In Ears won't fit

Discussion in 'Studio' started by monochrom3, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. monochrom3

    monochrom3 Ultrasonic

    Jul 3, 2014
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    Hey guys,

    I know this isn't really a music production problem but idk where else to ask for help.

    So a few months ago, I bought a pair of In-Ears for when I'm on the go. I wanted something that just makes you enjoy music, not necessarily some clinically flat sounding monitor In-Ears, so I went for a pair of Monster DNA's. Here's what they look like:


    I know Monster isn't really getting much love from music producers anywhere, but for listening to electronic music on the go, they're actually not that bad.

    Anyways, my problem is - the DNA's just won't fit in my ears properly. It's got, like all In-Ears, those little rubber cushions which come in 5 or 6 different shapes and sizes, but no matter which size I try, they just won't fit. After 5 or 10 minutes, they'll just fall out of my ears. Either they are too big or too small, but even if I find a size that seems right, they just don't sit well in my ears. I even tried the rubber tips from my other pair of In-Ears, but they won't fit, too. So what the heck is going wrong here? Are my ears fucked up?

    If anyone of you has had the problem or even knows a solution, feel free to leave a comment, it's really grinding my gears considering the DNA's cost me about 100 bucks... :dunno:
  3. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Did you pushed them in your ears deep enough? They're called "in-ear" for a reason. :dunno:
    If your ears looks normal... then i can't see the problem. Go also to ENT and ask them to wash your ears, maybe after 15 minutes your headphones gets hotter in the contact with your ears's skin and they also melt the wax around which makes them slip out easier so maybe that's why they fall out of your ears.
  4. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    I think... Dr.Oz has the solution (or a cure, maybe). *yes*

    Anyway... next time buy the "Sony mdr-7506" headphones. It fits to every ear for sure.
  5. Demon

    Demon Producer

    Mar 13, 2014
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    Melbourne, Australia
    I had a similar problem with a pair of Philips in-ears. And yeah, like Evorax says, I had to push them a bit harder. When they are new they take a while to mould to your ears. Give it a couple of weeks. Also mine came with 3 different sizes. I ended up going for the middle ones *the big ones didn't go all the way in and the smaller ones just fell off). I was really annoyed because they were a gift and not cheap, but after a while of persisting they simply moulded to my ears. What is curious now is that if anyone else tries them, they find them really uncomfortable, whereas I find them great!

    Anyway, I hope that helps.
  6. lukie

    lukie Newbie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Throw them in the bin and buy some headphones.

    All ear buds do is push all the wax back down the ear canal and what seams to be hi-fi soon turns to be Dolby triple Z,

    you get one pair of ears you can't just run off down the shops and buy a new pair.

    Company's say there ok for the ears, just like its safe to eat ready cooked fish from the pacific at the moment :rofl:
  7. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    those inear feel like someone is sucking your ear - auralsex in fact.
    i agree with Lukie, buy some headphones or find some earbuds:


    i use such for traveling, when i dont like to carry my headphones with me.
  8. kimikaze

    kimikaze Platinum Record

    Aug 20, 2014
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    If i can give you advice, stay away from inears. The sound from it can be quite tempting i know, specially low frequency. Bass can be amazing, simply from the fact how they reproduce low frequencies, by the tightening it in ear. But on the other hand, this is one of the dangerous thing for your ears. I was use in ears for around two weeks, around 4-6 hours(on volume a little higher than moderate) per day and after that even if i put in ears down i still feel compression and my hearing was start to changing a tiny bit, specially in highfreq range. Start to had more hard time to properly hear it. I guess all this compressed air in your ear canal can't get anywhere and with all force(which is in my opinion x-time higher, than with normal on ears, mainly because of lot less working space) press to your ear membrane. Which means, by the time our ear membrane become mechanically less tense(more stretched) from all the pressure and because of that reason mechanically lose some ability in highfreq range. Of course this things applied to all headphones and also all high pressure sounds in the end, but the in ears is the worst :) Stay away from it especially if you are depend of critical listening. If you can't without(work or something else), make sure to use it wit lowest volume possible.

    P.s.: Sorry if my writing sounds funny, as i am not native english speaking man.
  9. Nightwalker

    Nightwalker Kapellmeister

    Jun 15, 2011
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    get some foam tips they fit very well in the ear canal and never fall out some months ago i bought this in-ear phones Shure 215,they fit very well in my ears,i use them with foam tips.

  10. Nightwalker

    Nightwalker Kapellmeister

    Jun 15, 2011
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    i hate earbuds they fall out from my ears all the time,just not for me.
  11. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Have you tried smaller ears? :rofl: :dunno:
  12. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I do love in-ears. Some sound very good, they sound always the same (not like earbuds that change their sound dependent on their "mounting position" and they isolate from outside noise quite well.
    Only during longer sessions I use classic headphones for the reasons kimikaze listed, or even better:
    Good studio monitors :wink:
    You don't have to crank them up loud if they're of good quality.

    To everything said here, I can only add one more aspect: The cables!
    Especially as the cables get older and the chemicals in the cheap soft plastic evaporate, they get stiffer and drag even harder (a problem that doesn't exist with higher quality silicone cables).
    So often it has happened to me that it was the cables literally pulling the ins out of my ears, so after pushing them carefully into my ears, I also try to fix the cables to my shirt with a little plastic clamp (phone headsets often have these) in a way that no matter how my head moves, the cables won't pull them out.
    With Bluetooth LE, I expect that finally more tiny CD quality wireless receivers appear on the market, which helps a lot too.

    You might also consider in-ear models optimized for sports with an additional ear clamp.
  13. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Those foam tips look good, but the price must be a joke :wow:
  14. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    Yes and I even tried talking to it and encouraging it.Nurturing it and caressing it & telling it how wonderful it was and everything before shoving them in.
    And I assured em gently.Like Shhhhh,it'll be alright. :rofl:

    No seriously,I can't do ear buds or in ears either,they just fall out.Or stay for a couple seconds then fall out.I have large auditory canals I guess.(That's what she said) :wink:
  15. monochrom3

    monochrom3 Ultrasonic

    Jul 3, 2014
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    Thanks for your advice, I might try that! :wink:
    Even though the price seems like a joke, and they're even more expensive here in Germany! :rofl:

    And btw, I do own a pair of really good headphones, I just like to use In-Ears every now and then if I want to go ultra-mobile! *yes*