Mix Kick & Loops any tips?

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by ori09, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. ori09

    ori09 Newbie

    Sep 3, 2013
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    I must to say that it's the best forum that I registered! I study here a lot!!
    I'm producing Dance Music and for a good groove, i added 3-4 loops from Vengeance ...
    But my problem is that I got a "salad mix" ...
    Someone has some tips on "how to mix" the kick and the loops?
    Which frequency to cut and which to boost?
    compressor and sidechain?
    here is a little clip

    I reuploded it with some changes!

    Thank you very much and sorry about my english ...
  3. eksproducer

    eksproducer Member

    May 9, 2014
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    I have an situation like this going on too, i know how i could mix the instruments seperately a bit, but for a drumloop i use mastering tools like the ones psp have
  4. shike

    shike Noisemaker

    Sep 5, 2014
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    Chop out that loop in to different hits and make new channel for every similar kind of hit and treat it separate how you would do normally,so brake loop in separate elements,than do normal panning,eq-ing,compressing to every separate channel and now you do not have one loop with different elements or hits that can not be processed that easily,but separate elements that can be mixed properly.if you have 3 elements in loop,than you would have 3 different channels from there after chopping them out from each other,with 3 similar kind of hits that are going on in loop all the time,sorry can not explain better,I hope you understand.
  5. ori09

    ori09 Newbie

    Sep 3, 2013
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    I know this trick....
    But my question is which frequency to cut and which to boost?
    how to set the compressor?
    put sidechain or not?
    I know to make mix on the other elements like(vocal, bass , leads, pads)
    I work with the Uad 2 plugins.....
    but I alwayes have problem with the (loops,hi-hats)
    Thank you:)
  6. shike

    shike Noisemaker

    Sep 5, 2014
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    Just try and see what works for you in your mix,if you know how to use compressor than you should be already knowing what works for you and your mix and idea about what you want,same goes for knowing how to use eq and your ears in the same time for something that is part of your vision and final mix,trying things do they work or not,if you can not mix 3 loops with kick,but you can if you separate them to different elements,than separate them and mix them like that,if you want to mix loops,than try and see what works for you,you should have idea what you want and how you want them to sound and wait until you have more elements in your track to actually start mixing,if you do not know that,than someone giving you frequencies to look for and values for compressor will not change anything much,use your ears and knowledge you have and use that tools you paid so much,rely on what you hear rather on what is right,there is no right and wrong,there is you and your ears and how you hear music,than there is your tools and how you know to use them to get results you imagined,mixing is art and everything is connected in a mix,so much choices and you need to make them and to live with them.

    But at this point I would separate loops like I mentioned before,set correct gain values and pan them,than use eq on all channels to clean unnecessary stuff with HP and LP filters and mud with notches,anything bellow 100hz in everything except kick is starting point for HP and LP depends on what it is,boosting at this point is no go for me,than in order to bring something out,transient tool immediately,compressor maybe if there was something,but in this case,I have strong feeling all this is heavily compressed already.sidechaining?probably on whole buss.compressing?whole drum buss and parallel NY compression too probably.kick?HP everything bellow 35hz,notch out all mud from 200hz till 1khz,no boosting until end.transient tool,compression,all depends on kick,but in most cases,no.if you want to use something on whole loop,than transient tool and try eq HP from 100hz and LP where it sounds nice,notch out mud,boost when you have whole mix ready,sidechain if you like,use some crazy stereo plugin,mess with m/s processing,it is really up to you man.

    If "salad mix" means everything is on each other together,than your answer is separate loops like mentioned and pan everything better,easy as that really,after that just clean out with eq and than you can do whatever you feel like,it is not dirty salad anymore.
  7. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    hi Orinir, i'm producing Dance music too. Vengeance loops are too much compressed. so when you use just 2-3 loops the mix sound already full.

    1)you can try to eq all the loops, i suggest you to slice the beat up with some vst like Geist and then from there send diffent sample to different busses (still in Geist) like claps, hihat... and eq them in the right way.

    2)Use just the part you need from different loops like above treat them separately

    3)Use only 1-2 of them at the same time like hihat loop + clap/snare loop

    i suggest you to get other loops from other company to use alongside the Vengeance One's. There are some cools free packs on the net.
    Stay away from Vengeance Kicks if you are using them, because they took too much space in the mix (too much processed & compressed), if you sample a professional kick and compare them, you will note that the mix will suddenly sound less full and chaotic. Try with the famous Leave the World behind kick from Swedish House mafia (in google is "LTWB kick").
  8. ori09

    ori09 Newbie

    Sep 3, 2013
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    I slice the loops and eq them...
    And reupload it
    so take a listen.
    I think that now it's better but not enough....
  9. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    -try moving the clap a few ms forward (like -10 ms),
    -try to process the kick a little bit so the tail will be only sub frequency and will not clash with other instruments
    -use a widening vst on hihat
    -pan a little bit the tom
    -try using the widening vst also on drums like before but in this way: Kick 0% stereo (so mono), tom (depends on the tom maybe around 40-60%), clap 150 % stereo and hihat around 100%
    you can act like this or use a mid-side eq (Fabfilter pro-q 1 or 2)

    here's a trick a "stole" from David Guetta if you have Waves plugin use the "Doubler2" vst and wich create a doubled version of the same sample but slightly detuned and sluighty shifted in time. position the at +45° and -45° and you will get a wide and professional hihat. i think you can use this technique on claps and others small elements
  10. ori09

    ori09 Newbie

    Sep 3, 2013
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    Thank you for your advices!!
    I widening the hi-hats to stereo with Pro-q 2 mid-side eq.
    And make the kick mono at the 0-200hz.
    And make the clap stereo by lawcut the 0-300hz on mono side on the fabfilter pro-q 2.
    So it's sounds better now....
    can you take a listen?
    here the hi-hats eq:
  11. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    like this

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