Bitwig Studio 1.1 (Beta 5)

Discussion in 'Software News' started by Evorax, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    Bitwig Studio 1.1 (Beta 5) Update New and Improved Features


    Video Checkpoints:

    - Deactivate Tracks
    6:30 - Bundle FX within VST's
    11:00 - New Device: De-esser.
    16:25 - New Device: Note Mod
    26:55 - New Device: Multiband FX-3
    29:50 - Instrument Chain
    33:12 - Crossfader & A/B
    36:07 - Tap Tempo
    42:40 - New Stretch Parameters
    46:07 - New Device: Audio Receiver
    51:40 - New Device: Note Receiver
    54:15 - Midi Routing
    59:48 - Multi-Outs (Kontakt Example)

    Post from KVR:
  3. Regz

    Regz Producer

    Jan 15, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Can't tell, sorry..
    I was waiting for this "1.1"... and you know what, even though these new features are great, the others DAWs are light years ahead...
    So, Bitwig is not ready to be my main DAW just yet... *no*

    But hey, I'll keep Bitwig in my HD just for the sake of "security?"... hehehe... :wink:
  4. Zeus

    Zeus Moderator

    Oct 20, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Changes in Bitwig Studio 1.1 BETA 5

    Released on 17.10.2014.

    FIXED Activating solo mutes effect return tracks (Introduced in BETA 4).
    FIXED Crash when navigating layer selection of Multi-out plugins on the keyboard.
    FIXED FX Layer stayed in sleep mode forever.
    FIXED Bug in detection of silence of nested device chains, causing random clicks to appear on attacks in sampler.
    FIXED Application froze for a while when calculating the solo state of the document.
    FIXED Crash when saving edited controller script in Komodo IDE.

    Changes in Bitwig Studio 1.1 BETA 4

    Released on 16.10.2014.

    IMPROVED Added keyboard shortcuts for Yes, No and OK in dialogs.
    IMPROVED Upgraded PDC engine.
    FIXED Consolidating audio clips may reveal material that was originally masked by clips.
    FIXED Plugin windows that have child windows show empty window when reopening in case they have been closed before by clicking the plugin window button.
    FIXED Moving multiple successive raw audio events might alter their start time.
    FIXED Layered editing: notes can be moved and added in locked layers, and no need for layer locking in folded mode.
    FIXED Transport data for internal devices didn't get correctly compensated for plug-in latency.
    FIXED Controller API: direct note input should not accept any method calls after it has been disposed, otherwise the controller might appear frozen until restart of Bitwig Studio.
    FIXED Controller API: Clip.getAccent value setters interpret range incorrectly.
    FIXED Crash in controller API when doing undo after adding and removing tracks.
    FIXED When connecting the audio engine to a document, the auto-monitoring didn't update the monitor state of the tracks whose arm setting had changed correctly.
    FIXED URL in version update notifications needs to be URL encoded when opening it in the browser.

    Changes in Bitwig Studio 1.1 BETA 3

    Released on 10.10.2014.

    NEW Recording Offset (for correcting the roundtrip latency if its incorrectly reported by the audio driver).
    IMPROVED Controller API: reverted naming conventions changes for selection cursor items made in Bitwig Studio 1.1 BETA 1, but keep the distinction between selection cursors that follow that selection in the user interface and custom named selection cursors that are allow the controller to navigate independent from the selections in the Bitwig Studio user interface.
    IMPROVED Controller API: add bank-wise navigation for devices.
    IMPROVED Controller API: add observer for position of device within chain.
    IMPROVED Order of categories in controller preferences/settings should be as specified in the script.
    IMPROVED Don't prefix send names with "Send" when reporting names to the controller API.
    IMPROVED Controller API: add an observer for the current Project.
    IMPROVED Solo didn't take channels routed directly to external outputs into account.
    IMPROVED Processing latency indication on the Inspector's device chain now have a tooltip showing detailed info about which devices that are contributing to the latency.
    FIXED Crash when control surface script is restarted automatically due to changes.
    FIXED Controller preferences section cannot be unfolded when the controller ports have been chosen manually.
    FIXED Controller API: addRawValueObserver is sending wrong initial value.
    FIXED Controller API: CursorDevice.getChannelSelection() has misleading function name and documentation. It has been replaced with CursorDevice.getChannel(), which reports the track or cursor track that was used to create the cursor device. For navigation into sub-layers, drum pads or slots, use the interface methods in cursor device.
    FIXED Controller API Documentation: parameter of selectFirstInLayer has wrong description.
    FIXED Controller API: setting metronome level does not consider destination value range and the respective observer reports a string instead of a number.
    FIXED Controller API: value observer for number settings returns a string instead of a number.
    FIXED Layout errors and wrong initial visual state in controls for enum controller settings.
    FIXED Audio clip tempo shown as 0.00 in inspector after loading document.
    FIXED Controller API: send name observer does not get called when renaming send destination in Bitwig Studio.
    FIXED Shuffle going wrong on Step Mod, Arpeggiator and Metronome.
    FIXED Flat automation line does not move when changing VST parameter.
    FIXED FX returns of individual Drum Machine tracks still audible when solo'ing other track.
    FIXED Automation lanes with renameable parameters forget their name after save/load and display empty strings instead.
    FIXED Bitwig Studio won't start on OSX when software from unknown developers is disabled in system preferences.

    Changes in Bitwig Studio 1.1 BETA 2

    Released on 30.09.2014.

    NEW Added Note FX slot to sampler.
    NEW Add access to clip loop/start and start/stop marker in control surface API.
    NEW Add clip/slost playback state observer to controller API that reports the current state including playing, recording, stopped and the corresponding queued states.
    FIXED Controller API: observers that indicate if a device has nested device content won't fire.
    FIXED API reference documentation errors.
    FIXED Crash when dragging an audio file inside the detail editor of an audio clip.
    FIXED Controller code crashes the application when switching to a different view profile.
    FIXED Controller API: update sendDatagramPacket documentation with information about correct value ranges.
    FIXED Controller API: scene scrolling observers in TrackBank never fire.
    FIXED Order of controller preferences/settings should be as specified in the script.
    FIXED Some editing operations doesn't work with standby time-selections.
    FIXED Local plugin hosting does not work on OSX (bit-bridge mode).
    FIXED Preview onsets sporadic.
    FIXED Controller API: TrackBank.scrollTracksUp/Down doesn't work anymore when configured with zero scenes.
    FIXED Various controlller API documentation errors.
    FIXED NumberSetting field observer returns unexpected values.
    FIXED Controller API: user notification observer does not fire when restarting script.
    FIXED Controller API: number settings can be set to values outside the defined range.
    IMPROVED Controller API: add access to expanded state of devices and visibility of the macro section and device mappings editor.
    IMPROVED Widgets for controller script enum settings in document state or preferences can become too wide when the text is too long.
    IMPROVED Signal buttons defined in control surface document settings show category name instead of label in button text.
    IMPROVED Prefix entries is note input choosers with controller device name if applicable.
    IMPROVED Controller API: add observer for current display profile.
    IMPROVED Version the preferences for different versions of the application so that switching from a later version to an earlier version will not lose your preferences.
    IMPROVED Allow to create new Tracks with the Controller API.
    IMPROVED Controller API: allow to observe index of selected track.
    IMPROVED Allow the user to show/hide controller settings section.
    IMPROVED Allow to show/hide and enable/disable individual controller settings via controller API.
    IMPROVED Add additional action label to signal settings in controller API.
    IMPROVED Improve MPKmini script & docs with Bitwig Studio 1.1 features.
    IMPROVED Allow to restart controller scripts from preferences.
    IMPROVED Controller API: provide a way to get the total number of underlying items in bank interfaces.
    IMPROVED Controller API: add scene bank interface.
    IMPROVED Controller API: add observers for "queued for record" and "queued for stop".

    Changes in Bitwig Studio 1.1 BETA 1

    Released on 10.09.2014.

    NEW Allow to switch between project tabs via the Controller API.
    NEW Add an interface to controller API for getting any action in the application in a generic way.
    NEW Generalize the primary device concept in the controller API towards named selections, so that the primary device represents a device selection with the name "Primary". This allows to have also other device selections, for example one with the name "EQ" or "Drum", but also named selections of other items such as the "Primary Track".
    NEW Allow to define custom controller settings via the scripting API that are stored in the Bitwig Studio preferences file or project documents. The user interface controls for the script preferences are shown in the Bitwig Studio controller preferences dialog, and the controls for the document settings are shown in the Studio IO panel.
    NEW Generalize the cursor concept used in the controller API to generic selections.
    NEW Tap-tempo (CTRL-click play to use it).
    NEW Allow modulation of discrete (bool, enum, int) parameters.
    NEW Improved sound-quality and timing of audio playback.
    NEW Added grain size parameter to audio events.
    NEW Added new transient preservation mode.
    NEW Multiband FX-3 device.
    NEW Note MOD Device.
    NEW Track Crossfader.
    NEW De-Esser Device.
    NEW Route track note output to multi-timbral VST instruments (with channel selector).
    NEW Tracks, Chains and Devices can now be deactivated to save CPU.
    NEW Output effect chains for VST plug-ins.
    NEW Route track note output to another track.
    NEW Support for VST side-chaining.
    NEW Audio Receiver Device.
    NEW Note Receiver Device.
    NEW Support for multi-out VST plug-ins.
    NEW Access to nested devices and drum pads in controller API.
    FIXED Consider step resolution when sending value changes for numeric controller preferences/settings.
    FIXED Controller scripts in user directory do not reload automatically like the ones in the installation directory.
    FIXED Controller API: observing the name of send controls via addNameObserver always reports "Send" but should report the name as shown in Bitwig Studio.
    FIXED Rare crash when working with rectangular selection.
    FIXED Crash when showing context menu in file browser for a folder when there are no bookmarks.
    FIXED Regression: crash when setting note start to selected warp marker.
    FIXED Regression: 1.0.9 would complain about insufficient disk space when installing packs on a fresh system.
    FIXED When scrolling a device chain with many devices the devices towards the end of the chain would not show their name.
    FIXED Crash sometimes when showing a plugin loading error message.
    FIXED Controller API: creating mixer sections may crash depending on screenIndex parameter.
    FIXED Toggling mixer sections via the Control Surface API has no effect.
    FIXED Controller API: make window and layout parameters optional for accessing the arranger/mixer panel, so that the currently visible panel is followed. .
    FIXED Mixer volume sliders should reset to their default value, instead 0dB.
    FIXED Controller Scripts aren't properly reloaded when the RemoteHost Functions are used.
    FIXED Automatic visual feedback from controllers that shows changes as popup notifications.
    IMPROVED Add author metadata to the controller definition API for better distinction between multiple scripts for the same hardware.
    IMPROVED Add an observer to the controller API that reports the enabled state of user notifications.
    IMPROVED Allow toggling the Inspector from the controller API.
    IMPROVED Detect added or removed controller scripts.
    IMPROVED Rename application.delete() in Controller API as delete is a reserved word in JavaScript.
    IMPROVED Allow to embed samples inside presets.
    IMPROVED Improved Controller Script Console.
    IMPROVED Note output from any track can be selected as a note source.
    IMPROVED Redesigned router choosers to support hierarchical menus.
    IMPROVED Re-designed GUI for plug-in devices.
    IMPROVED Add @since tags to the API Documentation.
    IMPROVED Allow renaming controllers in the preferences dialog.
    IMPROVED Better Controller API Documentation.
    IMPROVED Navigation of drum pads, device layer and other nested devices via Controller API.

    one more thing: old java keygen does not work anymore
  5. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    If the DAWs you think are "light years ahead" can make also cookies and 3d printing, then i'll call them "light years ahead" too,
    until then... they're just similar to me.

    I made a whole project in Bitwig, which i had only to render the mixdown and import it in StudioOne to master it. Guess what, the song was as good as i would've done it
    only in StudioOne. I did this like 4 months ago just to see where exactly is the problem, on user part or on the DAW itself and i realised two things:

    1. It's not ready for the "fussy and picky" guys, who wants a DAW to make extra things which they end up NOT using them anyway, but they still want them to be present.
    2. Bitwig is ready for "making everything with anything" guys, with absolutely no lacking, if you know how to turn that particular DAW in your advantage.

    P.S. i still use it for some fast ideas, there's nothing i should complain about it, that's just my opinion.
  6. Zeus

    Zeus Moderator

    Oct 20, 2013
    Likes Received:
    I agree with Evorax.

    I've made projects only in Bitwig (Mastering included) and those new features complete a little bit more an already really good DAW.

    If you're a tricky producer that want special features that not everybody need, then you better stick to Studio One, Cubase or Logic.

    But an average producer without special needs, like me, this DAW is (and will be even more in a few) perfect.
  7. copylefter

    copylefter Producer

    Mar 3, 2012
    Likes Received:
    That's what I call a changelog :wow: :rofl:
    Hope someone will pop up with a new keygen, I can't touch Java, I start to get itching and swollen all over me,
    otherwise I would have looked into it *yes*
  8. VirtualMark

    VirtualMark Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Where can we get hold of the beta?
  9. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Still no crossfade between two audio files? Lol!
  10. Zeus

    Zeus Moderator

    Oct 20, 2013
    Likes Received:
    You can't unless you're a legit customer
  11. VirtualMark

    VirtualMark Member

    Jul 24, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Ah. I won't be for a while. I do love Bitwig, but want to wait until it's feature complete to make my mind up about it. The 1.0 release was basically a beta, it had tons of stuff missing that I'd come to expect from a DAW. The 1.1 looks good, but it's going to be a while before Bitwig is where I want it to be.
  12. m2314

    m2314 Member

    Oct 10, 2012
    Likes Received:
    So just looking at the keygen code and googling a bit, it might not be java at all, but was definitely compiled to java bytecode...
  13. grdh20

    grdh20 Platinum Record

    Jan 14, 2014
    Likes Received:
    I guess they aren't going to add AU plugin compatibility anytime soon...
  14. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    All I'm waiting for to start using it more is multi-out support and MIDI routing so I can mix and route audio and MIDI freely like I'm used to in Reaper. That's all the "special" features I need. *yes* All the other special features can be accomplished through use of plugins. Speaking of which it would be great if Bitwig supported MIDI plugins. Otherwise, it is fairly easy to work with it and I really like that. I also really dig the default colour scheme, which is almost completely irrelevant, but one of those things that can make your life easier. I always say "keep the dark fonts on light background scheme for books and magazines, but it is not ergonomic, nor healthy, for computing". I keep wondering who's the ergonomically backwards cretin who first used black font on white background in an OS and the answer is, I think, Sinclair Spectrum... I couldn't write code on that thing unless I inverted the colours. Then there's Windows 3...

    I will patiently wait to try v1.1 and see how it fits my oldschool studio workflow. In the mean time there's Reaper and EnergyXT on both Windows and Linux that I use. [although Reaper support for Linux is not official yet]. I'm also not going to whine if Bitwig proves to be not what I wanted as I feel pretty much comfortable with the whole set up as it is now. *yes*

  15. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    That's not because Bitwig devs can't do it, but that's more of the Bitwig's concept. I think they can add crossfades anytime, but it might collide with some other features
    which Bitwig have. Until then, they'll have to find a way of "making space" for this feature first, which will probably happen in the future. :dunno:
  16. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Yeah, I guess you are right (loop based music). From a sound designer standpoint, I just find it quite amateurish that it can't be done.
  17. VirtualMark

    VirtualMark Member

    Jul 24, 2013
    Likes Received:
    I agree, it's a basic audio editing feature, and I was surprised that it wasn't included in 1.0.

    Still, you can do manual fades, which will have to do for now.
  18. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    Yeah, but in my point of view, it's not something that essential, which would influence the quality of your music.
    Well, for some who got used to the regular auto-crossfades, it is a pain in the arse, but for others it's not that of a big deal.
  19. VirtualMark

    VirtualMark Member

    Jul 24, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Nothing is essential, but you're missing the point. It's convenient.

    If you really wanted to, you could code music in 1s and 0s, or hand care notation onto a stone tablet. But I think that we can at least agree that both of those methods would take a lot longer.

    Having a good DAW means that you can get your ideas out quicker, and anything that helps with that process is useful.

    But thanks for your input.
  20. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Bowerstone Castle
    And does lack of crossfades stays in your way while you try to get your ideas out fast? I do personally use Bitwig for quick stuff myself then i can mix/master it in Studio One.
    If it's not convenient for yourself, that doesn't mean it's not convenient for everybody. Does the lack of crossfades blocks the performance you record with your midi keyboard? Does it stops a track to be armed for recording? Can't you really arrange that track anymore if it lacks auto-crossfades? I don't think so.

    So, as you said, "Having a good DAW means that you can get your ideas out quicker", so please, point out some reasons for why the lack of auto-crossfades would slow down
    the creativity or quick ideas development. Crossfades are more used in the post-production/mixing/mastering stages, rather than in "quick-ideas development/creativity" stages.

  21. VirtualMark

    VirtualMark Member

    Jul 24, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Wow, are you a bit dim? You just admitted to having to use two DAWs, yet don't see how that's less convenient. If you're too dim to understand the importance of work flow, I don't have the patience to spoon feed you. Your opinion is thus dismissed as irrelevant and nonsensical. Crossfades are useful, end of story.

    But thanks again for your valuable input.
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