Could Someone Please Explain PreSonus Studio One 7's Hybrid Subscription Plan

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by mrrnr, Yesterday at 5:31 PM.

  1. mrrnr

    mrrnr Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    I will be canceling My Annual PreSonus Studio One 7's Hybrid subscription plan

    I have Created Ticket To The Presonus Team and Im Getting Slow Conflicting Reports back from
    Software Advisor.He Says,It doesn't look like you have a perpetual license in your account.

    I Don't Own S1 Outright, But Isn't it a Perpetual License when you Buy S1 Outright?

    Isn't it of a Perpetual License Is Only Active When You Are Still Subscribe To The Annual PreSonus Studio One 7's Hybrid subscription plan?

    I Just Wish That Presonus Would Just Leave Out "Perpetual" License In There Subscription Plan
    They Make It So Confusing.

    But I Googled This,
    At the end of your Cancel Annual Subscription,you we receive The latest perpetual license of Studio One Pro Which Is 7.1.1

    So My Understanding When My Cancellation Goes Into Effect Of My Annual PreSonus Studio One 7's Hybrid subscription plan, I Therefore Will Have Access To Life Of Studio One Latest Build 7.1.1 But With No Access To Future S1 Software Updates

    Right Or Wrong

    Please Respond
  2. Radio

    Radio Audiosexual

    Sep 20, 2024
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    You've now left the subscription model! And you're getting a full version of Studio One.

    I updated from version 6 to version 7 for €145.

    I currently receive some updates for free (bug fixes), but PreSonus makes product improvements and new features a paid update:
    PreSonus Studio One Pro 7 Upgrade - €145 - License validity: Unlimited (I don’t know how much the product update will cost!)

    New purchase: PreSonus Studio One Pro 7 - €175 - License validity: Unlimited

    So, you can click on Updates in Studio One, and it will scan for new, free updates and install them right away.
    I've already done about 3 updates for free (bug fixes)!

    If there are major updates or product improvements in the future, PreSonus will tell you that the update will cost €145.
    For that, you get something really extra. New features, plugins, or presets, for example.

    I now have the full version 7.1.1, released on February 11, 2025.
    I won't spend any more money. In any case, I hope Studio One runs reliably.
  3. shinjiya

    shinjiya Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2018
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    Correct. You pay for one year of Studio One, and if you don't renew, you keep access to the last version available during the time you were subscribed.
  4. mrrnr

    mrrnr Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Radio And shinjiya Thx So Much..That's what I thought, I would Still have access to S1 Latest V After I Canceled The Subscription.

    Radio And shinjiya,That Wasn't So Hard..Was It? You Guys Should Work At Presonus Support "Ticket" And Presonus Should Without Naming Names Fire That Software Advisor
    Great Job Guys

    Thx For Your Support
    Last edited: Yesterday at 9:59 PM
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