Frankie Remix

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by abletondummy, Nov 20, 2011.

  1. abletondummy

    abletondummy Newbie

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Ok, so lots of multi-tracks got posted recently, including one of my fave tracks of all time Relax Frankie Goes To Hollywood...

    I thought I'd have a go at re-mixing.

    For the first attempt, I threw away everything but the vocals ... and did typical 8 minute dj mix.... and it sounded SHITE!

    So went back to drawing board, kept the exact structure of the song...
    Replaced and re-programmed drums, percussion, synths, pads and strings.
    T-pain'd the vocals.
    And I'm quite pleased with the result.
  3. Djroven

    Djroven Newbie

    Aug 6, 2011
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    Ha AWESOME! you should make it a download when it's finished!

  4. LongDongSilver

    LongDongSilver Banned

    Nov 11, 2011
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    OK, so like somebody else posted on Soundcloud it's only "slightly different" from the original.... if it wasn't for the AutoTuned vox it would have been even more pointless. Actually, I tried to "like" it but the vox got on my friggin' nerves after a while with such a diabolical use of AutoTune.

    So personally I think it's about 2/10 for effort, sorry. At least you're happy with the result anyway :wow:

    Incidentally, Trevor Horn refuses anyone publishing clearance to even do a cover version of "Relax". He's such a fucking cunt. I got this info directly from the publisher when I tried myself last year.
  5. abletondummy

    abletondummy Newbie

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Ok... I see your point, but like i said, anyone these days can make crap dance music and it would have been easy to put the hollie johnson vocal over a wobble bass for approx 8 minutes whilst building up and from a couple of breakdowns... For me, this was simply an exercise of trying to reproduce some classic sounds using the vst instruments at my disposal.
    Having the multi-track stems to hand proved useful reference points because the individual nuances of each instrument would have been difficult to pick out by listening to the original mix.
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