Your experience with PT10HD on Win (AudioZ releases).

Discussion in 'Pro Tools' started by swing, May 31, 2014.

  1. swing

    swing Newbie

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Hello folks. I´m here because I want to know your opinion about PT10HD releases on Audioz.

    I´m running a small setup here, with a legit PT8 LE copy I bought some time ago. There´re not more updates/fixes for my version since some time ago, and I always had to deal with annoying errors and glitches. Did A LOT of research, changed drivers, reinstalled stuff, changed OS, fresh-reinstalled again, updated... you know. AVID support wasn´t so much helpful... anyway, I use the tool to be able to work with friends living in other cities.

    Reading all AZ comments, it seems that there´re too much opposite experiences related to versions 10.xx.xx, patches, specific plugins issues, 86/64 OS, ilok stuff... so I´m a little lost here :dunno: . As a PT8 user, I just work with a few RTAS plugs (no AAX issues will come up), some wrapped VSTs I´m used to, and regular stock ones, nothing fancy. So I´m wondering if some of you have a similar set up than I and could give me an advice here. I tend to be more around here (ASex) and Az posts are from a year ago, so I don´t know if I could get a quicker feedback there than here.

    Just to be clear, I´m not requesting Wz here, just want to know your opinion about being an user during the last year, and if you have a similar set up than me, well better (safer). :wink: I want to try some new features and if it´s more reliable and smooth on processing than 8LE, but I´m afraid of the whole fresh install because drivers and updates really fucked up things here before and I lost a lot of time formatting and fixing everything :sad: (I use my pc to work every day with several softs and files, so everything goes to hell easily).

    My stuff:
    Win Ultimate 64bit SP1
    Intel Core i5 750 2.67GHz
    8 GB Ram DDR3
    256MBGeForce 7600 GT
    Digidesign Mbox 2 Mini

    Thanks mates. Hug. :hug:
  3. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    You don't have to be so explicit, I can clearly understand that you're interested in the experience and aren't making a request. Are you talking about the last crack that was posted or what? It's because it's still in the initial stages of development, what you would call an alpha. They basically discovered a way to bypass but I know that one of the people involved isn't a programmer so not sure what method they found. Maybe copylefter and whoever he developed it with can refine it or maybe someone else could. Maybe there is only so much they can do with this approach and someone will have to find another way in. In terms of experiences I would ask copylefter because he worked on it too and he's on Mac.
  4. Levitate

    Levitate Producer

    Nov 27, 2013
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    Not sure if this helps or not. :unsure: But,I have a similar PC anyway. i5 2500k 3.4 ghz,8gb DDR3.I'm running PT 10.3.7. on Win 7 Pro 64 bit. It seems to be alright.I don't have a lot of experience with PT,been watching a lot of tutorial vids lately... I mainly got it because a few friends I know use it and swear by it and I was curious.I used Fxpansion VST to RTAS adapter,seems to work ok.Loads just about all my plugins.I think it only works with x86 VST plugins though.I don't have any AAX or RTAS plugins installed so I don't know if those run 64 bit or not.
  5. ptpatty

    ptpatty Platinum Record

    Dec 20, 2011
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    USA (East Coast)
    I finally had to ditch Pro Tools and move on. Pro Tools was like an old pair of shoes that were worn and out of style , but you keep on wearing them because they are comfortable and familiar. Pro Tools 10 still gave me some random errors, especially the "you are running out of CPU power" for absolutely no reason. I could live with that, but the main reason I gave it up was that other daws could do things faster and more efficienty (without the errors and glitches). Pro tools is still a great daw especially in regards to automation and if you have no intentions on switching daws I would suggest the move to Pro Tools 10. Clip gain, RAM caching and ADC are worth the move. Still no offline bounce or freeze is a real pain though.

    Good Luck! :wink:
  6. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    Pro Tools ok if You have all the rite stuff with it if you can afford a Avid HD complete system but not to many people can get the full system that why i ditched Protools a long time ago and when with Cubase cubase dose way more then protools and easy track set up and faster :wink: Cubase 7 is a Beast and cubase 8 is going to crazzzzy
  7. karlarsch

    karlarsch Ultrasonic

    Feb 10, 2012
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    only few words:
    Try 10.7 avayable anywhere.
    With minimal system is winner. No crash.
    Thanks to Brazil, unique!
  8. swing

    swing Newbie

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Hi Cat. :hug: Yes, I´m talking about 10.3.7/.5/.4 versions. Some guys are really satisfied with the newer patches, encouraging to try latest stuff always, and immediately below there´re others complaining about several issues, suggesting to stick with earlier releases because of stability and reliability. :dunno:

    I was thinking on writing a PM just to some of the closer members, but as far as I know, they´re Cubase or Studio One users, so here I can get a bigger picture and be aware of posible issues. I was careful when posting because things can be lost in translation *yes* and I´ve read some posts before where people become really sensitive about Wz stuff, and no extra discussion is intended here, just some quick feedback.

    Thanks mate, I´ll contact Copy.
  9. swing

    swing Newbie

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Of course it helps. :hug: Well.. managing plugins is one of my doubts related to the update, because I´m expecting a better performance of a 64bit DAW running in 64bit OS. I´ve seen smaller pcs/notebooks than mine running smoother the DAW, and some of my common issues/crashes are related to processing power ¿¿?? (and it has nothing to do with my session settings, 'maybe' they´re unfixed bugs from 8LE... :dunno: ). Anyway, maybe stock plugs and 64bit 3rd party ones run smoother and a few x86 wrapped ones don´t affect so much the workflow? Just wondering.
  10. swing

    swing Newbie

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Yes, 'cpu power' is a common issue here, and also some random freezing or 'unknown errors encountered'. :snuffy:
    ADC and RAM caching are really an improvement for me if they work stable, less headaches and manual PITA adjusting in large sessions for me. :dancing:
  11. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    I have PC with i7-3770, 12gb. ram (which is pointless with PT 10) and finally got 10.3.5 or .7 working couple days ago... Required much dicking around with deleting registry stuff from previous attempts, and using C Cleaner as well to get rid of registry stuff.. but in the end finally got it working... hadn't really tried using my legit iLok plugins though.. that is except for my Sonnox stuff (Dynamics, Reverb, Limiter, Inflator, TransMod).. using AAX or RTAS... the Install process gave me some weird "illegitimate.. somethin-or-other" when trying to install and they never worked... didn't try my Soundtoys Native pack either... afraid to "f" -up PT from actually working... I have SSL Duende, Waves 9R17 and Lexicon PCM's totally working though (warez) and that's enough I guess... decided to go with the whole "limitations will be good for me" line of thought on that.

    Now my PC laptop was another story.... after many attempts to instal/run 10.3.4, 10.3.5, and 10.3.7, I finally decided to go through the HELL and labor of restoring my laptop to original factory conditions yesterday.. all just to load PT 10 on that!!.. with success I might add!!! :).. well for now I guess... I decided to go with 10.3.5 and that worked...

    I should also say that I use WIN 7 x64 on both PC's... and the laptop is a shitty Core2Duo @ 2.0 Ghz. HP DV4-1120us.

    On laptop, I only installed Lexicon's and SSL Duende... about to load Waves V9 R17... Tried to load my legit copy of Massey-Ct5 but got a weird error when starting that said: "Exit Pro Tools before instal?".. which is weird, because PT was not running!!... I got scared, and didn't want to mess up PT 10 (due to the 8 hr. + project of the factory reset) and decided to just "End Process" on the Massey install. After that, I checked to see if PT would still load, and thank God it did!!!... Woosh!! that was close!!

    I wanted to see if anyone has had any luck getting legit iLok plugins to work in these PT-HD 10 releases (OSX or PC)... Like I mentioned, I tried the Sonnox to no avail... although, I did exit the installs as soon as weird shit would happen, so maybe they would've worked... don't know... I could see someone else easily sayin' , "Fuck all that shit!!" with tryin to run PT... I also use Ableton Live Suite 9 with flying colors (like everyone else does), but I've always wanted to use PT.. It's like the "OG-shit" when it comes to DAW's ya' know?

    Though I gotta say also, that PT does not seem to be the natural choice for EDM production (which is what I am solely concentrating on at the moment)... Ableton is just simply amazing for that..tbh, after using Reason from Version 1.0 all the way to v. 7, FL-Studio, then Cubase... Ableton was BY FAR the most intuitive and alarmingly easy to learn DAW... it just BLEW my frickn' mind how quickly I learned that shit!!... it was literally hours before it quickly became an extension of my body... like nothing has ever before!!

    P.S. Somehow, I just got lucky enough to download the latest PT-HD 10.3.9 MAC(Fully Working) !!!.. Don't know how either... I went back to it after looking in to some other stuff and an error appeared that refused to show it anymore... supposedly, my designation as "Supplier" does not make me eligible to see it!!??? Must've been a lucky glitch!! BOOM!!! I'm gettin a Macbook tomorrow so that's pretty ill that I scored that release!!
  12. copylefter

    copylefter Producer

    Mar 3, 2012
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    No dim_triad, it's not you not eligible to see it or whatever, it's just me being a moron *yes*
    I edited the post to add another mirror and it returned in the list pending for approval, it's the second time it happens, dunno why.
    I shouldn't have tried to edit a post again after I did the same mistake with the old (faulty) PT10 crack topic. (that's why I'm a moron)

    btw it's back on AZ now :thumbsup:

    Sorry if I'm OT as we're talking PT10 Windows here and I can't tell anything about windows, we worked on the Mac side only.
  13. dim_triad

    dim_triad Producer

    Mar 17, 2014
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    I had some issues with PT last night actually.. the one about not being able to save due to lack of memory (which I have 78 Gb. available), and some access violations or something, quite often... PITA

    Oh yeah... and my legit copy of 2C-Audio's B2 wouldn't work due to "missing iLok (which it doesn't have) or Pro Tools being unable to find proper authorization." So it then asks if I want to move to (unused) Plugins.. I don't get that... I tried to load the latest NI version of VCA-76 and VCA-160 (from Audioz) but they couldn't be "authorized" either, just as B2. I don't get it... the Waves V9R17, SSL Duende and various PSP plugs (all warez) totally work..??

    Has PT 10.3.9 been working well on Mac?... without constant errors? and do warez plugs work? what about any legit iLok stuff... anyone able to get that working on the Mac PT HD 10.3.9?

    i managed to get some other plugs workn today by Fxpansion Wrapper (off of Vittorent : ) )... I wrapped NI's : VCA 2a, 160 & 76, SPAN, my Massey CT5, and my 2C-Audio B2 (the latter 2 i own)....

    needless too say, unfortunately the fucking Access Violation Read errors, and some Runtime error put me over the edge, and renders a cracked PT on my core2duo hp(iece o' shit) worthless too even use... a complete factory reset for nuthin!! although o have a cleaned up and organized laptop now... which is worth it

    an update on all this "PC PT HD mess"... which is startin to give me PTSD : )...after loading ableton back on to my laptop (since factory reset), i decided to try the pt 10.3.7 hd install ( audioz)... after making sure to fix all registry errors that referenced pt / pace / ilok (w/ c-cleaner), deleting all related folders and files from hard drive (including from hidden programdata folder) along with digi.. folders as well (which up until now, i totally forgot about), and deleting everything via regedit, i actually got pt 10.3.7 to work; furthermore, after creating a larger session than with prior pt versions, i had no errors or anything... i'll see how long that lasts : )
  14. scooby doo

    scooby doo Newbie

    Jun 5, 2014
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    I've tried all the stuff on the windows and mac side and only had luck with10.3 justifying patch over the VR release in win7 64. It's pretty stable but not rock solid for me. The rest either crashed a lot or didn't even load. Both my OS's are new installs. I'm considering going trying a 9.0 osx release so I don't have to dual boot on my Mac and deal with all the silliness on the windows side.
  15. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    You're expecting the better performance of a 64 bit DAW from PT10? I could be wrong but I think PT10 is 32 bit.

    Anyway, I just gave up on the damn program eventually. I really wanted to like it since everyone else does, but just finding the stuff you need to set it up is such a headache. Couldn't even get it to load for the longest time because ASIO4ALL wasn't my default driver and it didn't like the steinberg duplex one. Except it doesn't give you a menu to change it, it just opens an error box with a cryptic number code (seriously how hard is it to add "Please change your audio driver"?) and shuts down. Turns out you have to know what the number code means, and then hold the N key while it starts up. Duh, stupid me. When you finally locate the proper settings menus, you find out that the program is as touchy and inflexible as it is unintuitive. Having dropouts and need to switch ASIO drivers? That's okay, just go into the setup menu, or options, or preferences, or wherever the hell they keep it and change it. Oh, but don't forget to save your work because you'll need to shut the program down and restart it. Hell, why not reformat your hard drive while you're at it? Sooner or later, you will find out that Pro Tools won't play nice with one of your favorite plugins. That won't stop you from trying to use it, but save often, because for a program that crashes so often, it's backups are laughably unreliable. Just don't save anything you're not sure you want to keep; it clears the undo data when you do. So don't save anything you might want to undo. But hit save a lot because you might lose it anyway. See what I mean?

    I'm really glad I didn't pay $600 (or whatever the standard version costs) + $50 for ilok + the cost of one of their super special only-buy-from-me-or-else interfaces just to find out how much I hate it. And for that I owe copylefter and the rest a great deal of gratitude. I've heard you can really fly through things if you learn the shortcuts. Maybe I'll give it another shot sometime. I really liked how straightforward the routing was. The loop record was well done and the playlists are a brilliant way of letting you move/duplicate things from place to place within your project. but for now I'm happy with Samplitude.
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