Free & Open - Libre Music Production Site Launches

Discussion in 'Linux' started by sideshowbob, Aug 25, 2014.

  1. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Brave New World

    Note: They do start from scratch, so you`ll find some very basic content about music production in general (Audio Interface, etc.).
    I understand it as "good" & necessary to adress (potential)"Newbies". I`ll spare us a display of the greater context
    and meaning of Open Source at this point.
    No matter on what level your "Linux music making" is, you`ll find something helpful & inspiring.
    And if you`re an experienced user, feel invited to contribute.

  3. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    It's not "FLOSS" but "FOSS". Their mistake, not yours. :thumbsup: They're obviously just starting... I'll see if I can contribute it somehow or donate. :wink:

    FOSS -

    Thanks for posting this!

    So far the best info about audio and Linux and the best Linux distribution for making music is AVLinux:

    Ubuntu Studio is not too shabby either, especially for Linux newbies: however, I haven't tried it and I won't since I'm not really fond of Canonical [ ] and their practices, but on the other hand they've done a lot for Linux promotion and development, so I usually keep quiet about that.

    I also believe that the best Linux audio distro is actually the one you create yourself from scratch, from distributions like Debian or ArchLinux, however Debian Xfce like AVLinux is, is a really good start, too.

    Personally, I still use Windows XP for music, and it will stay that way until the cretinous audio software developers start releasing serious VST plugins for Linux. Regarding Linux DAWs, I can make music with EnergyXT 2.7 and BitWig when they implement multiple VST outs and iron out a few hundred more bugs. I hope Reaper will make its way into Linux, too... that would be extremely awesome. :wink:;)

    5-10 years into the future when Microsoft finally dies they will have no other option but to port them to Linux. :bleh: Mark my words about Microsoft's death btw. Apple will go the way of Dodo, too as the world is heading for an even bigger crisis, turmoil, civil unrest, and even more poverty. I'm rarely mistaken about these things. Around '91 or '92 I told my friends that PC with some windows based operating system similar to NeXT OS is the future [ ] when all the people used Ataris [including me] and Amigas. Nobody took me seriously until it happened in the late 90s... [ except that Windows was never as good as NeXT was] :bleh:

    Sheer logic and the power of unbiased observation of social circumstances is a very powerful thing. If I was only a CEO of some software or hardware company... :rofl:

    Some will say "how can you say you're unbiased but you seem to be a Linux fan?" I have always been a Linux fan, even in the late 90s. Linux is just the best OS we [humanity] have aside from UNIX, that is, from which all the other Unix based OSes are derived from and actually ALL OTHER OSes. Unix is the mother and father of every OS on the planet. Respect it! It's just that there has always been lack of multimedia software for Unix and Linux as people thought they're only usable for running servers and the truth is that all Unixes excel at running servers, indeed.

    My hope in the early '00s was for BeOS to succeed [ ], which was another extremely powerful OS, made especially for multimedia applications, that appeared at the time, but Microsoft killed it [ ]. I've always hated Microsoft and their awful, unjust and profit driven practices. I just use Windows solely for audio because I'm forced to.

    Apple? I don't exactly hate Apple, but I don't like it, either, and its OS X is based on FreeBSD and NetBSD and is also stolen. At least the core of it. They stole OS X from the Open Source community and made an OS that looks nice all while making it far more sluggish and generally inefficient. Apple is a rotten company driven by profit just as Microsoft. I hate everything that's driven by sheer profit, instead of logic and enthusiasm, love and ideals. :wink:

    How Microsoft wages war against Linux:

    Things just shouldn't be like that. "Things" are wrong. Things must change. We have to re-arrange them. Assimilate! Things must change!

  4. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Brave New World
    Hi SineWave,
    it`s great to have you in here, thank you for "straighten out" things.
    At the moment my schedule demands 48h per day, it`s not much time for making music left, posting becomes kind of big deal.
    Still, I`ve a couple of topics about Linux (audio/non-) on the radar. The launch of "Libre Music" spares me a lot work, lol.

    Awesome links you added, I completly agree, AVLinux is the best distribution for audio, so far and Ubuntu, well, you named it.

    The addition "Libre" seems unnecessary to me and , probably, rather confusing for newbies. The "JargonBuster" of the Site says:
    "The Libre part is added to emphasize that it is referring to freedom of action, not just free as in no cost."
    It`s mentioned on Wikipedia as well, the term came up in 2001 (your link, paragraph 4.4).

    (got to go off, will finish the reply tomorrow (wed))
    ummh... it`s wednesday... I`m to tired, sorry for saying so...
  5. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Thank you sideshowbob! :mates:
  6. Kial

    Kial Newbie

    Oct 3, 2021
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    Do yourself a solid. Stay away from bloat. Learn the way of the ‘nix in that - less is more. Ubuntu studio’s nice. Sure. But who needs all that? I’d be impressed if you did! Separating the ‘wNt’ and ‘actually use’ you may easily fall into that counter productive rut.. To avoid this - BSD, Crunchbang (Archbang or nitrogen etc.) or just run the Arch and install what you need - and what you need only.

    I usually even get my private servers set up, detach my studio computer and studio.. log that .iso after when your all set up to your baremin install, set, configured and riced (is desired but Always needed!!)

    Personally I use Renoise with my gear (modular) and system all working flawlessly With NO issues. If ya have questions lmk!
  7. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    "FLOSS" is an used term though, meaning "Free/Libre Open Source Software". Now it is a mouthful for sure, but it means a thing, where the openness is preserved, like in the original GNU manifesto.

    But I'm not interested getting into arguments about purity of licenses, just saying.