Got Fired

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Someone, Oct 16, 2014.

  1. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    And those words are coming from someone who's too lazy to type grammar correctly!

    :rofl: :bleh: :rofl: :bleh:
  2. kimikaze

    kimikaze Platinum Record

    Aug 20, 2014
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    One fine example from Austria how company with people should be leaded. Even if you don't understand German(i don't find it in english) just look at relationship between employer and employees. The mimic say everything.
    My link


    MY oppinion: People should work no more than 4-6 hours max per(but of course i mean quality work not drinking coffe every half hour) day if we want happy society. We can now see what happened if we do.
  3. zero-frag

    zero-frag Producer

    Feb 2, 2014
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    I feel your pain, I had a 3 month long internship in finance back in the day. I was really excited and really eager to learn then quickly realized they were not interested in teaching me anything. I would have nothing to do for most of the day and when I did, it was just bullshit excel spreadsheets, a dog could probably do it.
    I knew the internship would look good on my résumé and I just had to last 3 months but I couldn't. 2 hours of transport a day, and I was an unpaid plant. After 2 months I said fuck it and quit. Looking back I probaly should have finished the contract.
    The bright side is, many people I knew who got internships actually enjoyed theirs and learned something so not all companies are just looking for cheap labor, some of them actually want to teach you stuff *yes*
  4. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Brave New World
    Hi Someone,
    looks like your difficulties aren`t specifically "german" though the details may taste of "Sauerkraut".
    You know the saying "der Esel nennt sich selbst zuerst", so I`ll share my apprenticeship experience at the end (if at all).

    You`re a good man, intelligent, with depth, alive and asking for meaning. In other words: You`re in big trouble.
    The feeling "to waste time" gets (usually) exchanged with "given up" and the process is labed "growing up".
    Some streetart I made photos of recently, comes to my mind: "It`s no measurement of health, being well adjusted to a profound sick society."

    I could go down the "explainatory road", but it`d be disrespectfull. Who could be more aware about the needs of our time as young people (potentially) are?
    Bound to fight or escape, seeking for solid ground, safety(emotional) in the "sea of life", striving for something greater, something authentic.
    As humans we have much more in common then what`s separating us, in there is one of our biggest strength as well as biggest fear.
    Obviously, the most important thing the "system" has to exploit in order to function.
    How could this capitalism desease (call it what you want) exist without people feeling disconnected and separated.

    If I say you have to fight and be an actor, constantly under pressure not to feel as deep as you naturally would, so your plans
    remain intact and the (inauthentic) performance isn`t interrupted, you`d answer:"Damn, I know!".
    At least, we are born in a place where we have the luxury of self-reflection. How many people are so heavily attached to the "delusionary system", captured in a
    daily struggle to have sufficiant food, clothes and a roof. I often forget my privileged existence, drowning in self-rightousness.
    Shure, "the scissors getting wider" apparently. Increasing poverty in the "western world" it`s called, but still ...
    Seems like we have to consider China as "western" ... ok, not funny.

    Growing population, compulsive development of technology and a decadent monetary based economy ... change comes faster, sudden and often with painful impact.
    The "soap opera" we call life is build on reliability and routine of devoted slaves (us) and it`s coming to an end.
    Right, measured by our inner resistance it could need several generations.
    A lifetime appears very limited, and the way society refers to is linear and rational,yet. Makes the the fight even more painful.
    I find it impossible to create a healthy value-system as long as I`m determined by believe.
    We are capable of reinventing our world as a emotional safe place, inhabited by spiritual beings making a human experience.
    I don`t have doubts about it, neither that it`s a long way to go.

    Would love to give you some practical recommendations fitting your very needs, just don`t know you ...
    The Germans growing old, average should be over 40 years meanwhile and I wouldn`t describe them as a child/youth friendly "nation", definitly not guest friendly.
    But hey, I`m the son of an immigrant and a german, guess you know what it means. Anyway, "Creative Media" you say and you don`t have a certification for a profession, yet?
    It´s just an idea, an invitation to follow a thought:
    Berlin is the "creative" capital, too. A lot of our beloved and fancy Software is build there or initiated, at least. (NI, Ableton, U-he, Bitwig, Magix, etc.)
    No matter if audio, film, photo, radio, design, "art" or whatsoever, it`s countless companies/opportunities to find.
    Young people from all over the world come toghter there (every fourth person is of "non german heritage"), could be a chance to get rid of "too intense redneck mentality".
    Still, it`ll be tough and finding a "reasonable" priced flat in the central area requires magic. Also, the wonderful spirit Berlin was known for, disappeared almost.
    It`s a unique air to breathe, maybe you do a little research on what possibly could suit you ...
    Maybe you find a seriously skilled and young "boss" that hates to be "bossy".
    Just be hungry and willing to fight, get your "slice of cake" on which you can build what matters truely to you. We are not talking about construction-side jobs, coping with well educated and "heady" people is different. Manipulation is their daily bread, sometimes literally like ad biz.
    You need to suss this game, to see through it and play it to your advantage. Guilt is a lie, it works because we are conditioned, we are believers.
    Actually, manipulation is everybodys daily biz as long as we insist on "being somebody" instead of being who we really are.

    Usually to get fired could appear as "negative" in a CV, shure depending on how it`s presented but you know how apprenticeship is valued in this twisted society, don`t waste time, move on and see it as "paper shit", necessary only to get your "foot in the door".

    Your former "boss" must be a very sad and desperate creature ... Bothering the apprentice with buying a license for the company ... hell!
    Good that you are out of this terrible place.
    My friends never get tired to share with others that they have Adobe CS fully working and updatable, so I get frequently request to do it again and again.
    It`s a pretty simple task and I wonder how one can conduct a financially succsessfull company if this is an issue already.

    I´am close to 40, raising to boys with an artist as wife. Growing up in a town (180.000) with very stuck people playing the "racism card".
    self-employment is kind of family tradition in my case, I never managed to finish an apprenticeship/study, there is a nice english expression that seems to fit: psychologically unemployable.
    What`s worse then a boss with to little self esteem, expecting one to creep up his ass? I just need to work as team or alone.
    As young man I was to easy about this stuff and always took my time for what i thought is of true importance. Nor did I continue my parents company.
    That age does make a difference is something valid for me, I`ve to admit.
    While writing the desire to talk in our native language came up. But it`s better the way it is.

    Thanks everybody involved in this topic, it`s a great read and I do understand it as audio related.
    If I have to give the most brief answer where music is coming from, it`s who and what we are.

    Wish you all a nice weekend
  5. m2314

    m2314 Member

    Oct 10, 2012
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    I just recently quit the highest paying job I've had so far, to take a job that pays a fraction in a month of what i made in a week at my former position... Long story short the work made me sick to my stomach and I never really was able to spend time with my family or work on any music OR find ways to get my foot into doors on the local music scene, so i quit... And I'm happier by a ton, my bills are still paid and I have time to make music, work on learning Java, and spend time with my family... You should read the chapter in Think Like a Freak titled "The Upside of Quitting", this chapter changed the way I thought about quitting (or being fired) and moving on, basically if what you're doing isn't serving you and enriching your life, you owe it to yourself to quit sooner rather than later...
  6. Nightwalker

    Nightwalker Kapellmeister

    Jun 15, 2011
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    ohhh we have a grammar teacher in the hood :wink:
  7. fadermusic

    fadermusic Newbie

    Aug 27, 2014
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    Dude it´s all good.It´s happening for you, not to you.
  8. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    Setting no point after a sentence is a mistake, also beginning a sentence with a small letter.
    After an exclamation like "ohhh" (in marks!) it's right to set a comma.
    > dont < without apostrophe is wrong. "Doesn't" or Does not is right.

  9. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    these grammar lessons must have given like an injection of 10g of happiness to the thread starter, and he must be feeling so so much better now, that, from now one, the first advice a person seeking help from a psychologist or psychoanalyst will get is "Dear Madam or Gentleman, you should get a grammar book " :)
  10. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    an advice to "Someone":
    if it isn't already the case, and if you can have a chance of being close to some girls, or even getting a girlfriend, that little "thing" can boost our life, helps us concentrating on other things, and some problems that occupy 95% of our mind, all the time, suddenly, they aren't getting all our attention, as we are thinking about THE thing that will give us the most happiness (and most heart problems as well, but ...that's life). and suddenly, some problems that looked like impossible to solve, it's like "eureka"! it was so easy to find a solution, after all.

    a simple advice, of course. :mates:
  11. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Here and there.
    LOL!! Your comment is full of grammar errors!
    :rofl: :rofl:
  12. Nightwalker

    Nightwalker Kapellmeister

    Jun 15, 2011
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    dude please :dont:
  13. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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  14. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Thanks for all the answers. I read all of them twice or even more often, and took time to answer some of them.
    Im sorry I couldnt answer all of them, I somehoe always feel like answering to everybody who bothered to answer me, but I think it would be to much if I would go into every detail...


    Some jobs sure feel like detention: Stupid tasks that seemed to be designed to consume your time and nothing else... Sometimes I wonder why some jobs even exist.
    I hope you'll get out of your detention some day, all it does is sucking life out of you...


    Unfortanatly my talents aren't very „commercially usable“. But I'm working on it... There are these hopes and dreams to make something out of my hobbies, and the last few days these hopes raised and I got time to work a bit on them.
    It sounds so simple, but I think everyone of us knows it's way harder then doing mindless tasks at a stupid job.


    @Kookaboo: Thanks for answer #4


    @ McCookie: Answer #5, #10, #19 got some interesting statements to think about, thanks for all your words.
    I was at a little company. We were around 15, hard to say when your boss fires somebody every half year and hires people every few months, but sometimes only for short periods of time...
    Apprentices doen't have to be cheap meat, but often enought they are. Any why is it possible? Because companys need cheap workers...?! Thats a stupid answer and kinda supports slavery more than an educated society.
    I talked about that with a fellow apprentice-slave at work...
    I'm not about war, but I truely believe that some kind of a catastrophic event, killing millions and setting us all a step back, could have a positive effect on mankind in the long run.
    But anarchy also seems to be a common dream for those of us who feel misplaced in society.
    That is so true! One of us could easily ignore the shit from above and liked working with his hands all day. He actually hated working on a computer. He was used to work long and doing mindless tasks because he got raised that way. It was way easier for him than for me...
    A girl working there got that „Its not my fault, Im not responible, I dont care“ attitude. I know they wanted to fire her but somehow they needed her, could have a bunch of reasons... Anyway, with that attitute and the fact she passed probation time without getting fired you might think now she'll feel fine. She does most of the time, but in stressfull times the supervisor treated her so badly she cried. Not infront of him, she kept it to herself.
    Not sure anymore what I wanted to say... Yes, one problems means a billion different feelings for every one of us, but sometimes even those who have a hard shell crack at some point.


    It sounds easier than it is. It's time consuming, full of rejections and bad expieriences, and people who try out different stuff all the time arent what a company want. Companys mostly want gearwheels. You build them in, give them some oil to run properly, and then they spin around and around and around...


    @superliquid23: Thanks, Im trying to get on foot as soon as possible.


    @Stevitch: Thanks for sharing. Thanks for all your words.


    In all honesty I don't feel like that is something to feel better about, Just because it could be worse, doesn't mean it's not bad. Also the lack of education and perspective of a 3rd world country may lead to people being okay with their lifes... They properly dont know it could be much better. Or maybe not, I dont know...
    All I mean is that Im being aware of the fact others having a hard life to, but at the point you feel unhappy, there isnt really a way to „compare“ that unhappieness. You are unhappy, and that's hard on you, no matter how seemingly harder others have it.

    I wonder where the most people life that can honsetly state they are happy....

    Thanks, I hope it's all up... Couldnt handle much more down.


    Thanks for the nice words Pilzy :)


    Maybe I am lazy, and maybe I dont like „work“ in the meaning of just doing shit for others...
    I dont feel sorry for liking doing things I like, for wanting to make more out of hobbys than just hobbys, for wanting to share creativity, for hating doing mindless stuff, for hating being a slave...
    Disrespect me for that, but its the very same that I selfrespect me for...


    What dafuq's wrong with you??!

    You're happy so you cant understand why Im not? Did I interpret that right? Because please correct me if I judge you as an idiot by fault.


    Yes but just think about all those people having enough time to seriously deal with politics and economics...
    But I am on you're side, 8-10 hours, 5-6 days a week. I worked more that I sleeped. Thats just absurd in my opinion, but somehow okay for so many others...


    Thanks to sideshowbob for answer #27. I will read that one a couple of times again.
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