izotope ozone 6 Just Released To Day

Discussion in 'Software News' started by lyric8, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    may bugs.. my imager visuals dont work on my fl studio windows :bleh:
  2. Zeus

    Zeus Moderator

    Oct 20, 2013
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    Izotope Ozone just released. Me no like.

    Even though is quite a big name, they have the right to make some cash. I don't write this in the AZ comments because I don't want to start a discussion about it with tons of messages there (and because the answers tend to be "fuck off".
    But I find that the grace period they gave to Serum should have be given to every single product that goes out (New NI stuff, Ozone...)
    R2R have no competitors in releasing so they can really choose the date they want to release something.

    I wish someone would make them understand this.

    It's a question of ethics.
  3. copylefter

    copylefter Producer

    Mar 3, 2012
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    Yeah, you are pretty much right. Take into consideration that maybe (wondering here) R2R know also the position
    of different devs about piracy. Many see it as free advertising and are ok with it seeing it as an opportunity, many see it as the devil himself.
    Looking at this new iZotope Ozone protection, looks like they're the first kind of devs. *yes*
    The very same stuff as all their stuff for years, not a byte changed.
    Anyway yes, it would be cool to give a couple weeks on every product, I released too stuff the very same day, but I try to avoid it now :wink:

    Me no like the product, but that's another story :bleh:
  4. Zeus

    Zeus Moderator

    Oct 20, 2013
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    Yeah, you right, using warez as a marketing tool is a nice (and weird) option.

    But I wonder how many of those 4.419 guys that downloaded the R2R release will buy Ozone if they like it, now that they have the cracked version.
  5. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    I agree totally zeusgodbcn & after the comments about the big companies need the money also it is confusing :dunno:

    However after the last fiasco with Serum maybe it's a case of if they don't do it quick then someone else will try ect & at least you always they always know what they are doing.

    However I'm not here to judge & don't make the rules but just try & thank those people that put in the hours.

    Is a difficult one I guess. :dunno:
  6. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Why would they buy it after two weeks then? Not having it for two weeks or two months wouldn't change anything if someone isn't even considering that option (for whatever reason) whether it's available for free or not. They could just be hoping it will eventually be cracked. And don't say it doesn't happen, 'cause I've seen comments of people saying "was waiting for it for months" and stuff. If someone absolutely needs it or can't live without it and can afford it and probably using it commercially will (and should) most likely buy it. If they want everyone to buy it, then they're free not to release it. Maybe someone who's considering getting it but is not sure whether they'll like it or not, maybe they will be more likely to buy (or not...) after testing it. As with everything, it's not black and white.
  7. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    I use ozone on every track, especially their limiter/maximizer along with their dithering.

    The only thing I hope is that their dynamics section has a per-band input gain and cleaner multiband seperation since that was missing in the 5 version
  8. Zeus

    Zeus Moderator

    Oct 20, 2013
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    Gramofon: all those statements are based on suppositions, like mine. The fact is that we have seen Avicii and many many more Mainstream artists using cracked copies of Sylenth and more plugs in their tutorial videos. And those guys can afford them. They just don't buy them because they already have the cracked version. So why should they care anymore? So the fact that if you really need it you buy is not valid anymore. Not nowadays.

    I've been in studios were they clearly had cracked copies of plugins and even DAWs, and those guys are making their living using those plugs.

    I really see no point in releasing a plugin the very same day the company launches it. Traditionally, the first days of launch is were companies make more cash.
    I'm very sure there's someone there that will buy a product if it's anxious enough waiting for the crack. Happened with Serum.
  9. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    but why i should use v6 in the first place?
    v5 got everything v6 got too. :dunno:
    i used the reverb gentle and got good results for ambient non sausage compressed music.
  10. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    @ zeus

    Fair enough. However, I recall reading a developer's comment (don't remember which) where they said that those artists were already customers of theirs when those videos were published. Anyway, there's really no point in having this conversation. Things are how they are.
  11. Zeus

    Zeus Moderator

    Oct 20, 2013
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    Maybe not. Maybe R2R read this forum. You never know :wink:
  12. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    so any thoughts about this new version? :bow:
  13. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    Yeah if u going to do a video tutorial don't be dumb enough to used a 'cracked copy' :wink:
  14. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    ok then, let me start by saying the dynamics learn option is very interesting, presets are backwards compatible and the maximizer is still transparent.
    Cpu hit is the same for me
  15. grdh20

    grdh20 Platinum Record

    Jan 14, 2014
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    I don't want to start an argument with anyone here, but I tend to agree with you. This whole "strike" thing and choosing which devs get extra time etc, seems completely hypocritical to me. Yes, I know I will get heat for that blunt statement, but I really mean no disrespect to anyone. We all know why we are here . . . stop pretending. But, to each his own.
  16. Zeus

    Zeus Moderator

    Oct 20, 2013
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    You totally misunderstood the point. I'm complaining or just pointing out that Release groups should leave some time to ALL developers, small or big, before they put out a release, with no exceptions or different treatments.

    Nobody is trying to choose "which devs get extra time etc"

    It should be applied to all.
  17. Clandestine

    Clandestine Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2013
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    I totally agree with Zeusgodbcn in that in an ideal situation ALL developers no matter how little or small should be given a grace period.

    However In the real world people always abuse the rules.

    Why did this whole strike thing start? Because some bozo choose to go against the express wishes of the respected people in the Teams, ect.

    People had cracked it but they gave respect & didn't release. Look at the shit that caused. So maybe now they are thinking no matter what we do nothing will change.

    Maybe this plays a part in why Teams are now 'racing' to release stuff as they know some 'bluffer' is just going to come along repack their stuff, try the ol keygen ect to the next release & in all probability fuck it up.

    Imagine also how that pisses them off at the end of the day.

    So their hand is forced also. I'm pretty sure most of the teams put in their nfo if u like the stuff Buy it & respect the developer.

    Dev's nowaday's have so many Pre release sales going on because they want to make a little return before they release because they know their stuff is gonna get cracked probably on day one or two. Why shouldn't they?

    At the end of the day it's a question of more along the lines of morality & it's a sad fact that many users will simply download the cracked software, use it some making money & never buy it.

    That will never change like Gramafon said.

    Whose fault is that :dunno: It's not the teams, or the sites or the good users that just want to try & bit & purchase if they like.

    It's the selfish, I don't give a shit attitude that if u can get something for free then why bother paying for it & that IMO is all messed up.

    Also just my opinion & aimed at no one
  18. dmoll

    dmoll Ultrasonic

    May 18, 2014
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    i dont think so its the same with movies and games and muusic , piracy its every where
    why did you not understand what its wrong with you ?
    the poor music artist can make with this plugins high quality music
    sold her music make money and later they will buy all other products
    in conclusion you can say its a win win situation

    any questions
    i think its enough with this topic
  19. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I agree, that's why if you noticed some time was given on some C4TNIP releases though the team had the releases the day they came out. If it were up to me all releases should be pushed back even if that meant not having releases for a month while everyone gets acclimated to the new system. R2R made a point in their recent nfo that I have also said: larger developers are also quite affected because if they don't make money, they can't just switch gears and sell on a smaller scale. They have higher development costs than a small business.

    And the strike is only hypocritical if you're an either/or kind of person. I have no moral problems with using warez, I have a problem with that belief outweighing someone's right to make a return on their investment that they worked hard for. Just because we believe in warez doesn't mean that developers should get raped for all they have. I think there should be a middle ground where we can try out new software without limits and still give the developers some breathing room. And yes releasing later can make a big difference, some people here actually bought Serum when they knew it wouldn't be released for a while. Will that equate to everyone? Certainly not but it definitely increases the chance of someone making a purchase and every purchase matters. *yes*
  20. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    WHAT HAVE THEY DONE WITH TRUE-PEAK LIMITING (ex-Instersample Detection etc.)?????
    It passes peaks more than Ozone5's !!!!! Or...
    wtf is this Ozone 6??? A lot of upgrades and a lot of downgrades!!!! It's just an alternative and additional to Ozone 5!
    They always say - analog-modelling is first-class, very clean digital, very analoguely etc.! But where is the truth if they change everything in each new version and they are all different sounding and coloring since Ozone3 !?
    It's like Access Virus: A is dirty, B is phatt and more analog-vintagey, C is classic/moderate/musthave, TI is a modern all-in-one, harsh,digital,modern and beautiful - which is best - no one, but everybody buys TI/TI2, because older ones are sh*tty stuff in comparison with ti...
    There will be more new tutorials about Ozone 6, where we will here that they prove "Ozone6 is a totally super-mastering plugin with clean analog HD Quality etc."...until the seventh...then again and again, but they are all different.
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