Toontrack EZdrummer v2 Installation Problems

Discussion in 'Software' started by oidua, May 17, 2014.

  1. oidua

    oidua Member

    Sep 20, 2013
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    For various reasons there seem to be some problems installing Toontrack EZdrummer v2 including libraries and thought it'd be useful to have a thread for discussion.
    So please post your problems & solutions here. :mates:

    So far:
    1. Start EZDrummer
    2. Select Autorize Offline
    3. Start Key Generator
    4. Select product (EZdrummer 2)
    5. Click Patch RSA-1024 Public Key
    6. Point to EZdrummer.dll
    7. Copy ComputerID and paste to KG
    8. Generate Serial #
    9. Generate and Create Code/File
    10. Type any name
    11. Select this file in Authorization screen
    12. Done!

    #Error 12 - anyone?
    Also "Your library seems damaged. You will need to reinstall the full product before applying this update."
  3. Kundalini

    Kundalini Kapellmeister

    Apr 11, 2013
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    dios, I had the same problem. Generated code file name was *.ttauth and I couldn't save it like that, tried to put different names and finaly
    deleted all before dot so the file name was .ttauth and it worked for me. Hope it helps you.
  4. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Guys there is a support thread on the release itself, please don't start opening topics on this and use that one instead. If it fails to resolve your problem then wait a little and open a thread here.
  5. korgrog

    korgrog Member

    Sep 13, 2011
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    dios and musictyros5 and Kundalini I do not normally comment but you should keep this on the other site
    or give it a few days a lot of great people work and make this site what it is ,,you guy should post your real names
    and addresses so the other people ,can come talk to you and see what is on your computers
    may be next time you could do all the hard work ,,stop and think,, try different things,do you want someone to come over
    to your house and hold your hand to help you out

    Wish there was another button besides Thanks,,,Reply,,,MultiQuote

    something like,, Your A Moron stop posting stuff like this :( :snuffy:
  6. oidua

    oidua Member

    Sep 20, 2013
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    Yes , but at the release thread the posts are all over the place in-between "Ahhhh great release" and "links please" and so forth.
    This over here sould be a dedicated thread to help people with problems installing EZd 2 *yes*

    One unfounded silly post
    I agree the button could be of some use, like you might try the delete button and just don't hurt your head more beating that loudspeaker
  7. jeremingway

    jeremingway Noisemaker

    Mar 5, 2014
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    you do wrong
    to Install
    run EZdrummer.2.v2.0.0
    go activation off line
    pick up the computer ID
    close the software
    run the Key Gen
    paste the computer ID
    generate a serial number
    patch the Zdrummer.2.v2.0.0 DLL - C:\Program Files\VstPlugins\Toontrack
    create the file
    run EZdrummer.2.v2.0.0
    locate the file create by the key gen ( *.ttauth)
    and load her- that all
    good luck to all
  8. alvarohoms

    alvarohoms Newbie

    May 18, 2014
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    I was ready to comment the same than you but finally I could run it using the jeremingway steps .
    you do wrong
    to Install
    run EZdrummer.2.v2.0.0
    go activation off line
    pick up the computer ID
    close the software
    run the Key Gen
    paste the computer ID
    generate a serial number
    patch the Zdrummer.2.v2.0.0 DLL - C:\Program Files\VstPlugins\Toontrack
    create the file
    run EZdrummer.2.v2.0.0
    locate the file create by the key gen ( *.ttauth)
    and load her- that all

    Here: "patch the Zdrummer.2.v2.0.0 DLL - C:\Program Files\VstPlugins\Toontrack" I found my Ezdrummer.dll created when I installed months ago Ezdrummer 1, so I used this file to install the Ezd2 and when I create the file ( *.ttauth) I called EZD2 (I think is not important but... everything can help)
    And that was all I hope it help you
  9. alvarohoms

    alvarohoms Newbie

    May 18, 2014
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    Now is running but when I try open in the reaper or cubase, it ask me the registration again... and now it doesnt work...
    Any idea?
  10. cgsqueff

    cgsqueff Newbie

    Jun 25, 2014
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    I followed jeremingway steps but couldn't do it, maybe because i use mac (so it doesn't have dll files..)
    Anyone knows how to proceed?
  11. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    I used wine/winebottler on OSX Mavericks for the keygen,had a bit of problems with this myself.You generate the.ttauth file pretty much as I've seen.

    Not sure if I remember correctly this may have been one of the ones that I had installed that had an AAX installed and when I opened Protools it defaulted as the AAX and wouldn't take the ttauth file.I deleted the aax and it defaulted back to using the .dpm and worked after that. (I think this was the one) :unsure:

    Or are you just trying to reg the standalone?

    It most definitely works on Mac at least Mavericks for sure that I know.I got all the expansions working,all the midis loaded,etc.
    Had to install 2 expansions manually if I remember right,but all worked afterward.It was some work though and had to type every key by hand
  12. cgsqueff

    cgsqueff Newbie

    Jun 25, 2014
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    Yeah i'm having trouble registering ("authorization failed").

    Also using winebottler. Installed EZ 2 + update (v.2.0.1) in sequence, and using key gen from the update.

    I followed all those steps but still isn`t working. I removed AAX file, but probably isn't that because i`m using Logic Pro X.

    Any thoughts? Must be some stupid detail...
  13. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    I had same issue when installing on Mac,I can't exactly remember what I did,I may have saved the ttauth in a different location.

    I have a Mac Mini here I'm working on. As soon as I get time I'll install on there and see if I can help any better.

    (Wont be until at least tomorrow though,I'm hopping off,been a very long day)
  14. KenJC22

    KenJC22 Newbie

    Jul 14, 2014
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    I too would like help on this, i'm having the same issues. I don't know what Patch-RSA-1024 Publick Key to choose... and i'm having difficulty generating an auth code file
  15. Kraftonia

    Kraftonia Newbie

    Jul 15, 2014
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    I for one didn't run into any problems authorizing my EZDrummer 2 v. 2.0.1 or any of the EZX packs (v. 1.5.1 or 1.5.2). I too did as You describe, and no problems. Until yesterday (maybe the day before, didn't try opening EZD), but yesterday on the 14th of july my version was to be authorized once again. I haven't installed any other EZX or updates. Well, I fired up the keygen again (Toontrack RSA-1024 KeyGen v.1.2.3) and run the steps again, with following error:

    Error (dropbox link)

    I re-installed it all again, trying both 32 bit and 64 bit version, but same message. Has Toontrack gotten the the better of me, and/or will there be a new version of keygen/crack available soon You guys think? I'm running Windows 7
  16. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    Gonna be a lil while longer till I can try.[​IMG]
    Need an hdmi cable for this mac mini,before I can hook it up.He didn't bring one or the lil adapter that turns a mac display out to a vga.[​IMG]

    @Ken I had a similar issue when I installed,I think I made 4 or 5 until it worked,no harm some just didn't work.Deleted those ones if they didn't authorize.

    Or I may have misunderstood you.You can't create a .ttauth? U remove the asterisk? Name it whateveryouwant.ttauth?

    I can't remember if it mattered what location I put it in either. Winebottler makes a few different folders and by default I think it's the wine folder when you try to save the .ttauth.Or theres another documents folder or something.
    Something was misleading.Can't remember what...

    I know now the aax thing was a problem until I deleted it,reading other comments.

    I know I got it working though,and I know it took me like 10 times until I got it finally.

    I was losing my mind over it,uninstalling reinstalling,double checking with batchmod,etc,lol.

    And it was something simple too.

    Think I may have tried a couple different versions of keygens too.I think the order was install,patch,delete aax,then authorize. :unsure:

    I'll give an update soon.
  17. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    I mean no disrespect,I just read all of that thinking it may be relative to what I,nano squeff,& Ken were talking about.

    I got all the way through it and read the Win 7 thing at the end.Was just joking around with the facepalm.Mean no harm. :)
  18. cgsqueff

    cgsqueff Newbie

    Jun 25, 2014
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    Thanks man!
    i will try again tomorrow - saving the .ttaugh file on a different location, maybe on a different folder (outside wine bottler) and.. let`s see!
  19. fer-sz

    fer-sz Newbie

    Aug 4, 2014
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    hello everyone, i'm new in this site and I have the same problem.

    Ezdrummer2 works fine as standalone but when I open Logic Pro X the software keeps asking for the authorization file.

    I know the reason for that is probably the aax but I have no idea how to delete that thing, can you help me?
  20. friko

    friko Newbie

    Aug 15, 2014
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    Guys, I just can't make the keygen run proper in crossover/wine (i'm running osx mavericks) and when i create a key/authorization file in windows it says it`s a wrong file. Also, the second step intrigues me.

    1.Install/Update the software.
    2.Copy patched AU/VST/RTAS.
    3.Run our keygen on Windows.
    4.Run the software and start activation.
    5.Select offline activation.
    6.Copy ComputerID to the keygen.
    7.Generate a Serial Number and an Authorization File.
    8.Register and Enjoy!

    Sorry for being n00b
  21. fer-sz

    fer-sz Newbie

    Aug 4, 2014
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    You have to delete the AAX file in order to make the plugin run properly
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