Reveal Sound Spire Bug?

Discussion in 'Software' started by camusic, Aug 31, 2014.

  1. camusic

    camusic Guest

    Hey guys, anyone else experiencing this behaviour with Reveal Sound Spire?
    When you MIDI Learn a controller on any knob / fader it works fine (reads back the data as well as moving the knob / fader). However, if you save the project [in Cubase], close it and re-open it then the Midi Data aren't recalled.
    Also it seems that even when you MIDI Learn a controller on any knob / fader close the GUI and open it again it crashes Cubase as well. Is this a bug?

    MNDSTRM Platinum Record

    Nov 24, 2011
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    Cubase version?
  4. camusic

    camusic Guest

    It doesn't really matter does it? I'm on the latest.
  5. GangamStyle

    GangamStyle Ultrasonic

    Oct 31, 2012
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    It matters so we can try and reproduce said bug.
    Unless you are saying you tried this in more than one DAW with the same results.

    So by latest you mean Cubase 7.5?
    And what version of Spire?

    Kvraudio has a few people who mention the spire bug , but on a mac with logic. 2 seperate posters mention the same issue as you, with no solutions posted.

    There is also mention of a bug that sounds like what you are describing in the spire changelog, so you might want to read it and compare version numbers to see if you are using a version with/without the bug.
    open the page and then search for text "midi learn"

    You may have already found this through googling, but posted it in case you haven't so you can watch it for a fix maybe.
  6. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Cubaseadvance,

    Yes, it could in some circumstances... *yes*

    and as rightly asked by 'GangamStyle' :

    All these 'little' info can have a Great importance ! *yes*

    Do you have tried to do exactly the same things within another DAW ?

    If not, it could be a valuable option to consider, because you'll be almost sure which of the 2 parts is faulty : either your 'Cubase' DAW, or your 'Spire' VSTi. *yes*

    In case that you face exactly the same trouble within another DAW, this could mean that your 'Spire' VSTi has (eventually) triggered a 'Time Bomb', due to a not completely 'cracked' Version. This happens sometimes with some VSTi Soft Synth. As an example, some 'u-he' Plugins were well known for this kind of 'bad surprise' after a more or less long period of usage... *yes*
  7. camusic

    camusic Guest

    @GangnamStyle thank you for your reply. I'm Cubase 7.5 yes with Spire 1.0.17 which again is the latest. I've tried the demo too.

    @Studio 555. Like I've posted above I'm on the latest Cubase 7.5. I don't think the is music software because EVRYTHING else works flawlessly.

    Do you thing it triggered a TimeBonb? So which the best currently version to use?
  8. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Cubaseadvance

    My answer was just a suggestion, hence the fact to first, know which Version you're using (now, we know it --> 'v1.0.17'), but also to know if you're using a 'legitimate' Version, or a contrario, a 'not so legitimate' Version (a 'Team R2R' Version, for instance).

    The suggestion to try all your stuff within another DAW can also enlighten you about the proper functioning of your 'Cubase' with your 'Spire' VSTi... but at a first glance, your 'Cubase' is not in cause as you said it :

    In this case, it seems that your trouble comes rather from 'Spire'.
    If you still face the same troubles with it again and again, a solution to try could be to uninstall that 'v1.0.17' (if you're using a 'cracked' one) and to install a previous Version instead.
    By trying a previous 'working' Version, you can perphaps find from where comes that 'MIDI Learn' Controllers problem, in case that with that previous Version you don't get these troubles anymore... *yes*
  9. camusic

    camusic Guest

    Thank you Studio 555 for your reply.

    I am actually using the DEMO version directly downloaded from their website. Neither Spire.dll nor Spire_x64.dll will recall the automation. I've tried it on my Cubase Elements 7 DAW on the other computer and it does the same thing.

    I pretty convinced is a Spire Bug.
  10. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    don´t try to lie , you are actually using a cracked version ! because Spire_x64.dll doesent exist in the original Version only in cracked ones !
  11. Carface

    Carface Noisemaker

    Nov 22, 2011
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    There is a 64bit version demo and you can download it directly from the site....
  12. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ TinTin,

    !?! :wow:

    As clearly stated by 'Cubaseadvance' :


    It seems that according to a famous saying: "In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king !!!"

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  13. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    where i have said that an 64 bit version does not exist ?

    i have said that in original legit versions and in the demo Spire_x64.dll does not exist ! if cubaseadvance would using the demo or an legit version you would see that the 32 bit version and 64 bit version of Spire are also named Spire.dll !

    Spire_x64.dll are renamed by crackers !

    @Studio 555

    now i can laugh , who is blind ?
  14. camusic

    camusic Guest

    I downloaded both 32bit and 64bit. I renamed the 64bit to Spire_x64 because Cubase sees both as Spire! Same problem on both versions. It seems that is a problem within the plugin. I confirmed the same behaviour with a friend of mine using the plugin on Cubase 7.5 Mac too.
  15. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ TinTin,

    In some sense you're right... BUT not ONLY !!! *no*

    Pay attention at the 'Cubaseadvance' Comment just below yours :

    And this is the case with all the 'Plugins' that you may install and for which each Version (either 'x86-32bit', or 'x64-64bit') is not clearly identifiable by its Name... *yes*

    What I done in these cases, as I mainly use '64bit' DAWs, it's to simply delete (if installed by 'default') the 'x86-32bit' Version BEFORE to launch any DAW, and to eventually 'Scan' the 'VST PlugIns' Folder (if not done automatically).
    Among all the usual DAWs, 'Reaper' is the perfect example where if you have both Versions of a 'Plugin' installed with identical Names, it will FIRST recognize and validate the 'x86-32bit' Version rather than the 'x64-64bit' Version, and this even if you use the '64bit' Version of 'Reaper'... *yes*
  16. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    that's way they make a new update every week :rofl:
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