just isn't worth it. The SDK limitations put on RE devs is stupid, even UHE had a public outrage at it just over a week ago.....

    Hope that helps,

  15. xbitz

    xbitz Audiosexual

    Apr 18, 2013
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    what about the hotkeys (ctrl+) have u find some solution?


    btw I'm using all of them mixed this way:
    FL as scratchpad (it has great piano roll, connected with virtual midi cables), AL as arranger (and its session view is great to drops the different ideas into it + dummyclips as u knows), Reason because I have tons a nice refills
  16. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    Adobe Audition is very similar to Pro-Tools, but at one time they allowed a lot of 3rd party plug-ins that Pro-Tools didn't, and it was given to me. I have the whole Adobe Suite now. Some other tools in there I use, and some I'll never touch and have no idea how to use them. I am starting to dabble with video, and it is all integrated. Nice being legit, since my finances improved a little. lol
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