Kontakt 6.7.1 HCiSO showing libraries in standalone, not in DAW (solved) (Kontakt 6 too old for lib)

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by kontaktHigh, Mar 14, 2025 at 5:45 PM.

  1. kontaktHigh

    kontaktHigh Newbie

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    I know this has been talked to death on these forums but after reading through a ton of them I'm coming to a dead end. I'm super new to this so would love some wisdom!

    Kontakt 7 legit
    Kontakt 6.7.1 HCiSCO
    MacOS M1 Sonoma

    First, I downloaded Kontakt 6 HCiSCO and used KLU to get the libs into Kontakt 7 (demo mode) in order for them to appear in Kontakt 6. (Is this even the right way of going about adding libraries to k'd Kontakt 6???) When I open HCiSCO standalone, I see all the libraries there and they're not in demo but there's no sound coming from them. When I open "kontakt 6" in Cubase, the libraries aren't there at all.

    I recently tried un-and-reinstalling the libraries, updated the nativeaccess.xml, I even downloaded
    "Add Library for macOS v3.0" - Created by Júnior Porciúncula (2023).. none of it's working.

    I just want to make sure I keep my legit Kontakt 7 in tact and use whatever k'd Kontakt I need for the non-legit library. Thanks!!
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2025 at 8:15 PM
  3. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Well if you have been reading these forums, you would know that it is the 'host' Kontakt that must be k'd in order to bring in libraries for which you do not have a license for.

    You cannot do use libraries that you do not own or have a license for with NI or whatnot without having a k'd Kontakt.

    So, you can make a choice...

    I previously used to run a k'd Kontakt with my legit Kontakt and I didn't have problems.

    I didn't even bother on my new system as I do not like the new ownership and direction NI is taking, and just sidesteped them all together and used HCiSO's releases, and KLU2.

    And it's worked fine.

    I don't think there are any problems with your 'legit' Kontakt 7, other then those libraries will show up as "demo" within.

    NI, last I looked, doesn't care if you have libraries installed that you don't have a license for, as different users on a system can authorize or whatnot whatever... but I haven't tried in years... maybe it's different.

    But KLU2 (and make sure you are using "2", and latest), are not going to help you with your legit Kontakt and accessing those libraries.
  4. zpaces

    zpaces Platinum Record

    Jul 29, 2016
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    Non-legit libraries don't work with a legit Kontakt. That's it.
  5. kontaktHigh

    kontaktHigh Newbie

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    @sisyphus thanks for the super detailed clarification! I somehow had gotten the idea that there was a way to be installing libraries without serial numbers into legit Kontakt. I'll also look into KLU2.

    Now I'm back on my first quest, which is getting my non-legit libraries into k'd Kontakt 6. They appear and load normally (without sound?) in the standalone, but not appearing in the VST version. Any ideas as to why? Is there some step im missing with KLU?

    I think it goes without being said that I'm extremely new at this. Thanks y'all for answering pretty obvious questions.
  6. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Cool, glad you understand it more now... I would recommend reading thoroughly the KLU2 thread here and everything in Fred Blogg's faq's and text files and thread posts:


    As while they try, HCiSO doesn't always have the latest version of KLU or the trove of informative information to be found there when you run into problems...

    Why are you using Kontakt 6? I would just use 7, and I don't know what daw you use or anything (like on Ableton you can designate another folder to look for VST's and whatnot which might help mitigate some problems), but it is my understanding that you can run both legit and k'd at the same time, and just simply rename one, say, Kontakt7k or something... as it has worked in the past..

    (if I am wrong, apologies, and someone will correct me, but at least that is how I could do it previously).

    I wouldn't worry about the legit Kontakt so much as you can always reinstall it etc. NI isn't gonna blacklist you for running a k'd version (and no, I wouldn't be online with it but...hey...)...

    and it's possible some of the libraries you are trying to run are simply not compatible with Kontakt6 as well.. (but that doesn't explain standalone vs vst behavior so I'm probably wrong on that, or maybe not, as you aren't getting sound regardless).

    like I said, I legit own NI Ultimate and whatever... but I don't use it really, and other than Kontakt, I don't bother, and I use the HCiSO version to keep it simple for myself.
  7. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    i'm using k6, but my DAW computer is intel/mojave. I start with installing 6.5.3 (proper) and then updating it to 6.8 using Moria releases. The HCiso releases would not work for me. Many libraries require 6.8 and will not work with 6.6/6.7

    There is a 6.7.1 (fixed) M1 which is an updater only version. People say to use the same 6.5.3 release for the initial install, and then the M1 6.7.1 version next.
  8. kontaktHigh

    kontaktHigh Newbie

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    I'm happy to report that, as per your suggestions, the library is finally working!!
    I think you may have been right, that Kontakt 6 may have been the problem. I got completely rid of my k'd kontakt 6 and legit kontakt 7 (great tip with the renaming solution). Then I fresh installed HCiSO Kontakt 7, used KLU2 to first remove and then re-add the library and it showed up immediately and works perfectly.

    Maybe something noteworthy for anyone else out there: KLU2 didn't seem to uninstall my library completely. I found some plists and json files as I was uninstalling Kontakt that it had missed. I didn't see that in the documentation, but maybe it's typical to remove those files manually before a fresh reinstall? Idk if it was even necessary to reinstall them in the first place, I just did it for good measure.

    I can't thank y'all enough for the wisdom and support. I'll be looking forward to making more riveting contributions to this community in the future :)
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