
Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by BumBcL0t, Oct 19, 2014.

  1. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    Well ....I cant get the Logic X audio units manager to integrate the wrapped plugs resurrected by 32 lives!

    Before in my ML everything was working !

    What should I do, pls help !
    I use often Sylenth and the Rob Pappen stuff !

    by the way if you dont like the looks of the folder (the new is awful!)I ve found this tut

    It works(just the system folders look the same, the rest will change- at least for me!)
  2. BumBcL0t

    BumBcL0t Producer

    Oct 14, 2014
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    Sylenth isn't available in 64bit for OSX yet but Lennar are 'working on it'.
    Have you tried re-wrapping the plugs and re-scanning the plug in folder? Unfortunately I use VST in Ableton so am not much help to a Logic user.
  3. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    Yes, I tried to re-wrap it, restart, rescan, manually rescan but they dont show up!
    Is there anyone experiencing the same?
  4. Goat Head

    Goat Head Guest


    I had the same exact problem, but now I have it working. Sylenth1, orange vocoder, harmony efx... the 32-bit i use the most, were all not working after the upgrade. Unwrapping and rewrapping didn't help. But then today, I noticed 32 lives was running in trial mode. I unwrapped everything in 32 lives, then deleted the program. Then reinstalled it, registered it, and selected everything available to resurrect. Then start up Logic, you will have to look for the plugins that were deselected and click on them to try to validate again. Everything that worked before the update is now working again. VERY VERY happy :)
  5. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    Me too
    I did the same, a member from the forum just pointed it out.
    Followed the advice and all working back! cool!
  6. Goat Head

    Goat Head Guest

    My posts still have to go through approval on here... that was me on SoundCloud :)
  7. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    Nice to know then! I´ll follow your conmment closely.

    My last message (on soundcloud) was slightly trimmed, but on here you can see how I figured out, with little variation from your suggestion.
    Working, I replaced the app from an old backup, and cleaned the content inside the hidden folder SoundRadix / Plugins Backup64 (the same folder where resides the license.bin)
    Although for starters Logic didn’t see the changes, inside the Audio manager all passed!
    Thanks again, for your advice and tips!
    I followed this path instead of a fresh install, coz the install is a bit cumbersome with all that weird licensing!
  8. Goat Head

    Goat Head Guest

    Yeah the licensing thing is kinda strange, but the keygen on the last release will create the registration key for you without even having to open the app. Then when you do open the app, it says it is already registered. I didn't remember the location of the hidden folders, but AppDelete told me where they were before deleting them. It's good like that, only deleting the files and folders you check. And If you are taking notes (unlike me at the time) you can remember the hidden locations. iFileX works too, as long as the invisible files don't have unexpected filenames.

    I like your solution Rolma. Good thinking. If I have to do it again, I'll come back to this thread do it that way :)
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