Catalyst, can't we have a time limit on this?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by panther5, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. panther5

    panther5 Kapellmeister

    Jun 17, 2011
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    "xxxxxxxxxxxx has been exclusively released on AudioZ by xxxxxx who chose to ask not to post mirrors.
    Please respect the uploader's choice."

    Say 48 hours or so?
  3. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    no we can not, because people spam audioz exclusive releases with links, i saw it before.
  4. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    It`s definitely a tough one! :dunno:

    When someone has spent their own cold hard cash on something, you gotta understand them wanting to make a little something back for their outlay.

    It can be a tad frustrating though when you are limited to only 2 hosters from which to DL from. I guess beggars simply can`t be choosers and when you are getting the goodies gratis, you gotta be happy with what you get.

    It`s all about, "Gratitude. Not attitude." As my very first signature used to say many, many moons ago. :hug:

    It`s definitely a tough one Wildchild. :dunno:
  5. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Or you could just be a bit patient, sooner or later s.o. will mirror it somewhere else for sure.
  6. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    i got it, i'm thankfull with all you guys for every vst. but sometimes for me and others it's hard to go premium. IMO you should use the main 2 site (upload e rapid) + a free fast one (mega,firedrive also bitshare provide a good speed). everytime i see something good (like 1 gb or 2) i had to ask someone to re-post it with other site. Please think about that. and thanks again.
  7. dadarkman

    dadarkman Producer

    Oct 9, 2011
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    I can never understand this argument. The average premium price runs from $9 to $13 and last 30 days. So, if there's 5 uploads/posts that you are interested in, you can't spend $13 in a month span to get them? I'm not sure in which country you are and your job situation and what not. So, it's hard to judge you not being able to afford a month worth of Premium. However, still... that is hard to comprehend because there's always gonna be something that came out that will be in the 2/3GB area. So, your begging and frustration will only grow bigger releases after releases.
  8. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    not judging whoever, but i would bet one million euros that many people, not all, but many, that beg for free hosts, they have absolutely no problem with buying cigarrets or drinking a soda/beer several times a week.

    it reminds me some french forums, where the guys were always downloading mkvs and music, because, they didn't want to spend 5 euros on a cd, because "anyway, the artist doesn't get paid a lot".... but these same guys would easily buy a 400 euros graphic card for their pirated games, or they would spend 500 euros on a NAS with several hard drives. but then, if you ask them to spend 1 euro on a bluray and 50 cts on a cd, they will tell you it's too expensive.
    i call them losers.

    and i am sure many people here that want free links, because not only they want EVERYTHING FREE, but also, they want it FAST, they have fast internet lines and powerful computers/expensive macs. but when it's about paying 10 euros for an uploaded account that lasts one FULL month, they don't want to because they DON'T WANT .

    with a simple 500k/s line, which is already cool, people can download 2gb per hour... 50 gigas a day.... 1.5TB of data in 30 days. 1.5 fking TERABYTES of data in 1 month, they can grab most kontakt libraries, sample cds, full apps, 3000 vst/vstis, and tons more. all that with a 10 euros uploaded subscription.

    So please, IF you have a computer AND you have internet, you HAVE 10 euros to put on a premium. don't try to convince people otherwise. nobody will believe in you.

    people are never happy, anyway. without all the groups, releasers, uploaders, many of you would be using the stock plugins on your daw... or you would be paying tons of cash for this or that plugin. people have all these fantastic apps, samples, kontakt libraries, etc, FOR FREE. FREE.
    i repeat.

    F R E E

    and people dare asking for free hostings.

    i will never understand the human race, definitely.
  9. panther5

    panther5 Kapellmeister

    Jun 17, 2011
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    I've said it here before, and I'll say it again. Purchasing a premium account is not a monetary problem for me. The problem is security. Once you purchase a premium account, all your personal info is there via your credit card. I'm not willing to risk it. I say let the uploaders make some bucks, but after a certain time give the free downloaders a chance to get the upload at a fast speed. I don't think this is too much to ask.
  10. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    This rule was in place before I got here and I had nothing to do with it's  creation, not to mention I am part of a team and couldn't change it without other staff being on board even if I wanted to. When I first came here, as I'm sure SAiNT will back me up on, I actually said that this rule shouldn't exist and I tried to open a dialogue on implementing some changes. It wasn't even for the reason that I wanted fast free links myself since I don't feel self-entitled and have always paid for an account but simply because I wanted to do good for the forums. It was only after I worked here for a little that I changed my opinion on it. First of all you need to realize that many uploaders buy what they share so even if we changed it right now the unintended consequence would be that there would be less shares. Beyond that the rule is an agreement between the site and contributors that if they lock mirrors they are required to do reups if they are needed so that would also be affected. The people complaining about links are the same people that have no problem buying alcohol, cigarettes or weed, really boggles the mind. We work hard to support you in your art and I think it's really unfair for people to ask us to remove a rule that is the way we receive some support. You guys come to a site that was built from the ground up for you, you browse a beautiful catalog with practically anything you could want costing hundreds of thousands of dollars, you have your needs tended to daily, quick reups, you get tech support for your downloads, I even give away coupons and now you want us to break the law, work tirelessly for you for no incentive at all (which some of us do already), have no money for purchases, have issues getting things reupped and all of it so you don't have to pay for an account.  I don't know that sounds like self-entitlement on your part and slavery for us. The most jarring thing to me is that people think that this is the way it should be. Ask yourself if you're ready to take a contributors place and do their job uploading fast links, try it for a week and get back to me. If you wouldn't I don't understand why you think we should. Nobody has ever been able to answer this question and that's because it makes them realize how ridiculous what they're asking is. Nobody is required to match your Internet download speed for free, perhaps you should I don't less. You don't get free Internet do you? On top of that lately a few of us have been sharing way more fast links. If people behaved like adults there could be more of that as well as more releases because there is a lot of stuff not being shared and it's not hard to see why. It always seems that the more we give the more people expect. There is no place that is going to do what you ask without leeching our content which is the only way to make such a luxury happen. Beyond that I can't tell you how sick and tired I am of this conversation and this is the last time I'm wasting time on it. Requesting other links is not allowed on AudioZ and even more so here. If there will ever be a time when changes will be implemented it will only because we can do that not because people have been nagging us for a century about the same thing day in and day out. If you're that worried about security perhaps you should buy your software.
  11. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    to be honest what do you want with 1.5TB of audio software? i mean you do not use this in a lifetime - it will only dust on your HDDs and sooner or later you will delete it.
    i was like that and its useless, because when you really need you can get it from somewhere.
    and some of the sample libraries are not worth it to download anyway.

    for example i downloaded ST3 and after unpacking and installing i realized, i do not really need im already fine with all the other big romplers, sample libraries i have.
    but thats the problem with todays fast connection, people are collectors and download and download everything they can get.
    i just put the 10€ back and buy a plugin or anything else i really need and will use till the end of the world.

    +1 for Cats post!
  12. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I think everyone hit the nail on the head in this thread particularly ArticStorm, dadarkman, McCookie, Pilzy and remix. People collect way too much shit and if you nurture such an addiction then you must also pay for it, still a steal considering how much you would have to pay for it regularly. *yes*
  13. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Brave New World
    Hard to go premium? 10 bucks is to much? Ah... the hd`s are a donation by "Salvation Army"... alright then...
    I don`t judge collecting, "À chacun son goût"...
    But I judge an irresponsible "consumer-mentality", not because it`s respectless but ignorant & selfish.
    As a matter of fact: It needs little to work with, how many Sample Packs can one seriously need and how about the amazing freebies that can be found here, effortless.
    I don`t have fancy computers, nor do I pay for Internet myself. My live seems like one big struggle and I really depend on free access to software, if I want to work with audio.
    But still, the least I can do is buying a Premium over the Ref-Link.
    Imagine you load the "Site" and it`s not coming up...

  14. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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  15. panther5

    panther5 Kapellmeister

    Jun 17, 2011
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    477 views and 13 replies. A poll of the 477 would be interesting. On another note, as far as I know, and after much research, I've only found one site that allows fast downloads of major audio apps. It's a great site, but unfortunately it doesn't have the variety of apps Audioz offers. Also, it's not quite as up to date, and lacks a forum. Honestly, I didn't mean to upset or piss anybody off. I was just making a simple request (that I won't be making again). By the way, does anyone remember the old "do not make money with warez" thing? WTF happened to that philosophy?
  16. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    Widespread access to fast web connections and filehosters offering cash for downloads, that's what happened.

    BTW, those other sites that offer 'free' links, I can assure you that they are makin a few bucks too from their traffic.

    The fact is you can't use ANY filehosters without helping somebody make money. I don't understand why ppl think it's all fine and dandy for filehosters and the ISP companies to make a whole lotta money from this, but think it's horrible if some uploaders get a little slice of the pie. There's no logic in that.
  17. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    A poll would be meaningless because it would be like asking people if they want money, of course everyone wants fast links they don't have to pay for. Not to mention it's not a subject open for debate so even if everyone voted yes it still wouldn't change. I know it was just a request but you need to consider how many times we have to deal with it and how especially nice it feels after we've been working our asses off and haven't slept for days. Instead of a thanks we get a you know what else you should do for me. Other sites as I've said already leech our content and we even have people that exclusively release with us such as copylefter. You have another one of him laying around at that other site? Didn't think so. That's why we attract some interesting folks that realize we're a different kind of forum, it's the AudioZ difference. I guarantee you that If AudioZ shut it's doors suddenly other sites are looking at a lot less content, we however would do just fine if we were the only game in town. I won't even bring up the sheer beauty in aesthetics and functionality plus the community that isn't matched anywhere else. However by all means if you feel you are served better elsewhere then it's your perogative to be where you feel right. I for one still marvel at what an amazing forum we have even after all this time and the fact that I have peaked behind the veil, I never go elsewhere and believe me I know all the right places. The don't make money with warez philosophy is a grey area these days and unfortunately some scene people don't get that it is in some cases an antiquated notion, this causes plenty of problems. First we'll start with the fact that some of the people making money in the first place are scene teams and they reinvest it to get more software so it already doesn't make any sense. Factor in the fact that you're not talking about a torrent that is uploaded and you're done but links that go down a million times and need to be reupped so now it really needs to adapt to a changing file sharing landscape. Beliefs need to grow and adapt like everything does or else they are simply dogma. A lot has changed since the time those words were first uttered and It would be silly to apply them so literally, context is not irrelevant here.
  18. copylefter

    copylefter Producer

    Mar 3, 2012
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    Catalyst, :mates:
    You shouldn't explain the whole question better.
    If it wasn't for audioz, those "other sites who offer free downloads"
    would have half of the stuff they offer (kindly leeched from us as you said),
    let alone scene release, lot of P2P and iND stuff like mine wouldn't be there.
    Most of those forums are so free and uninterested in money,
    that people who run them and upload stuff, doesn't even know what the fuck is uploading,
    have nothing to do with audio, would never give support or give a fuck about you.
    And if you call "free fast links" some links that you need to step thru a shitload of ads and various bullshit to get to,
    I don't think you got the point. I can assure you those sites are making more bucks from ads than audioz and uploaders here.

    Also, the whole "do not make money with warez" is clearly not AudioZ case,
    and though I use no mirrors in my release
    (which I release ONLY here and on a very little Mac only forum on which I learnt cracking, and that btw always include firedrive for residents),
    I don't even get 10% of what I spend daily for coffee and cigs I consume everyday while cracking.
    (Yeah it's a bad habit, but probably I inspire more smoke than oxygen) :rofl:

    After months of releases I finally got last week to 50€ on, which is the minimum amount to withdraw,
    and guess for what I'll use those bucks?
    1- maybe something to release, dunno.
    2- maybe buying a plug for my own use from an indy developer that deserve support (Klanghelm?TokyoDawn?),
    and since 90% of people who download don't even consider to buy something, I'm just giving back my little to devs who loose their eyes
    in front of monitors to make such great products.

    If you call this making money with warez ok, but I don't think you are getting the point.

    Have a nice day everybody :thumbsup:
  19. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    I also care about security, and I don't want to use my credit card on premiums, knowing suddenly, it can close the doors, like hotfile, filesonic, etc, did, and my data can even be sold to some companies, etc.

    That's why I only use paysafecard.
    We can buy credit almost everywhere in the world, even a gas station sells them.
    We can choose the country, city, village, etc, and a map a LA Google map will display the shops close to us that sell it.

    10000% anonymous.

    Most file hosts support it, like uploaded, terafile, rapidgator,etc. And those who don't support directly, you can always buy them via premium sellers that use that paiment method.

    So, for all those who can't buy premium because they don't have a credit card or simply don't want to use it, this simple solution exists.

    So please, head to their website, and you will soon discover there is a store selling it, a few hundred meters from your house.somewhere.really close.
  20. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Brave New World
    @ Catalyst & copylefter

    Chapeau! and again [​IMG]

    You guys [​IMG]

    @ McCookie
    Is there really ppl not knowing about Paysafe Card? Nowadays?

  21. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Of course, it was just an 'extreme' example of what can be done with a 10 euros uploaded premium account in only 30 days. The guy can simply download ALL the existing vst plugins and instruments, can download plenty of kontakt libraries and tons of sample CDs. With only 10 euros, he will have enough material for the next 30 years, though he won't even be able to test 5% of all that stuff :)

    Not bad, for only a little 10€ :)

    And for those on a budget, for whom 10 euros are important,

    Just grab 3 or 4 close friends/ forum mates/etc, and buy an account that you will share.

    I guess that, ex, uploaded can detect multiple connections from several countries/ IP addresses, being used at the same time, and will block that account.

    But let's say I'm in Poland and I download my stuff using account. 2 weeks later, I travel to London, for holidays/work, during 2 weeks. I login there, and I imagine uploaded will let me download stuff with my account. Unless, of course, if the moment where we register, our current IP address and country will be used as reference, and we will only be able to download from that country. But honestly, I remember using hotfile on 2 different countries, and there was no problem.

    So, all the 3-4 friends have to do is defining a strict timetable, where each one can ONLY download when it's 'his' day to do so, this for preventing the same account from being used simultaneously on several different countries at the same time.

    Of course, this wouldn't be great for the uploaders, who benefit a little from more different people buying different premium accounts. But I imagine 'peter' downloading 1000 files with his account, or peter, john and James downloading +300 files ,each one, the downloads count would be the same..?
    But it's just an idea for those who are really really broken, and could then save some precious euros.
    As usual, it's just an humble opinion, of course.
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