Problem With NI Massive

Discussion in 'PC' started by DanteUruzu, Jul 14, 2014.

  1. DanteUruzu

    DanteUruzu Kapellmeister

    Mar 3, 2013
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    Hello everyone!

    First off, I hope I'm posting this in the correct section.

    Now, on to the topic!

    I'm currently having a problem with Native Instruments' Massive.

    Whenever I launch it, be it in the DAW (S1) or as a standalone app, there is a slight pop upon opening and when I look at the volume level (Standalone app) it is all the way up but there is no sound and in the DAW the volume meter clips but nothing is playing.

    Also in the standalone app it crashes whenever I press a key on my midi keyboard (it doesn't do that in the DAW but it does freeze for a few minutes with every click of the mouse).

    I've tried uninstalling it and then installing it again and that did not help.

    I also tried deleting the database file in the AppData folder but that didn't help either.

    I will also mention that I didn't always have this problem.

    OS: Windows 8.1
    DAW: Studio One 2.6
    RAM: 8GB
  3. quirky

    quirky Newbie

    Feb 24, 2014
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    Hey there Dante!

    Hmm that sounds like a pain in the backside!

    When you say load massive in to S1... Are you talking about PreSonus | Studio One?

    I have a couple of tips that might help but will take some time. Firstly save all your data from the DAW and uninstall massive then PreSonus Studio One.

    Then download CCleaner to clean your registry files then run cleandisc from windows command. Reboot and install PreSonus | Studio One along with massive and your other plugins.

    Alternatively you could use a better DAW. I use FLStudio. You could experiment around with Ableton FL etc
  4. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Since you say that you didn't always have this problem, what has changed on your system since the last time it was working and now.

    Any windows updates, new programs installed, new drivers, etc ?

    Have you tried running with your antivirus software switched off?

    Are Massive and S1 both upto date, if so try going back to a previous version of massive.

    Is Massive the only vst that you are having trouble with?

    I have both Massive and S1, no problems with either.

    If you know how to use regedit then check the contentdir path for Massive ?

    Hope one of these helps you.

    Good luck
  5. sideshowbob

    sideshowbob Producer

    Apr 17, 2014
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    Brave New World
    How many million presets have you loaded? Seems Massive can be a little sensitive about it, at least on Win.
    If Standalone wouldn`t crash... another host, just to compare. But it does...
    Sorry for not beeing helpful.
    Please let us know what solved it, I´m sure you will.

  6. DanteUruzu

    DanteUruzu Kapellmeister

    Mar 3, 2013
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    First off, thank you all for replying!

    Yes, it is a huge pain in the backside. Quite stressful :(

    Yes, I am referring to PreSonus Studio One.

    I went ahead and uninstalled Studio One and Massive, ran CCleaner (one of my best friends lol). I typed cleandisc in the cmd but nothing happened. In any case, the problem is still not solved. :(

    Use a "better" DAW? I quite like Studio One. If the same problem wasn't happening in the standalone version of Massive, I'd consider trying another DAW.

    Thanks for trying to help me out! I appreciate it!

    Honestly, I cannot even remember XD.

    Yup, I've tried that and no luck :(

    Studio One wasn't up-to-date, so I updated it and gave it another whurl and no luck still. I went back to an older version of Massive and still no luck.

    Yes, Massive is the only VST I am having trouble with. Absynth works, Reaktor works, other VST's from other companies work. It's just Massive that doesn't.

    I checked the contentdir path for Massive and it's "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Native Instruments\Massive" (without quotes). I tried changing it to "C\Users\_MyUsername_\Documents\Native Instruments\Massive" (without quotes) but that didn't fix anything.

    Thanks for trying to help, though! It's greatly appreciated!

    I had a lot in there but I deleted quite a few of them. I had about the same amount back when Massive was actually working and now that I deleted some of the presets it's no doubt back around the same amount I had then if not less.

    In any case, thank you as well for trying to help!

    Really hoping I can fix this! :( Any other ideas?
  7. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Well I would guess that somewhere in your presets or in one of the 3 or 4 massive folders, there is a bad preset or config file.

    Only way to find out is uninstall massive, go through the register and delete any references to massive. Save all your presets, then do a search on your system drive and delete every massive folder.

    Reinstall massive and run it in its factory installed state. If it works then, which it damm well better :), start adding presets back slowly , checking after each set that it still works.

    Good luck
  8. DanteUruzu

    DanteUruzu Kapellmeister

    Mar 3, 2013
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    Alrighty so I uninstalled Massive, deleted all folders and registry files related to it, and deleted all the presets I had (I've got 'em backed up). I restarted the computer and then re-installed Massive. When I launched and played a note... nothing. Then it crashed as usual (I only had the default presets that install with Massive). I realized two things that occurred before but didn't stick in my mind: 1) Only the C-note plays (in any octave) and when any other note is played, no sound and then CRASH! 2) When any c-note is played there's some funky modulation going on (tried using a "new blank sound" and preset). It's like an odd detuning effect. Phasing, maybe? I checked the lfo's and stuff and nothing is modified. It's just the basic "new sound" with nothing there. I feel like pulling my hair out!

    Anywho, thanks for trying to help.
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