Wizoo Verb on Sonar X3 -

Discussion in 'PC' started by LunaX, Jul 8, 2014.

  1. LunaX

    LunaX Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Hi, I am running Win7 32bit with Sonar X3 (fully updated) and I have a little problem. I tried using this WizooVerb W5 v1.0 VST and everytime I do so it runs into problems.

    free upload

    If you can see - all the meters spike and I get a huge 'swoosh' sound. After that the Sonar sound engine fails and as soon as I remove the Wizoo Verb plugin everything reverts to normal and I can work again.

    upload image

    If anyone has faced similar problems or know how to overcome such problems please help...I am trying everything I know but I guess its not enough...

    Thanks for reading,,
  3. chd

    chd Newbie

    Jan 10, 2014
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    i dont know sonar at all but if you take a look at the performance indicator it shows major disk(HD) activity even after engine stop...normally this means something loaded in memory wont play nice with the host daw...if it happens 'everytime' then thats your cue lol
  4. LunaX

    LunaX Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    Actually, my C drive is 90% full but it has not created problems elsewhere. The meter shows how much C drive space is left empty.

    I was wondering if you have used the same reverb and if it worked?
  5. drakem20

    drakem20 Member

    Nov 29, 2012
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    I don't know Sonar at all so my answers might be totally unimportant for you but:
    Assuming you really need surround version: (try W2 if not)

    1. There is a known bug in W5 where the LFE/C channel is causing problems, in Cubendo at least. Solution: use 5.0 fx instead. Or less channels FX bus according to your needs.
    In some hosts the automatic fold-down doesn't work at all. W5 wasn't tested in many DAWs at the time of release.It was still version 1.0!!!.
    BONUS: There is great preference inside W5 which will fold down W5 output into stereo when use on LR FX bus!!. Sounds great!.
    2. You could try to bridge the 32 bit dll with the jBridge.

    Anyway, this one has the best IRs for scoring you could find , the HDIR impulses are incredible..
    Don't forget the W2 as well.
  6. chd

    chd Newbie

    Jan 10, 2014
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    damn, it makes more sense to show read/write times than static volume capacity as "performance"...this is probably because sonar was intended as a classic multitrack clone for recording 5.000.000 takes to comp a 4 bar vocal hook lol...they make sure you know you can do a million more and it only takes a glance...d o p e !...also, is that a wrench as "edit" icon?...thats retardedly oldskool...for what its worth, I will never ever f*ck with sonar I promise lol... :wink:
  7. LunaX

    LunaX Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    it shows read/write by means of a small red clipping on the hdd meter...i choose Sonar because its very simple for me..i also used Cubase and PT SE (bundled handicapped version)..and i decided to stay with sonar..it crashes very easily though...

    anyways I checked Wizoo W5 thoroughly..even if i spin down to Stereo by choosing the option in the menu..it still hangs..i am gonna quit it

    so now the question is - what do I use for a surround mix?? :dunno:
  8. chd

    chd Newbie

    Jan 10, 2014
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    I dont know surround either but thats going to be a Waves product im afraid...like R / IR 360, no? :unsure:
  9. LunaX

    LunaX Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    most names mentioned here - http://www.gearslutz.com/board/post-production-forum/600903-surround-reverb-plugins.html - are nowhere to be found..pardon me if i am a lousy googler :(

    Exponential Audio R2 (reverb) is still in the request phase where it will forever be cause its iloked..lol

    edit -

    the waves plugin has not been released i think..but i am hoping to use some extreme panning with multiple reverbs as a workaround but my poor old core2duo processor kneeled before the reverb instead of the reverbs kneeling before the processor.. :rofl:

    the trick i am using now is that i send 6 instruments into a reverb bus, while panning all the instrus nicely before they enter the busses..it sounds not so much surroundish but just like normal reverb :(
  10. drakem20

    drakem20 Member

    Nov 29, 2012
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    The 1st question is WHAT DO YOU NEED IT FOR :)
    Are you mixing passbys, where the verb has to follow the position of the moving sounds?.
    Is it Dialougue?.
    I see from your post you are mxing music.
    Use 2 stereo verbs instead, 1 front 1 back. You don't need a verb supporting Center/LFE channel. You wouldn't want a verb in the LFE, would you?. So why use 5.1 verb?.
    If you want to be fancy, take Bidule and build a a nice "surround capable" verb from the Lexicon plugins.... ;)
  11. LunaX

    LunaX Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    i am trying to mix a piano and a concert drum with horse and human voices..i want the sound of drums dead at center, while the piano and horse/humans will be towards left or right or back..since i am using my creative 5.1 speakers to monitor my mix i can hear it all spread around but the problem is reverb..i wanted the delay to keep circling around from left to right (clockwise) which i achieved automatically without any work..it just happened..but i thought why not try to keep the reverb on different speakers at different levels and if possible make it circle from right to left as an effect..i can do it in stereo LR but not on surround..

    upload image

    as you can see i send a 'surround' piano to a surround bus on to surround master, and can change levels on the speaker outputs anywhere on the chain..but the reverb remains the same all around...
  12. LunaX

    LunaX Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    If you want to be fancy, take Bidule and build a a nice "surround capable" verb from the Lexicon plugins.... ;)

    - i am not that smart, i agree now, what a waste of childhood :unsure:
  13. chd

    chd Newbie

    Jan 10, 2014
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    (just look for latest waves bundle v9r18 its included)
  14. LunaX

    LunaX Member

    Dec 28, 2013
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    thanks will check it out..

    thanks everyone for your replies..but i have finally learnt that Sonar was and still is not compatible with 3rd party surround plugins..infact i found an old thread that confirmed my doubts - http://forum.cakewalk.com/Waves-360-Surround-Tools-and-others-Compatibility-m1285427.aspx

    thanks again *yes*
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